-C ~ ~ zinv program and announced of the Physica éducation statf under 'tenîieys eedn uo h e the supervision of Daniel M. Davis. tnaieydenig1.Jnter- director of recrealion. 111 quests for il, the class is nowv a cer- The new record establishied was in tainty and wilI be a definite part of the womiens summner prograni as the. Pull up test for girls, whicli wasloga hrisufcetnadfr elective-ot cornpuryýtà ,girls. i0ng a ctre sfiîntdmn o .ývh we.e inerese - in hetstaccoreding to a .staff anno1unce. eco rd holder for*this véar is, Doro- tly Davis of.,Hoï7ard. schoot. wbo Registration for the clags may. be excelled . ber las 1 tyear's record by miade any limie prior. to the lfirst class two tânes, and set, up the new mark "Ieeting whicb will be May 24 at the of chinnîing herself thirteen limes. Wilmette Village Green, although- The fact that only one new1 record Miss Joe Skidmore, recreation assist- ant in ýcharge of, the activity, is urg- was made is considered unusuial by ing ýail women who wish to join h Mr. Davis who found that practical ns bd oa nc nodrthin ail of the marks establisbed in theé ur e.g nluedi i i ecessain- .first. two- quarters of the school year to lumit'théýefenbership. csay ini 1931 and 1932, -felu wben the 1932 and 1933 tests were given. -- h class mecets Wdedy morn- TPhe old records, were equâlled sev- vat :0 ' 1okaIIe Wilmnette erallims i Ibs qarlr'stess b i lage Green. Registration nîiay. be era tme inths quatè's tetsbu made. with Miss SkidmoÔre at the only the onie pupil was able to shat'- Recreation office, 914 Central avenue. ter theni. Bob Hull: of Howard school, who set a ailtme 'Mark of sevenleen last-year for the boys' pull C. oudng i lrae;JckJnnn1 up rcor, wa abe b hit hi sel ix limes: Charles Gegory, six times. up ecod,- ws bletochi' imslf Class E: Wili 1Sm nney, ten oaity fifleen times Ibis year, a record times* Don ýBerb'iniger. ten times; jack which was also equalled by Harvey Norris., egt limes; Charles von Tes- Stefens Wilia Spnne ofSîop iar, eight limes; Paul Casterline, eight school holds the 1933 record for the Ciass F: Ray Armstrong, - lwelve push up, with tbirty-five limes 10 his tumes; Richard Rogers, seven 'tues; crédit. Carl Hotze. seven limes. Since he atheti OYS' PUSH UP (COMPULSORY) Sic h tlîccomipetition in - oward Sehool the Wilmette public scbools is car- Clas, A: James Versino, twenty- lied out in groups in accordance eighît tues; Rtobert Steffels, twenty- wilh beight, weight and age class im hee ie;FakBr.î,egte calions, thetbighesFrandividualarec-glimes catinsthehigestindvidal ec- Class B: Paul Kaspar, twenty-six ords in each class are given for each limes; Harvey Steffens, twenty tinies; event. The records are as follows: Cari Kyle, twenty-five limes. PULL UP FOR GIRLS lass C: H*arold Borre, twenty-five (NO COPUSOR) imes; Bob Hull, twenty-two limes;A (NOTCOMULSRY)Tom Carney, nineteen tix»es. Howard Sehool Class E: Charles Haàigh, twefity- Cla-ss B: Bessie Bouchikas, IWo three limes; Kimbali fBrown. tuwantv Class C: Dorothy Davis, thirteen Claýss D-: Helen Harrison, three, limes; Betty Todd, lhree limes., ' Class E: Pearl Anderson,, seven limes; Rutlh Mestian, seven titi-es' .Clans, F: Mary Woodb ury, six limes; Marcla Anderson. fIve limes. StoIj Sehool, 'Class C: Katherine Wenter. five D: Julia B E: .Helen,1 five .times. Il, lwo lunes f Im6~u. One limes; Bill Graham, ety me,. Ray Smail, twenty limes. *Ciass P: Murray Triplett, thirty-twoý tues; James Steen, twenty-two t imes; Bill Bartiett, eleven limes. StoJp Sohool CasA:; James -Lamb, tWenty-six limes; Bd Mahie, ltwenty-three limes; Jamesý Streeter, sixteen timùes.ý Ciass B:. James O'Niei, twenty-sýeven tumes; Harold Ray. lwenly-îhree limes: Clifford Goodman, lwenty-three limes. Class C: Gene. Drake, twenty-three limes; Bud Davis, sixteen limes; Rod- man Joyce. fitteen limies; Charles Ker-4 lier .Ét *i -- Carlosph-Ott) Mrs. Herbert J. Leach, 630 avenune, lte > newly eleriedI ç/airna&, iwil /rvide for the first imtj»oitiit at a mneeting of the l1f'iIniete P/a3,!rouned a<md Recreatioji board - the regida.r rnto)thl v sessçion to bc held at 7:30 o'clock 1»in theecreation office, 914 Central az'e>sue. Ars. Leacha succceds R. .1M. Johnston as presi- dent of the board. CHANGE 0F PLANS Announced 'fer Field Dey June 6; Liniîed ho. Aflornoon Progrmat Wilniette Village Green A change in the plans for the an-' nual field day prograin, which this year reaches its twentietb aniver- sary, bas been mnade by Daniel M. Davis, recreation direclor, Wh'o is also supervisor of physical education in the Wilmette public schools. The field day will be held as usual on the irst Tuesday ini june, which falls on june 6 Ibis year, but. instead ini Wilmetîe's third invitational track a7dfield me for graînmiar schoul j bolys aniiounced for May 20 ai the Wiimette Village- Green. 'Vitje tive acýeptantes caile. wîthin a %%eek afler. hée invitations were sent üuuî b suburl>àiai ad norîli shore grain- niar schiools., and ýthers are expected withinl the nexî few days. The -five SCho ols -WhiCh haVe aI 7 ready accepted>, a r e DePlai-ne.s. Piano, :No:rIhl>rook, C; lenlvie%%*. ind( Sharp Corners. Othie r schobols iliat participaîed l.asI y ear.were unable tu com)fPete ýillis year l)ecause of de- pleled budgets. flu Ibis, group, %.were Highland Park schools, forced t'> curtail their athletic progiaîîîth year. Othier schools were 1n1):el accePt because -th e school terni had been shortenied. ,Although the track -meeî has ee advertised as ome meet, in reali it will be three distinct meets, accord- ing to Mr. Davis, and the athiete-, will conipete in tbree separate wveighît groups, withi similar programis of events for eacb group. The i)eewee s arein the smailest group and include boys weighing less than 90 pound's. The lightweigbîs weigh f romn 90 lu 110 pouinds, and the heavvw,%eighît,,. weigh more than 110 pounds. Mr. Davis is supervising the train- ing of the Wilmette athlètes, assisted by the two physical directors in' the Hloward and Stolp schools, Duidle%' C. Stone of Howard and Glen \V. Gàth- ercoal of Stolp. Practices are co- ducted Monday and Wedtuesda%, afternoons after school hotrsand, oni Sat urday imornings. TheIlrcéice are open 10 the public as. will' be the invtat.ional mreet and the, dual uneets i iow being arranged. Playground Balil Teams Requested to Apply Now, AIl men's and women's playground baIl teams desiring hi rnomie+t el -Â UCJ> D Richard À ianes Soule, nine 'eague i on i'nursaay I jevenings. il league on Thursday'