Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 45

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MNrs. Charles Robb and Mrs. B. Franik Lewis represented the C:en- tral-Laurel Parent-Teacher associa- tion at the meeting of the Lake Shore division April 24, at the Evanistoil Townlship High school. There were many. interestinlg speakers, among them W . L. Poster whos e subject was "Woman 's Part ini the Ecofiomic :Recotistriuction," andl Orville T. Bright, fr.,, who spoke to the môthers -and teachers gathered at the Orrington hôtel luncheony on the -subject, "Diretted Education or Undirected Learning." The afternoon session was opened .with music, by the Haven school Boys glee club. This was followed by ail address ,by Dr.. R. S. von Klein- schmnidt, chancellor of theý Universitv, of California. Tickets for the operetta "«Hansel and Gretet," to be given at 10 a. in. amI 2? p. in. Saturd'ay, May 13, at New Trier High school, will be on1 sale at Stolp school during the e wck of Niay 8. The 34th. annual convention of the illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers 'vas held in Danville April 19, 20 and 21. Mrs. 1,oweIl D. Snorf and Mrs. George Quinlan were dele- gates froni the Central-Laurel Parent- Teacher association. Headquarters for thé convention were established at Hotel Woifard and the coniventioni was hield in the1 Armnory. The thenie of the convention .Vas 'Adequatc Education in Home and School." M"frs. Holland Flagler. state president, opened the meetingflo~- ed by invocation, musicgreetings and reports andrules for the meeting. The address by MNrs. Maria Leon-ý ard, dean of women at>the University of Illinois, was inspiring -and- enthus.- iasically re ceived.. Her subject was "Home, the Power House." She empiiasized the thought that youthi is an un-moored age. The fact that wP Qive - our children threc meais. a. ii %L*iIworthy of W iflfetka, fnrst vice-president, spoke on -Educatlon for New Conditions." Senator Noah M. Masons subject was "The Present <Orflsis ln lEducation.- The annual re- Port Wa.ý given and the new officeris installed.' Mrs. WaliaçeeClay Bos9worth tif 'Park Ridge 1is the new direutor of cyur district 21. takin g the place.of Mrs. Turner.. 1Frlday morning final reports were given and resolut ions were .made to cooperate, in, fullest extent with the teacherS and appeal to Goôvernor fIor- ner to aid the uflpaid teachers. Three (ctes have extended invit ations for next Year's meeting, - Springfield, Chicago . nd Jloliet. No' definite action, wiII be taken until summer. The variouis departnients, such as education. publie welfare, scbool beau- tiful, movie.sm, humane education. and now aà departinent, for leisure time, and another for radio supervision,' are making every effort to be of help te the parents. and school. This. work Is truly inspiring and what can one do ef greater interest.and value than to.help our children develop into ivorthWhile citizens? Se nmuch can and should. be clone by us as parents, and, ln werking with your parent-teacher group, you wil corne in contact with knowiedge and principfles that are helpful. It 15 a widespread movemnent and very vital toeer parent. Where so many earn- est parents are bandedý together for seif-finprovemient and inspiration1 noble rsit ust foilow. "The love, of childhood is a écommon tif- which should unite us in' holiest Purîse'7-MaceleneSnorf. SPONSORS STUNT NIGHT A stunt night for ail the lodges in this district was sponsored last niglit by. Wilmette Rebekah lodge, No. 6 10. vice-grant, .vas in "A Young NMan's Matt Christznlits, charge of the pro- Mn. and Mrs. Robert WT. Bruce an their daughter, Betty 'Marie, Il vvarý old, have moved fronl Evanston inti the former R. 'J. Spies home at 51-4 Eighth street. Mr. Blruce is with tli. Dollar Steamishil)> unes. NIm. and Mrs. Spics have inoved to Rogerý. Park. Tfwr à .D lys Save M.ney! TIEprie«have, Joined the, pwad trond. We ellvethey will advance again-i fact, an- craigprices of rubber and cotton <ame Bure to hring bii er tire prices. Get your tire reqireentsg NWwhe we ame sellini Furetone'EtaQul> Tires. at these low prices. »UY TODAY! SAVE THE MASTERPIECE or, TUER CONSTRUCTION ET OUR RUserai twad.-in afl@wance for your old tireshl exchauge. for Firestoue ig .. ....... peed Trs - The o l Standard of Tire Values. Fu very litt. money we wiU equip yorcar wlth Fhrestone Guam. DipdTires - thee sat Tires in te W orid. They have th. patented Exitra Vrshseof Casas Dl pping and Tu.. Eser Cssm- »lpped Cord Plies Umlpr thse ScientiJkloly daiignealNon- Sisid Tread - to give you MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. conseci are mnade hy manter thue builders. REMEMBER- Yesw wOhi.l, buteYo'ar tires musat stop 701W car. FIRESTOME OLDFIELD TYPE This tire is superiorA ini quaiity to frih ie suecial hrand tires con t. gone away from the Divine Power Critically examine the borne tQ cor- M.adMs ereC oeI rect conditions," was the message wMo.hane been eodrgeinC. vanstc she brought. wohv enrsdn nEaso N'Ive departmental dinners were held during the past year, have returned to WedneUdày nlght. They were welI at- Wilmette and are renting' a bomne at teàded aandniuch valuable Information., 33 iband vne h omrJh was glven by the officers of the orgaji- lzation and other outatandting speakers. V. Lizars'bouse. 721 Main St. Wimete Bah. & Selvice Prompt Service j phone WlIu.tte I

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