cast uy the uîuversuty station, W" '-,Tours 'w at 10 o'clock. there ai Wilniette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and itinerarie Glencoe are among the towns of the Fair groi state that will bc represented in the These1 list of those honored. ýof Fre< #4Class honors,," a distinction, awarded Blanchar, to students -who rank in the uppe ten eight yea percent of their class within the re-. of recrea spective schools or colleges, wiII go -to two. 5is tbree students f rom Wilmette, one ern univ( f rom. Kenilworth, one f rom. Winnetlka bail centt and one from Glencoe. 'ed, as thi The students f rom New Trier town- borough, ship to be thus hotiored are: Dorland Elmer Jc Davis, 72-1 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette basotba senior class; Alice .Flesch, 516 football0 >Lake. avenue, Wiimette, junior class s everalic honors; Edward N. Howard, 1055metn Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, f reshman Special csshonors; Helen Rathbone, .52.3 organlizec Abbotsford, road, Kenilworth, îfresh- s 1hore. man class honors; joseph Adler, 485 AIl gui Orchard lane, Winnetka, f reshman class honors,. and Virginia Sandberg, 375 recognitic. Palos road, Glencoe, junior class ail of theý honors. their nani By winning this distinction and in. program. nd continue, along selecteci es of the larger part of the >uýnds. tours are under the direction d O'Keefe- and Raymiond rd, botli active for thé past ars with the Evanstoni bureau ation. Associated witb these Paul MacDonald, Northwrest- ersity, golf, captain an .d foot- er. These three have select- heir :assistants Wtalter: Ross- senior class president:. ihnson, basebail captain and ill center; Jake, Sullivan. and basebali star, as ýwell as other men and wom.en!prom- campus activities. LI att 'ention'.wi Il be given to A1 groups from the north ides w.ill undergo a week's où of their higà scholarships ýse students are entitled to have les printeil on the convocatioin Saturday evefl:ng, May 13, bas been designated as grand opening . night at the newly established Lotus Garden, a. beautifully accoutred dine and place located at Willow road and Skokie boulevard..j ust west -of Win- netka.> Music on opening night -wil. be provided by the Wandering -Gypsises. Lotus Garden bas been estab lished by tbe well known Andy Hostnick who bas been a- familiar figure i the north shore area for more than a ,score of, yer.Mr. Hostnick was for manyý years in the automobile sales. business and enjoys a wide acquaintance in al the villages, of the nortb shore. A spécial dinner bas been arranged in observance. of the grand. opening. BAHA'! LECTURE "Baha'u'llah -, The Prince of Peace" will be the subject of- the talk to be given at Foundation hall, ËBaha'i [_ouse of Worship, tindeai avenue H oneycomb Crepe, 2.95 ~arAStwenJnc I ORRItdGUON AVENU - ~ Depend abe. FUJR Stéorog-e In 'Our Bonded and State Licensed Vaulua Have you :had an introduction, to FR9ENCI I CK? Cornecdown and meet America's favorite Spa! Try out the new greens and tees and the Ierigth- ened holes on the Valley Course-then try the ,Hili ,ýCourse. Hike and ride and play tennis-, then finish up with a plunge in the pool. Take, the minerai waters and, baths-'many> guests say a ten-day co urse ýher.e does'themn. more goo d thna month at a forei*gn Spa. Attractive spring rates- are now . 1 1 1 S a.à, . eý in force-and. French Lick, Indiana-"14ome of Pluto Water" T. D. Taggart, Pres. H. J. Fawcett, Mgr. "Bc Patrotic-Spend Your Vacaton in Amnerca" ~ i-.- *Mme - qL t 1,C