LAIGE FURNISHET> R PRIVATE ba th. Plenty of light and air. Near transp. .Moderate price to satisfactory party. (llencoe 623. 82LTN1-ltc LA RGE PLEASANT RINS.. KITCH1EN -iileges if des-ired. eamo n'able. Ph. *Wilmettée 3206.. SLN-t FULRNJSIIED >. FO R ENTË-WITH or without boa. 1> Ihone Glenco 90". _____ ____ 2LTNl - Hp I-LEASANT RM.. NEAR TRANSPIfl tation. 725 I.rairie Ave. . P>h. WI-.1 Mette 442. .$2LTNIl-lte, iCOMPORTAI31,Eý ROOM FOR IENT. VERY REASONABLE. PH. WIL-. METTEP.16331 8 -T1te 54FOR fiENT-LT. HSKPO. ROOMS 2 UNFURNISHE)) RMS. WITH BATH, 1 sleeping poreh, ojýen porch and garage. Near tran.sportation. Kenilworth 1866. _______84LTNlmltc 2 UNFURfNiIHE I It HlTHOUis- KEE VItOOM$, PRIVATE BATH. P'H. W1ILMJLTTE 758.. 84LTN 1-1 tp en, WTO. TO mENT-LT., HSKPO, RMSi.j MIANTFID '2 1ROOMS LIGHT ll0OJSt-1 keeping or :mail furnished aimrtnment teV couple with chiid. Ph. Gien.1coe :185. 80 MOARD AND Room ýWILL WOGM AND BOARIY _VKýRAL girls 6 to 12 years now anld sumnier inonth>. Ph. Winnetka 2939J .87 CAR£ 0FCONVALESCENTS ,% MKAL PIET -) 1B.EST HOME FOR invaijus and aged folks that need kind attention and goud food. I-r. 'c. arie G. Digre. Wilinette 5099., 87LI'-Itp Da FOR RENT--APARTMENTS VERY ATTRACTIVE ANI) CdHEER-, i f ui apts., close to transp. and schools,> at rvasonaule renltaIs. 4 rnis. with large living rn. and Ireý-: *place. 2 ,rnis. wîth large bedrm., and in-a-door bed. Tile bathts, showeris, eiec. refrigeratorS.i E. E. STUIITS REALTY CO. 4606 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 180 ______-92LTN-tfl 6 nLN.-2ND FL. MOD>ERN BUlLI)e- ing, Keniworth, 3 bedrmns., elect.. xc- f rîg. Reduced rental.' PitED'IC B. THOM'%AS & CO., Agts. 743 EluiWinnetka 28, *2 ROOM APARTMENT IN LIN-DEYN Crest. Large living room wîth -- Uocir hpi kitche~nette dinette, tilt! . 4 ROOM FLAT, $30 A.1 water heat, 2nd floor. Ave., Wilrnette. 4 BM. KITCIXUNrTE nu.Prgdaire. IHum ,nn! r au il, lawn., L. $40. 1'Cà :ncoe, ,r. well uuca.oed. veau- reened-ln porch.,Gar- 263 Woodlawn avenue. 96Ll-ltp NEAR LAKE .Charmng ehome .- 4 bedrens.,,3 baths, py roonm att. garage, den, sun nr., oil heat. :Availabie unfurn. or partly furn. Other attractive rentais for long o r short.period,country places, estates on the lake or with swimming Pool.. Fralnces j. inscott 902 S'pr uce St« Winnetka 1267 ______________97LTNl-11c MODERN COLONIAL Reduced fromi $175 to $110. Attrac. east side 8 rni., 2Z bath: home. Comi-plete list of houses. MRS. FULLER AND) WM. P('KAR),. 746 Elm. St., Win-. îetka 22..47L1'NI-ltc 6 RM. COLNI HO EGRAE 1 lot a ir heat. Near Hlubbar-d Woodm school. H190 Mtrrill stiîeet, liuipl t, 'I WomIs. ln4iiirt 'teihir ii 1110 M'f- tAUE5. e85. ANN MORELAND '663 Vernton Ave. G1enèoe 305 97LTNI-ltp Openi for Inspection FOR SALE OR RENT -BEAUTIFUL Cape Cod Colonial, 9 rns., 3 bath-4 oh lieat, wood burnig firepiace lin -master bediim. Large _wooded lot. Must oeil o r rnt this week. :993 Elm Ridge Drive, Glencoe. BAIRD & WARNER. 1071, Skokie Ridge. Drive, Glehcoe 1654.' 97LTNI-Itc 1324, MAPLE AVENUE COMF'ORTABLE 'HOME IN PLEAi4- 4.nt surrouffndig. B. rooni 2 -bathm, ou, heat, onily $85. L. D. McKendry, Wilmette 5000, ýGreenleaf 5000.. 97LTN1-.lte 3 RM.' BUNGALOW IN WILMETTE,, glazed porch, mayi be had furn. or unfurn., lovely garden. Cali)-Bucking- ham 0076 for particularti. 97LTN1-ltpý 5 ROOM BRICK. H W. HEAT; 2 CAIR Garage. .212 Central Park Avenue, Wilmette, Tel. Winnetka 2988. 97L1-ltp 98 FOR REYT-FURNIS9HCD HOUSES FOR ENT-A BEËAUTIFUL PURl isled home, 19 rooms overlooking Sko- kie ountm, Cilb. tlencoe 648. 98Ll-ltp. Trhey're .COlMING are you ready for those WORLD'S FAIR pilgrims when they arrive,? ItIs time to have that papering, painting, decorauing end repair- ing donc. Get your Iawn into shape. Maybe you need additional pices of furniture for both indoors and outdoors. Of coursei, Wo6rd's Fair gueste waiI anean added expense end' wvith-. .these -otherthings it wilI put a "crimp" in your bank-roiI. You orna tave money by USing WILMIITTE LIFE Ads to .find those addi- tional things. Also painters, decorators, gardeners, repairuipn, çsv- apt. lrr enI southof mndi faniily. Writ mette. Lffeur, summher m'onths, lan HIi Groundis. 3 lu te A-129, Box 40., Wil- S1O1LTN1-Itp BY PRIVATE PARTY. RESPON9IJ3LE jtenants, for year, starting June 1- 5.,bedrms. 2-car gar. H. Wde.achool diet., pref. Write A-128, Box 40. WiI- mette, I11. 1OLTN-lip GARAGE FOR RENT NEAR THE VILLAGE VERY REASONABLE WINNETKA 3379 102LTN52-4tip 104 FOR RENTr-SToREs ANiDo VICES ATTRACTIVE STORE. S1ACE AT Indian Hill. Ideal location for men's tailor shop. cleaners, -or,ai)tique shup. Cal Winniietka 180(). 104LTN-ltc iliI FOR 'SALE-NOUS" ONE 0F THE BEST HOME BARGAINS ON NORTH SHORE 5 bdr-ma., 3. ballis, h. w. ofi heat, 2-car- gar., porch, excellent wooded Corner'. I 'k blocks to iake. Ownel paid $38,000, price now 419,000 or makie offer. Owner must seil at once. BAIRD) & WARNER. 101Skokie Ridge Drive, 'Glencoe 1564 or Briargate 185e. 111LTNI-lttc WHITE COLONIAL Well planned home with charni, in ex- e elle-nt Winnetka neighborhood - 4 *bedrins., sleeping porcli; 3 Jiaths; lavatory, Scr. porch; oil heat, 100 ft. lo>t. Sale price $25,000. Also for rent., Franices J. Winscott 902 pruc St.Winnetka 1267 lIlLTNI-Itc EXCLUSIVE WINNETKA IÀOCATION English brk. home, 6 bedrms., 3 baths, lav., sun pari., clubrm., 011l ht., elec. refrig. '/2 acre landscaped. Reduced t,) $30,000. Complete list of housse. MRS. FULLER AND WM. PICKARD, 746 Elm St. 'Winnetka 122 ______ __________ 111LTrNl1tc SPECIAL BUY TN'KENILWORTH-CHA RMING brick colonial home. with vie* Of, lake. Beautiful 93 fit. lot; owner wll sacrifice at,. 'k of recent value for cs.BAIRD & WARNER, 550 Park Drive Kenilworth 4U5k BIIYUIAND 1 and camp, Ail $1