's 0 On Saturday, May 20, fromi 10 to 5, there will be a beautiful exhibit, open to Shawnee- members and guests, featuring> the .collection of Elizabeth Robertson quits, Miss Robertson be- ing p resent and giving ber deligbtful. talk on. quits in the.afternoon. The Elizabeth Robertson quits are deligbtfull' original in design' and co lor, having a refreshing' modern note flot yet observed in any.of the usüal contemporary interpretations oft; pioneer art of quilt making. Today, they are the only examples of ýthe art wNhich bave been placed on exhibit and approved by the great art museums in thiis, country and Great, Britain. Every one of bier quilts is. id>esign- ed and executed by Miss Robertson in lher studio home. in Ravinia,' and have been exhi'bited: by the Art in- stitute of Chicago, (awarded' the Rosenwald first prize in textiles); Carnegie institute, Pittsburgh; School of. Arts and Crafts, Edin-. burgh, Scotland;_School of Arts and Crafts, Leicester, Engtand; Interna-. tional Exhibition 'of. Applied ' Arts, Letchworth, England.; 'Fine 'Arts. gallery, Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif,; Pacific Arts association, Los Angeles, Calif.; Fine Arts museuni,- La Jolla, Calif.; Association of Uni- versity Women, Washington, D. C. S Ini its entirety, the exhibit will be «Cié;lailpancivai iuus cter types ôf work. There will be no professiônal pieces shown, ail of the work being by members of the club and their friends., The program w %ill begin promnptlyi at. 2 wth a talk by Miss Robertson. Then.will follow five original songs composed by. Mrs.. E.- D. Coolidge and sung by a group of women in appropriate costumes niade by themf- selves. Thie entire day, as it bas been- arranged by the art committee uni- tiq J.. of gr Co t j Mannquin inthe arlysiiiinil. Photo by Mathew, Fr.nisi Mannquis inIhecarl sumerfashioli show. and bridge sPonsored by HC Juniors of the Woman's Cathoic Club of Wilmnette Wednesday eVeninq, May 17, are Pictured here. 7'hey are, Irom i et to right (sçeated), MisMary' Draper, Miss J. Normanî, Miss Dorothy Brooks, Misç Mary' .Alice ShaugItssseY, Miss Florence Masots; (standing) Miss Jane New- ton, Miss Margot Maso», Airs. R. T. Mfarkham, Mrs. George I-. Beaudin,: Af iss Mary klicabeth Ronan, and M iss Marion Or-tseiifeii. The bene fit zviI bc held in the Wilinete Wonsan's club at 8 o'clock. 9kokie D. A. R. »olds' Annual Meeting May 15 The Sko-ikîe Valley chapter of the )aughters of the American Revolu. ion announices thie annual meeting ,fay 15, at 2 :30 o'clockç, at the resi- ence of Mrs. Otto M. Ruth, 616 Teodstock avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. .K. Farley is the assistant hostess. frs. Vinton Sisson will be the ýeaker, her1 subject heing, 'Echoes fthe WVashington National Con- The regent and the chapter com- ittees and the revisbon of by-Iaws )mmittee w Il report and the elec- D'n of officers will take place. Local Women Nominated to Head Rotary Group Mrs. Carl F. Wolcott of Wilmette and Mrs. Frank D. Fulton of Win- netka have' been nominated president and vice president, respectivel1y, of. the Women ,of the Rotary Club ofi Chicago. The aniual lunrcheon meeting and election of officers of theclub w'ill be held in the bungalow on, the roof of t'he Hotel Sherman Wednesday, MAay 17,> at 12 o'clock. Following 1the clection of oficers and annual reports by ail committee chairmen there will be a prograni of story poetns with musical Wilmette Womnan'g Club Auxil- Iary to Give Banquet and Ptrogram May 18 By J. N. N'car hy %,car fathers are basking in growinig recognition. The entire. nation celebrates Father's dav lili june. The leading uhiversities'ded- icate. a major football game to Dad's, day in the fall. And the. Arerican daughter bas called it Dad's dav the first of the rnonth for years. hInap- preciation of these facts, and in due consideration of- theni, the menîhers *of the, Junior, auxiliary of the W~om-' an',s club of Wilmette voted. un- *animously to invite their fathersý, as well as their mothers, to* the annual banquet given heretofore in honor of the mothers only. The banquet this y'ear is to he May 18, at 6 :45 o'clock. at the club house. For this yen' special occasio1Mi Ruth Truska, prograrn hairinan of, the auxiliary, has arranged an' irn- uisual entertainiment. X'illiam, Tunis, dramatic 'readler., will portray three Shakespeareani charatters, Antony' Hainlet. and Richard, lIII. Mr. Tunis, is *01l- known in the Chicago area, for, hisý unique and capable interpretation of Shakespeare. He will be assistc<l Iw Miss Mary Loti Elîfs.- Robert Sheldon. pupil. of Mfa(latie * oetcher of Northwes tern, will plav ' and H-amiet Childs Atwood of Win- fietka will sinig a group of solos. Miss Ruth Truska, pupil of 'Mme. Eda Goedecke, will play: the first niovement of the Concerto in D MNinor lw Rubinstlein. Tommy Shan- * ahan and Billy, Tru 'ska, two clever Yolingsters, Who tap dance, Will c oin - Ilete the progran. Gardený Club to njoy Tulips in Ewer' Garden, The, Wilmette Garden1 club wilfi meet at 2 o'clock' on May 19, at the home of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ash- land avenue. The date has been move(l forward sotha th .1... luncneoxy afld LJisteSgest or couraging weather, a large gîroup of. mrembers and frienda was present. tors wilI be e ec4 to serve a terni The Neighborhood circle of the, of three years to succeed Charles Congregational churcb is having its E. Driver, John H. Lawsomi, Vernon next, meeting Tuesday, May 16, at 'R. Loucks, R. Ward Starrett, and, thé home of Mrs. John A. Maclean, Henry G. Zander, Jr., whose teris 924 Greenwood avenue. Mrs. J. Mel- expire. Herbert W. Bartling is près- ville Brown and Mrs. Hoyt King are ident, Herbert- B.«'Taylor, secretary, the assisting.hostesses. ' of the Kenilworth, club.