Howard 7A gave a play, 'd"«:n Minutes by the Clock," on Mfay 4. We hope everyoue enjoyed it. It took place when the flrst bard boiled egg was made. It was quite comical and we got some laughs out of the audience. The characters were, as follotvs: Queen, jane Burbott; king, Jean, Reichmann; the-.butler, Pom Pom,' Billi Watts;,the gypsy,:Muriel Ken- ney; queen's page, jean 'Robertson, "book bearers," Patricia Hellmuth and Bert Simons;, the. cook, Bitter. Batter, Gordon Nevins; ladies-in- waiting, Rosalie Carlen ýand Pearl Anderson; housekeepers, Doris Pa- Billy Dod ds t ol1d us -a -sitory Îast weekwhen 5B was 'having a club ýmeetinýg. ,The story was about soni footbal layers who had ordered à dinner. Sonie other boys caine'and ate i t. The football players foundý on ho the boys were. Then the footbawll players. wenit to the- store; and bought bus.hel of tomnatoes. The bys wvhoahad eaten the dinner were hiding in some bushues. -the foot- bal playesfir é hetomatoes -at the boys. By mistake oneý of the tomat oes hit the professor who %vas crossing the. alley. But lucky 'for the boys -it was a dark night -and the professor neyer found who bit hini.-. Nadine Brown,ý Howardl 5B. '«y a %_4 &Vje "U8IU %.AuIlJ1U)ULV5s The end of the year is near. The :Spirited Concert eighth gradesar quite busy now. The glee clubs wî igfrtep The Wilmette' Grammar School A. in several days, and the eighth band gave a performance May 2 iu lgrade girls wiIl model tbeir dresses the Howard auditorium. The open- for: the P. T. A. a week later. Two îIng piece was a lively niarch called eet>featured lastweek, the deans "Basket BaIl Team."ý Nextweply fron Nw rie cme té talk to -us, da ely of unes* consisting Of and' we went to the Howard school ".Slow Trili March,". "\ientia," and heard the superintendent. of "Drumsticks,"' and "Gobsicks.", New Trier. Today (ThursdaY) ve After that Mr, Fair and bis wife are going, to New Trier to register.ofeda few tunes. Mr., Fair plaYed. .A little.latier in May the, glee' clubs the flute,- and MrÉ. Fàiîr. the piano. again wilI sing at the Howard school Then the band. presented an over- for our spring concert, and in a fittle ture, 'Assembly Ho0ur." Then came whil wesha grduat. Or gam-another overture, "Vacation Days." mar chol dys re amos ovr.-This. made the bit of the prograni. terSni. Uizaeth ldre e,-ýM-i une, and 'some ofliheplayers yelled LvÉ bUrjzDr ldeie ar-cia p hkeIdan.Te atpiece on the Siith and Betty Smoot; kig.'s L te INeat Profit INetted by program was- 'The Regiment Baud."' scribe, Virginia Hunnewell. Enjoy a Fre Peridd Hotj og.Cad al The baud boys hope the assembly Other pupfils Who weren't in the May. 2 we hacl a free period in'. ' fi ny aeha smuhfn itniga w a play ýtook care- of curtain jobs and- Miss Madsen's roo;ta s fw On May -3 Miss, Perring's room pla ing.-r tnoHwr C others. We ail appreciatedl Miss had finished -our letters. The letters gave a, hot dog and caudy sale. The _________ Flaskered's kind help.-Virginia Hun- requiired were as follows.: model let- candy and hot dogs>were ail sold and newell, Howard 7A. ter, friendly letter, letter of accept- we made quite a lot of money. Sub- Eiglith Graders Prescrit ance, Ilttei of invitation, letter of r-' tracting thé côst of the wieners, rolîs, StlShwfrPT.A Pupils of Three SehoolS gret, letter to a sick friend, 1 ttc*r npis icail n mustard, which Tuesday, May 2, the eig'hthi grade, WiIl Graduate Together gret, letter o formalinîvtatonet profit of $12.17. S3e people %t irlsgv tJ show for the P. This year the eighth grade pupils ter of formai acceptance, letter of owe money, and when they 1av.The A ound of thgwil e ote rcae of Howard, Highcrest and Stolp thanks, letter of congratulationscerpoiwiIb$I94--opin in from the center of the stage and schools* will graduate together. For letter sending a gift.-Harry Seifert: Russo, Stolp 2B. passed out the side. -As the girls the first time the Stolp and Howard Howard 7A. came in, Virginia Marsdi read the schools will graduate with auotherSe nt Grd Gil name of each girl and the kind of school. Each year before the gradua- BoyGrsM mrz nA i lStyle Show aeiltsdihrdes.Btic tionthe oys nd irlsmeetwiththeLeal presented Miss Woodley witha New Trier dean of boys and girls. Spring Concert SongS This year the Howard seventh bouquet of flowers froni the eighth On June 11, the boys and girls wiîl In music we are memorizing songs grade.girls were proud to have three grade girls to express their apprecia- go up to New Trier and see what this for the spring concert. There are girls froni the seventh grades parti c- tion for ber help. .-Gwendolyn Hiar- new schol looks like. O11 June 16, ten for the boys and eight for the pate in the annual style show giveu vey, Howard -8B. at .8 o'clock in the eveniug, the- boys girls. The ten songs are:~ "The by the eighth grades. May 2, for the and girls of the -'three schools wil Heavetis are Dedlaring," "God's P. T. A. meeting. These girls have Studen ts Are Intrete graduate together at New Trier T'reasures," "A Dreami Boat Passes made their dresses during sewingerLe, High school.-Lionel Toeppen, Stolp By," "Evening Belîs," "The Linden period. The girls froni the seventh in Eacts About Chicago Tree," ' "Goodnight Pretty Stars," grades were: Betty Todd and Doris In 5A geography we are studying "ýConirades of the Road," "Oh Suzan- Paterson froni 7A, and' Marian Goode about Chicago. It is interestimig, for N. . Speintndetma, " ."Strawberry Fair" îand "Boat from 7B.-Elizabeth Eldredge. :How- though we five, Sn uear it adtik andT Dueain Gie d adth 'Song."-RySial oward 7A. ard 7A. weý know al .about it, thé'RySrlHe are niany and Dean Gve Adviçe.thipgs we, don't Ikn o w. We have The eighth grade girls and, boys PUPILS REGSTER TODAY HOLD TRACK TRYOIJTS learned that Chicago is a great raiP heard thie superintende nt m:of New The.eigbth grades of Howar;d and At our hast track practice. Mr. road center and that it is a great Trier talk and then the girls heard Stolp are going to New Trier to Davis and Mr. Stone held many trv- stock trading center, too.-L.illialn the dean of womeu talk about what register. 'The date bas been set for outs in different events. Among the Jones, Howard 5A. subjects to take and also about sum, Thursday, May 11, in the afternoon. events' were shot put, broad Jump, mier.sc1îZibl. It was ali very strange On Weduesday,. May 3, the deans it'- wt' n L...irl- 1 1 li r old on Eas- 'e any eggs, Ivery much.-. 5B. Lver, t