Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 49

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Prescns!'ing two ,zew seriés of P3i>loulli moto,' cars -itcludiny <a defluxe group of 112 inch twheelbase cha.ssis 1~11a new, standard -lne featuring a. four-door sedùn-Daiiitmaný-Sch-mitt company of. 1019 Davis street, Evans-. ton, tiss -wrek annlornced a newu' finanIce plan and preparcd tb éclipse the oiitstanidipig salcs record established in li1arch. I)uriing that1i ,nonth. -thte coniceru. sold mnore t ha nt 60 cars, breaking'in tihe. second mnont?: of association u'it I)oge ad PIvs"sOui n s .le foriav Sim~iiar period. in ifs long history. 'l'lie new finance plan, it is outlined, is expected to prove one Of the mOst, attractive ever o ff 1ired. With cars; Christian Science pniced considerablV under what may, be expected within a« few ni'onths, the, ChUrches programproposes sale of cars for a littIle as $129 down and $1 per day,*vnadale -n a h iticludiflg ail cbarges. s ubject of the - Iessoni-esr.ionii i al The unusual sales record, in the Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Stin- o>pinion of A. S. Dampman, president d3ýMy,7 o'f the firmi, has been established be- Ted olentet May" 7.alre cause of the quality of the cars The golde the rdt was od;lfrel ne handled and because of the' effective- t uut h odtyGd o lo nessof ervce'offeed~"In u'h ast fallen by thinie'itiqtiity" (Hosea opinion," M.' Damprnan said, "the,1:) car owner is entitled to just as care- I Among the citations wvhich com- fui attention after the sale as beforc prised the lesson-sernion wvas the fol- it. We attempt to carry out such 'ailowing from the Bible: '*There is prognam."therefore now no condemnation to Dayliekt Saving Is Rie. Cause fo'r Joy. L"orTeisure Timne Ts Your Own." Trhe \Vilinette Playgrotnd and Recreation board is again 'eémplasiz- tun-g to residents of XV'ilmette-thaàt the daylight saving time leaves a gr eat deal of p)lay timne for ever ' person in the village . :.To inake this ime as Ileasant as possible, Daniiel M.Da- vis,. director of recreatian, lias. an- ranged 'a plav prograni des 'gned to benefit, eveny age group in the vil- lage and available either witliott cost or at a nominal expenditure. Hi,4 list of sumnmer activities fol- lows:' Free swimmlng Instruction--Giv4en e- ery afternoon at the 'Wflmette beach. 2; ocIlock. Firat meeting June 26. No0 charge for admissioni Into the classes. I them which -are -in Chr ist -Jesus,. who; walk not. aften the flesli, but after the1 Spirit, For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ- Jesustis.ath made me free from 'the law of sin and death" '(Romans 8:1, 2). The lesson-sermion also- included the following passages froni the Chniistian Science téxtbook, "Science and Health with Key to the-Scrip- tunes," by Mary, Baker 'Eddy: "Thnough discernment of the spirit- ual opposite of ffater'iality, even the way through Christ, Tnuth, matr will reopen with the key of divine Science the gates of paradise which hunman beliefs have closed, and will find him- self unfallen, tipright,'pure, and free" (p. 171). For Immediate Deliveryj ERKKSN'S DELIVERyI Dien EricksonI Toloiff Observ es 2Oth, Year on North Shzore, Twenty. years ago on .M1ay. 12 Joseph D. -Toloif began bis career as pbotographer in Ev'ans'ton which has won hlm recognition not only thnoughout the nortb shore but also in salons and exhibitions.of photog- raphy in this countny ,and ELîurope. When hle came to Evaniston f romn Chicago where he had been connected with some of the larger studios, Mr. Toloif bought the Baîchen studio in t he old Craveli building on Onnington avenue (now the WVitkowen building). He conducted his own studio there until Il years ago when hie moved. to his present studio. About te:î yeàrs ago as a hobby lie hegan subnitting bis photographs to prominent ex~hibitions ini this country 'and E.urope. They have won medals' and' honorable mentions in large num- bers. Tivo years ago Mr'. Tolof was elect- ed. an Associate of the Royal Photog- raphers Society of Great Bnitain., Llarny E. W\eese, 141 Kenilwon'tl avenue, and his two brothers, J. R. and R. P. Weese and brother-in-law, H. J. Klein of Clevelandi, Ohio, re- tunned Sunday from a trout fishing -Bol .Main St. at Lindon Ave. members- of the -,Evanston junor league which held its regular. month-, ly meeting and luncheon at the Geor- gian hotel in Evanston on Monday. 0o Mns. Arthur Lindsley, 260 Oxford road, *-and Mrs. Frank Nason. 733 Cummings' avenue,,,Kenilworth.ar retur'ning the end of the week fromn a two weeks' motor tnp to Asheville and Trvon, N. C. VIE SPECIALIZE IN Complèe.Automobile Maintenne NOtICE: It la vet motn th Yotu'r rator and esolig eystea b. ChOmaclwhe~d every sprlag. SpZialtis 1$ ,Price based on water eapalty- luIIy guaranteed CulliuoMoo AUTO@T Batterie& Starters Lilehti Complote Iguitién Service Sook for Ouly $9 ILWL Wa Mac Phono Wilniette 3334' M main SIL

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