college board exàminations. An- nouricement also w as mnade of the awarding of scholarships to New~ Trier 'students from two eastern schools. Harry Weese of Kenilworth will bc adniitted to the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology without taking the examinations becauùse 'of the 1fact that his scholarship rahiking at 'New Trier places him in the bighest one-1 fifth of bis class., This is the first year that. tbis regulation lias been in effect, and Harry Weese is; the first boy frorn New Trier to bc admitted to the Massachusets school on that basis. Win& Olin schàLolrhap Charlesr Knapp of, Wilmette bas l)een, awarded tbe Olin scholarship of '$500 a year for four years at Wesleyan university, ,Middletown, Coun. The Olin scholarships art awarded annually to those candidates f roni six districts of the United 'States who give tbe Most promise of exemplify- ing tbe trait.s of scholarship, charac- ter, manhood and interest ini the vari- ous activities of the. collegç course wbichi characterized Stephien Henry Olin, '66, in. whose honor thev were founded. C. Kniight Aldrich of Hubbard -Woods, a sophomnore at 'Wesleyan, won tbe Olini scholarship. from the Chicago district two years ago. - Honor.d by Vassar Twvo New Trier senior girls, Betty Sheidon of Glencoe and Catherine Hlepbuirn if Kenilworth, have been notified that tbey will be adnitted to Vas sar wit bout taking the college board- examinatiç>ns. Botb rank in the uipper one-sevirnth of their class in scbolarship, and it is this bigb scholarship ranking which makes tbemn eligible, for admission wibhout tàking the examinations. nillian oyes of Kenilworth will ýbe a(lnited bo Radcliffe on the, saine1 basis. In, addition, she basbeenl aadda scbolarsbip at this school.1 M rs. S. A. Williams and dauighter,1 Betty, 515 Abbotsford road, Keni[- wortb, recently returned froin a trip to New York and Washington. Thley1 were interested ini visiting eastern schools. - -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A, Robson, j Mrs. P. J. McGurk, Mrs. W. Krippes, and Mrs. E. Heffernan. Mrs. Frank L. Kaye sang two songs, "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life," and "WoKnows." Mrs. John J. Tracey wsthe accompanist. Marie i Grignon, 'f ourth :grade pupil, played ai violin -solo, with Mrs. , racey as accompanist. Mrs. Ray Zaheralso sang two solos, the. first one, "Missouri, My Home iSweet Home,". written. by Mr. Zaher, and the second, ."Have You Ever Been. I.orely.", Miss, Natal je Brown, nature teacher at the Central -school in Wilmette, was tbe speaker and gave a description of the birds whiichar frequenting. the norbb. shore at this season and of those* to arrive later. She gave several typical- bird calls and recommetnded severalý good books on the study of bird. plant and 'insecb life. .She ad- vised the sbudy of nature as a pleasant, pastime. Children who make a hobby of ihis subject always have sometbing to absorb their interest, she asserted. A varîeby of spring flowers decorated the tera table. The card party planned for ate the last P. T. A,.'meeting bas been' post- poned. bbc date announced later.- The annual spring luncheon for the St.. Francis scbool P. T. A. will, be held Mav 19 at 1 o'clock in the school hall. Mrs. Winifred Robinson Is Taken by Deatb May 6 Mrs. Winifred Beabrice Bilsland Robinson. wife of Hugh Mackellar Robinson, dlied of pneumnonia early last Saburday morning at Los Angel- es. Mrs. Robiniaç,on&ho was 27 years old, had been ili for several months. Sbheé was .a, graduate of. New, Trier Hiîgh scbool and attended, Pine M.%anor at Wellesley, Mass. Besides ber husband,. she is survived. by ber parent. Mn. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Bilsland of VVilmette. MisFlorence and Miss Dorcas Branson. 817 -Central avenue . will spend tbe week-end. visibing at the UiiersitvN of Wisconsin at Madison Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1). Roth. 1124 For- Mile> 111gbon the Ieal& to eaMto ont/e Codti w C-0ME up to Banff for a preview " of Paradise 1 The snow lies deep on the mountain tops. In' the valiey of the flow, golf baIls are ncooting over soft green fairways.tôôokloser and you wiil sce ... A girl in a white bit of bathing suit-tanned clear through. A "mountie" on a jet b"ac horse. A Swiss guidle leading his party home from the Peaks. Dancing sun- shine.- People-frniail over the world. People on the go.,Peejust sitt!ing. Style. And you could never do d for less. New low rates. Senma- tional values in all-expense tonnai Yen, conta are clown to , mie pnicesi Give Your Golf a Real Test at, OUR COUJNTRY CLUB TWO MILES WEST 0F ANnroCH Dundee Road to Milwaukee Avenue (Rt. 21> to Course Foflow on The rate is 71 E. Jackson Blvd. (Straus BIdg) Chicago. Telephone Wabash 1904 ÉanI adAianPci f-c It eI5