ONI Of YQ#JR GREATIST AND CHEPET.CONVENIENCES It's ime to start dinner: You peel pocatoes, sheil peas, mix up biscuits, trim a steak. And then the hard part is done.. You light the gas and your range* begins to bake, to boil, co broil. The cooking icself is so easy, you scarceiy tbink of ic. To realize how easy ic is, recali the days when mosc home cooking had co be done on a Wood scove. Then gecing a meal was a problem. Wood had co be chopped and carried in. A fire had co be builc and fussed with. Concrol1 of heat was aimosc impossible. Today, huandreds of men are accually. helping you cook your dinners-hundreds of men and ai great system of - service. Co*npressoi stations, noisy with pumps and machines, are running day and night. Towering gas holders have, replaced the old kitchen wood-box. Miles of heavy pipe ine carry fuel inco you home, deliver it co your. fi.iecis Yec for ail this tle. It costs-Iess service you pay comparatively than three certs-less than a or- jour PUBLIC SERVICE STORE I. ý