Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 52

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tO the Une. No black face type ue& ,,,de.tlI.Oon ail 4 to'.5BloyU AU~5IAU5 3RE.~i UN~ 1. USdllebI n l ahadvertlue- EfiintSrvice for North Shore Hoî*ealWE ARE NSIO NSOPEROND nients when broucht te. our ofile fit 1932 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 581 We Investigate Reeenceg tloor location, 421 F'ourth st., WiI- Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 16% Iloo.u.t on al dvertfs.rents ruai four SPECI.&L NURSER DEPT. mette, opposite "*L" station, Fouirth oneoutlIsues. Pauline's Emp. Agenci es and Linden. Dedlnefo Isetins ClamlBed advertiuemente, will be *c- 421 FourthSt.,Wllmette 26 Pauline's, Etnp.. Agcncy D aln oInetoscepted Up to Tuesday 9 P. IL for Wlmette 2171 Winnetka 2C2Wlimette 2171 Wlnnetka 2662. WILMETTEI LIFE or ,ail tbree, papers; Wedneuday 9 P. M~. for, 68LTN1-tfc 71LTN1-ltc WINNETKA- TALIC and Tburnday à P.. M. for, GLENOON, NEW9. 1T4 Telephonee: Wllniette 4300, Wlnntka 2000. Greenleaft 4300 or Sheidr&ke 5«l7. EXP.ý AND RELLABLE WRITE -WOM-_ WANTEUD-YOUNG1« WHITE GIRL- TO an wlshes'day work of any kind. assist housework, no laundry, in re- ________________________________________________________ Laundey or cleaulng, $3 a day. Also turn for room and board and smali cateririg, 40e an heur. Rets. furn. If salary. Write A-131, Box- 40, Wi.- a LB? ND OUD 8 GADENNGdeaired. Cali Wiiznette 2719.-eteIll. 71LTÏN1-îtc LOST--GENTLEMAN'S BILL POLDER FOR SALE -.GOOD RICH, BLAiCIK 6giTl4forfp WANTaD COM eTWoRITEN containinpr unenidQreed cheek,, note and dlrt, no Weeds -lumps or Skokie dirti CAPABLE WHITE GIRL WANTS P gl fodr. g neamll hoPsewok. 3No3 siîtIon for generolhousework and sorneiaudy ntml.P.WI 9 -anuto oe.Cali, Kenil- 3 yards $5; rotten manure, 4 yards N71LTN1-lte worth 1196 and receive reward. $7.5Ô. Ani.y kind of moving or truck- 4015o in enli 7retesat.LKniwo ILTN1-ltp lng. 6LN-< housework. No Iaundr-y. Nurse eni- LOST-AT, SHAWNEE CLUB SATUYR- WINNflTKA 21.08 .ileD. $8 week. Winnetka 3243. day, May 6, emal gold cross, and 27LTN604tp r. eFINEDnOUPLE ESIRELVIG71t1-ltpý chain. Cross engraved,"Elise Doepiel"_____________________ quares nechange for'wife's serv- ices. Ref.. Address A. C. McVicar, WHITEý MAID FOR GEN. RHOUSEÏ- Reward for return. Winnetka 2545. '24S PLANýT»AND, UULUes GnridlvrPr lgi work. No chiidren. $5 week.: 1401ý 3LTN-tp 68L-ltp Gregory Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1209. PERlENNIALS 8c UP. 30Ô VARIETIBÉ S . 71LTN1-ltp LOST- SMALL FOX T'ERRIER; Rock plants, Waterlilies, Dalis EFFICIENýT HOUSEKEEPEW X black and white; annwer.4 to 'INippy." Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses. .0 with children, practica.1 nur îng, sew N>ORWEGIAN OR SWEDISHÏ MA[D Kenlwurh 591. ewad L-I 4tp prices. Omnan Nursry1 jlwuke ing, care-for blîdren, adults by'hour frgn sk hlrnnu. et Ave. (Rt.h 219L31mierY nrthe luen- Ref. Wilmetté 1253, ask orT.Pope: ust'hav.e good ret. Not over 35. yr. Ave (R. 2) nilesnorh f Ge.n k orT-Poppe.old. Winnetka 1254. > 71L1-ltp IÈOST TUE.SDAY.- Brown anmd white coe-Dunàdee Rd. 2SLTN51-4tp 68LTONLCE MY CI-D11 IEMADFO ECN WR male pekingese dog. ChIldrens, pet. §H__PLCE MY______HTEM_1)'FRECND__K Rwr.Phionie Winnetka 666. ---- nus ngood home.; Bvceptionaliylan sis it hid5 ersod :u~~m -îtp 41 NURUING reliable, competent womanj, wiîte.Geno81.7L -lp ___________ WItTA1KE.CARE 0F MENTAL, wrk 4adlèst 884.otina. h nervous or paralytic patient in zny WASHING AND ]RONING TO DO AT ok dis anr pinl h 10 BUSINESS sERVICE home. Many yrs. experiene is cas home by experienced wornan. Calil Wilmette 288. 71LTNI-ltc REAL EsTATE TITLES AND ABl- refs. Reasonable. Write A-130, Box. IMrs. KubaWlet 92(ýILFR EEA OSWRý stracts exanmined. Legal Documents 40, Wilrnctte. 41LTNI-l) $ub5kWimete 92. IRLFO GNERka 3097USEWORK. exected.Ailmattrs ertanin to ---------EXPER. 'WHýTE GIRL WISHES DAY Real Estate.,16 years Titie Examiner work-washing, irontn cenn,$.5 3IEPWD-MALE AND FNALE with Chicago Titie & Trust Ce. P. V.INISAN EORTN per day. Phone Winnetka 3238 after FizimnAtty., 153-4- Washi.n$345 6:30. ask for Nelie. 'NS 68L-ltp COUPLES WANTED, Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1994. 16LTN51-4te to t ae Rn.$45 - __LiLCAPABLE WOMÀN WN pogr- WE ARE NOW IN OUR GROUND DAVNPOTS.CHAR8 EWEBE Roîn.Paiere $400tion for general housework; good floor location~, 421 Fourth St., WiI- rAesonable-furIRS REpalrEdnd Ronup- rd$40 co;good references. Ph. Wiimetto- mette, opposite "L" statorut reaolstee, housnte eir adpi- ANITA?3 ANI) CANVASING OR,4235. 68L24:tp and Linden.saoFut hltrdbos cen aerpi- reas. Rm. walîiaper cieaned, $1; E1EINE AY YTEDY aln ed; cabinet work; cane, rush, hickory tathrm. enamieled, $5; kitchen paintpd, 10yEarsE' NortADShore reErences. $2.SO. Aenc speciaiists. The Furniture Studio, $6; ceiling calcln:ined, $1.,50 and up; Enîp. Nrt.hoengencyes $. 26 C. 'E. Palner, Wilmette 1302.Pe aan afr.P.Wl50. jmté217Wnek 16TN2-5c ~rm. floors washed, scrubbed, var- pr a adcafae P.Wi.5099.Wilett 211 W Nnetk266 1LN2te nished or waxed, $8. Rets. Free esti- 68LTN5-0-4tOUPEcAR mates. Materials furnished. Call Wil- EXPER. ITE WOMAN WANTSWNTE-wfm UL,(A- Rats, Roaches, etc. mette. 1258. 42LTNIltp wricby the ~ai~fdci hom ~e a e s urntwg o enngner. Ph.Wren. Ph.1 o in88tN1-2744. rlght. parties. Rxceptionally desi r- P._J.______________________________ Paper Rmabl quarters. Treat help with con- in thbnrook Ph2 . W tLTN51 rf4 , Pae5 ns$32.50L RELIABLE 'WHITE WOMAN WISH- sideration and wish oniy people who LAWNrtMboWERS SHARPNEI)tf Rooîn Papered $2.00 UIp es day work et any, klnd. Roomn 25. cari appreciate and respond. Ref. Win- Bicycles repaired. Welding and, Ma- CEILING CAL., $1.50 UP; KIT. WALLS WSi et 31. 6SLTN5 AIID O E-tp- EtkAB1593 PERIE 3L1-WHTE chine work. G. SQDERBLOM, 906 painted, $5; paper cleaned, 75c; ai-tWIralPOuSITIOrN.AS.MJD fl. hGEn--cRELuAle,fr EPERIENCE». WHITE a Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods'. Win- tique walls washed and starched, $2.50. nea 1057o. N S rf.PhWN1- coupe, f. o genrl housewrk andr netka 294. ~1LTN1-3,tp Outside windows painted, 40e up. Mla- nta15.6LN-t adnn.N anr.Rtrne e neta 24.tenais furnished. '%-eil rèecolmended. 'XPER. REFIE NURSE GIRL OR tîuired. Caîl Glencoe32.1 73LTl1tp Oui Burner Service, Cail LEWIS,- WINNETKA 2511. second work. North -Shore rets. Ph. EX>PERT'SLIP-COVER MAKER AND A.L BRNRSAT LLHORS42Ll-ltp Wilmette 9. 68LTN1-ltp uphoisterer wanted by north shore dec-. ALL uRNES ATALL OUROCOLORED MAID, REF., 8-YRS. ONE' orator for , 'iece work. Write A-125, 'POSTER NISTLE Ph. Wilxnette 2956 PARTICULAR PAINTING .AND DEC. place. $10 per week. P.Kewo Box 4 FilmttIi 7L-t 16LTN52-4tp Floors reflnished with electrie machine. 4951. 68LTN1-îtc Wlcompleteiy overhaui any Very reasonable. Beat et nef erences.____ 77 FOR ALE-AUTOS $2 "...UU CLEANER Fred Broberg. Briargate 1061. 69 siuIQ AEDML US C 8TAT EÊ -EON - APPLIA___________SERVICE___________ LAWN TAKEN CARE 'OFBy THE tloned. Our used cars LOOK good Winnetka 486 16LN1 4t month. House cleaning, and wlindow and ARE gopd. Corne and see for PET$wa.shing. Cernent work'et any kind., yeurself. ________ ~ PANEI., PUS TI N_ N.4i. ref. Ph. Wilmette 2088. WERS$TED MOTOR COMPANY 20 CLOCK REPAIRNGN oughbred, ail bik. Private owner. 69LTN-t 2LiclnAe e fLN1ît CLOCK EXýPÈRT, CHIME, HALL, Wilmette 1875., 44LTN-ltp YOUNf i WRIE MAN WISHfES PART e ORTOM antique dlock repairing., Learned . tirne or steady work. Chauffeur, but- S O S O M trade In Europe. (Frmerly wtth l er, ail around liousema.n. Good ret. FOR REN 4T-I.&ROJ ROOM IN1 EAST Tffany and Field's.) WiII cali. Free 45 PIANO TINsNO Ph. Winnetka 1521, ask for Reen. sideho re, near a1l transporitation, andI estimate. Da.vid Johaxsso.' Phone EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. UP- 69TI-t wihin wakeIin.dsaceo __________2041.__ 2_LTN___Stp_ igRit or grand; flIso repair work'iYOU GMAN, N 69TINI-ltEp. W waltdekeig 4lstincoet lake31 guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway. N. . Y. ail-round housem.ancuhautfeur,. taite. Tnthstret,'WUete,, I ____________________H.__ C. Th~omas. Park 4Ridge.64tp N. l re f Phorde Wling etker8. ~f~SAîN . t4o fi99y N. S,ref. PhreWiUng tc28. 00LARGE, AIY ROI)M WIT 1NW s&o - C~ OR1~)CW WpE ~ 9L1-îtp 1 betIs, private bath and4 ertrance, 1 COJOORD HAUFEU, OU ME N. block frein trtunàp. on Tower Road. WILL MAIUI. A SMART D»WS. RE- Doub.p>~t i~uW bte' ~n4 Oikn.Nltt hr lhe, $5; single, $4. Whinetjk. 2949. ..j mode11g,jrepairing, an, ......- n., ef. AdarliTi1jinah, .renleas 3940i 82LN4ite 4~Ç rn't&. ~ Ch awoodpAvy,12% std clo o îne-t.633 Parke Ave.,Wii1nmka 266282LTIl4tp W2r7te27 tnta 62 Wrie A-f l Box 40.Wl hmette. 7OàTN1.1O A1V1N ACrIVERO1MDFR OR *,FIN anceT.Tel.tni. 2» 1or ltp36. ýEPARE COOREINCOURLE-.4*USE.. i'Vte me. thbrafat and sgawrag GALRDTENQRENR __L.__E. ____________________ mfl, l Jcicehsed caFfeur; if - Clepto.PoeMna Gea.2119. Iernia l Bet . Stet..nistatiLVEY o. PRIVoAle. HOE.7 421 piles. ASt.any ind eCiag;py1%;sadcos t me 111A? CUPE WRi N. s. NEI2662ROD. AS I. PR Wieer NltRiItue t a 262oiir $A1,O0B o$0.000ro. lsmprmtet ostin.Wie IL ETE392. 8LT1-lpE lau fled Flue bes, uses ai EVNSTN OND& TG. CO. good .coLRI ok;hsadePLea-aOUnd FORRiv e.-reakfstsDRManarg spaIn doue h.WlhDNE 70 1 GoeS.Geela 60mari,,gardenirigchauffeur, wet.-P1one ta. 893ne MoSt., Ginetk171P. wok Nwinteie tN5ave tp 64$1,000to 1,00re wie pmaen4814positin itp WLnneta 179. 82LTN1-ltp

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