standing portrayal in "Cavalcade," is the star of. "Men -Must Fight," erno- tional drama of a nation on tebrink of war,. wbicb Will, be Presented at the Teatro del. L.ago, Tuesday and Wed- Alesday, May 16'and 17. *Next ini importance in the, dramia, "'Men Must Fight, is Ltewis Stonel wlo bas the role of Secretay of State whose Position is endangered when bis -lanily become leaders .of the ant.- niilitary' faction wben the. United States is iforced iito a war in 1940. As the son' Phillips.Hme is e- ported to have_ bis .most dynamiic role since bie, blaÉedbis way to fame in ,An Amierican 'Tragedy.", Tbhe impos- ing cast oi -Men Must Fight" aIso features May, Robson, Ruth Sclwyn, Robert Young,, Hedda Hopper, Doni- ald Dillaway and Luis -Alberni. Bramful off Stars, Fun, The, drama, -42nd Street,," wbicb shows at tbe Teatro del Lago, Friday andi Saturday, May 12 andi 13, is snappy, colorful and packed with laugbs. It hias, also, a dramatic un- derlying thenieand reveals the nam- miotb spectacle of -a musical comnedy show in preparation. and wben. it is finisheti. One of the most imposing casts since "Grand Hotel"-that's wbat "42nc1 Street" offers. And because it is a story of the ba ckstage world of the tbeater, each member of the cast. was selected witb an eye to stage expcrience Variety ,of Prof essional A ct, te APPear in Three-Day Show; Parade Feature *The Purple -Carnival, a three-ring circus- sponsoreti by the 'ýAlumni As- socia tion of Northwestrn universi typ opens' Thursday, evening (tonigbt). at Dyche Stadium. Another perform- ance will be given Friday nigh t, fol- lowed by the concluding performn- ances Saturday afternoon and even- ing. The. carnival, which is b eing h eld for the purpose of raisinig money for the Student Loan fundconducted, by the- University Foundation, consists of eighteen professional circus acts of wide reputation in, the entertain- ment business, acco ding to Hector J. Ostin,* generaî manager. of 'the proj- ect. "ii cani especially recommend the carnival to the people' of the north shore," Ostin said, "as a really higl class entertaineit features as well aanePaMaaiworthwParae eift* as m anepcay othwhiraebeet" A parade through the streets of Evanston, ýfollcwtnig a route aloig' Davis street froîn the lake to Orring- ton andnorth on Orrington to Lini- coin, will introduce the eighty perà- forniers in the show. Another parade WilI follow approximately the same route Saturday morning, Qstin said.i Includeti in the list of attractions which wiII be on display at the car- nival are a large number of hesadin. present time giving financial assist- ance to sorne 150 deserving North- western students, nost of whomi would be unable> to continue ini scbool if it were flot for this aid." FIVE KENILWORTH CGUILDS The five -guilcis of the Churcn. of the- floly Comforterý wilI meet on Monday, May 15, at the followini, homes:, Bishop 'Chase guild at M rs George ý Hifimans, 576. Oak street, Winnetka; Bishop Whitehouse guilci at Mrs. R. O.0 Dunnhilis, 525 Asht Street, Winnetka; BiËhop Stewart. guild at- Mrs. Goodwin Wilsons("'01 Abbotsford road, Kcnilworth; Bishop McLaren guild, with Mrs. James' L. Wade, 703 Brier. street, Kenilworthe Bishop -'Annderson guild, with Mrs. Vernon L. Beebe,*745 Cunmings ave- nue,. Kenilworth, with Mrs. W. j.. Whyte assisting. Mrs. Frank Brown of the )Edgewa- ter Beach hotel, formerly of Wilmetie. entertaitidber 'Iuesday club at luncheon May 9. at Skokie Country club. J.A. Peterson, 222 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, left last Wed- nesday for Tucson, Ariz.. wbere lie will visit bis two sons on the îi V ranich outside the city.>, Fr1, Smf., May 12-13 LEFTRACY, Tun. Mon., May 16-17 ([CIsL B. othRod[ YounS ý "' SIGN9 ]ross" "Lion and the House'--Com. dy Carto.n-'Strange as if Seems", ThuIs.. Fr1., Sai., May 18-19-20 rçuy J2eieVV8I uy. fiUUibe, Ned jJarkS, Dick Powell, Ginger Rogers andi Allen Jenkins. Sad Story off Stogie For the- first timie in the four years tbat. Bob Woolsey andi Bet Wheeler h ave been co-:starreti on the, screen, Woolsey will appear in a scene with only the stub of the fatnous eight-inch stogie that bas become as much a part of this comic as bis rigbt Ieg. ,Woolsey breaks this. tradition in de"So the La Vallees, a. bigh- diving act whib bs been featured in fairs throughout the Mitdle West, andi the 'l'hrillers, a group of trapeze artists who addt a few dangerous no.veltie.s of their own to the. usual repertoire of members of tertrade. Vartious Aniimakl Act*, Animal acts include Sir Victor'"s Trained Dogs and Ponies, J{armon's Elephants, Goldilocks, the Hollywood Horse, and Madam~ Curtis' Trained 'w THFEATRiE I&' EVAKSTON....PHONE UNI. SO Thurs., Maiy 11, Last shiy today Kay Franci-.Gorge B- gt in "TE KYHOLE" friday msudStî Geui Sidnesy.. ci ky 1241, th nwesuofanc comint P~~ Northwestern University Foundation, the ewel ofits IieIt8.said that his organization hopes to Herbert Mumdin, popular.comIedian, ýprofit to the extent of $25,000 f rom as Baxter's partuer in crime, con- the show. "Every cent," he .added, tr ibutes greatly to the hilarity Of this wi e Put at the disposai of tNe fast-movingcmd rm.Student LoâAn unti, which 'isa h "STATE i