Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 43

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ýOy infan wla àocietal P-vaz uu-u or A"~ nopripysiciUf 16.000 w'ho will attend her sô he ray direct Fu-tlly 10,000 of the 1,m rothers the care during pregriancy and know who (lie each year in 1the United ai about ber when it cornes tinie for States frorn cbildbirth causes are sac- the delivery. Each rnother is helped rificed needlessly. This year Mother's to select, from the facilities available, Dav. ay 1, i theoccaion f a wbat is best suited to ber condition. naîon-idccarpain b edcatrs, The nurses see each mother at physicians and public bea1lh., regular. inevasdigpegac zations to bring that fact forcibly be- .Ilp iteerqutonrprbm foe h gnea pblc that niay dlsturb fier 'peace of mind Ta tleast two-thirds of -the ina- ir, ha%!ppnems or interfere with the. Tha athéalth of the other memnbers of the ternal deaths, in the United States wvould n<,t occur. if the miothers ýhad î -. Detect any discômforts, abnornial-' adequate rnaternity .ca 1re is proyed I ities or complications in tîrne to hav conclusively by the .records ofpblic hemcorr'ected before they can hurt health organizations- which have a j themte.o h ay copebersive progran, forcr of i43. Teach the mother and father about. motpl er , Nale (a) Týhe mother's hyglene, diet, rest, the* expectant mohr oal' exercise, 1elimination. ,bathing, arnong such organizations is the In-i ciothes, care of breasts, cure-of fant Welfare Society .of Chicago' teeth, and how these, Items rnay ï-hose -prenatal prograni is unique ini ~b fitted into the.-dailY' regirne of this cornmunity. Wilmette and Ken-' 1 The preparation for the baby in- ilworth have a special interest in thisj eludlng ciothes, lied, toilet, sup-. niatter of saving, the mothers b.ecause'I pies and care of theni. of the support whiich we give tothe (c) The care of the baby.-bàth, reïst Infant ..Velfare -society's pre-natal ee'ie food, habit formation- workat liceH. ood taton adi nd how the best daily regime workat lic H. oodsfaîou---àîîdýt ay e secured witliout disrupt- the Seward Park stationl, resp)ecttvely.," ing the famiy life. Station Ha& Fine Record Watelh ChUld for 4 Vears Adequate maternity care for the >Wht!ii the tine cornes for the birth womén of Arnerica wtill save 10,000 -of, ofthe baby the Infan 't Welfare societ.y hielps to arrange for' the hospitallza. the .16,000. wornen who annually die tion of -the mothrer or for service of. in, childbirtb, according to Sara B. a private 'physi.cien. -After the birth of Place. R.N, superintendent of ,the the ýbaby the mother cornes agýain tol Infnt elfre ocity."Ths ýtte socîetyý's prenatal conference for proved" Mis lfae states,. "by5, th is5:mai exainination andi her baby i ý'p.ovd,"Mis Plce tats, by heýbrou9ht to the infant conference for experience of the Infant Welfare so- continuing medical supervision for a pe- ciety ôver a period of sixteen years ro! o six, years. with woen n te pores ditrits hen the niother begis tu care for ,.viý wrne inthepoorst istict f er baby. the nurse is riglit there to of Chicago. In this group the ma- explain again ait the points-oach ffo ternal mortality rate ini 1932 was re- imnportant-that the. mother bias iearned duced to one deatb per thousand at the Infant Welfare station and front birhs r oly ligtlyles thn oe-the nurse in lber biorne visits. Then birhs r oly ligtlyles th oe-site hips the mother plan lier day's fiith what it was amnong womnen 11n [work s0 site oan have Urne for rs the entire city of Chicago. Alice.H. Iand other things and stili give the Wood station had a perfect record as baby the 'best o! care. -to niaernl motalty lst ear s ýThe, nurse - makes sure tirst, tiîat the to ate n mo taiy as y r mothet «bas been lier' doctor, for the there were n deaths among the 235. last.examinationi that is 80 necessary, expectant mothers whotr the Infant todetect adcrrc t nean a Wellare society. had under its care at effects of the pregnanéy; and' second, this sti< on. that the baby, is re;gistered .,vith the Infant Welfare society for regular healtlî -WVh t is adequate maternity sprvisionand instruction until lie goes care?" It is the observation, care to -school. andI instruction by doctors and nurses The death rate among inothers who of pegnnt othrs fonithetuehave such care, even amnong Chicago's of regati moher frm te trneneedilest familles wbere the economic the woxnan thinks sbe rnay be preg- level is most unfavorable. is two-thlrds nant uintil she is able to care for lier -lower than arnong miothers of ait clase,; new baby and resurne her regular who do not have thls care. If every activities.' miotlier in this country could.have the Educnate Mothers no longer have a maternai mortailly ave ' ue, is wavîng teUiddle cof rnis week for St. Joseph, Mich., to attend the. Blossoni Week festivities there. She experts to be away for several ciays. Mr. Hall, who recently re- turned frôni a business trip to New York, le now in Toledo on business. M RidBluge Bd. Wfet.89 HARDY PRINIAL FOWERS WEEKILY SPECIAL ?j plants $?-0& S or Mme ech .ofamy of , thefolowung. vaMle" Pyretbeum lkDiyPhioz, Pink, White Shasta flai Y" White Gernian.Irlm, Yello' Gaiflard la, S h a d e .4 o f yellow Owârt! Pumila Iris streaked wlth red. Oneet the Alyssui Saxtile,1 mhost dependable flowers for, now blooming cutting. 13looins continuously ail -Seduin,*for the Roi Summer. Very good. A .es a etlfol c.'reopàls. Yellow. Blooms ail Bloomlng. ,Very Summer.tllg. Hardy ýPlnkm, Anthemia, Amebual Canterbury fBell Veronica Foxglove Hem and Chiekense. Dianihus, I mp e r Igl. SUuer dons or amail1 bloomling. Low. graves. Kock Arabis Ail these and ma A41tfrltin, Côtrmnin, lonig seùrred ga1lig 'ln Shlhbs, Ë COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE ShmbL sUch. 5% Sfor $1. I. FRANKEN BROS, lu Phone DeerfieId 241-... te or Mauve >w, Pink or lue Basket cf goid, ck -Gardoen Mia, Tall. Fîll rgod for eut- Linunim. Dwarf For Rock Gar- beds. Aiso for LJ)y more bar- Evergreens, etc. 'c. ~BEAITIFY 001i HOM dation b Millions «x tom uM )r write. for a most le Lemons la the Usé. t to buy for rockeriea, Ig, etc. . . . Almo when it effect . . You cani ality, and can maveeix 9hand-earry. priéeu,. a . - . Yoà:it bu Weil Co. L andscap e Servicr General Gardening PRICES REASONABLE. WINNETKA 914' The Biîble and Wor.ko qiraistiup Science Literi the. Radiug Rooni. Titis PUBLIC 13 COEDIALLV IiTES uTO ATTaND Tis, CHURCH OUVICE AND VISIT TUSRI SANO 1005< u ý.. I otLar autuorized or purmrchuet i = = , illimillifin 1

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