. Music patrons ofthme city wii fn( on the campus of the University el Chicago during the last week of th( niontb one of the major musica events of the year when University students and eminent guest artisti unite to present -a three-day. Brahmç Festival in observance ýot the hun- dredth anniversary of this great com poser's birth. This, is the, only Brahms -Festival to be given. in the citv. ,Claire'Dux,, soprano, who bas re- cently returned f rom a succ essful tour, of Europe, and Egon, Petri, pi- anist of world fame, will be the out- standing figures of this Brahms festival, which 'will also feature the hundred-piece University of Chicago Sympbony. orchestra,' the University choir, .the Student chorus, and the great1 organ of the Univers ity chapel. The opening concert of tbe Festival is on the evening of- Thursday,. May 25, in Mandel1 hall on. the University campus. The. program includes 'l2afellied", (Chorus of 'Homfage), sung by the University, chorus; 'Liebeslieder-Walzer" (Love Song WValtzes), offered by the, Midway Singers and4 the University Madrigal group; "Rlîpsody", after Goethe's *'.Harzreise In Winter," sung by th e University choir and chorus, accom- panied by the. orchestra, andý "Schiclcsalsleid" (Song of Fate), of- fered by the chorus and the orchestra., Egon Petri will play with the Uni- versity Symphony. orchestra on Fri- day nigit, May 26, in Mandel hall when the second concert of the Festi- val is preseilted. This pianîst will plav the "Piano Concerto in Bi Flat Major" as the ma~in feature of the evening's program. The orchestra will off er "ýVariations on a Thenie by Haydn" and the "Fiist Symphony". In the great University chapel at Woodlawn avenue and Fifty-ninth street, the Festival wjil be brought to a close Saturday, evening, May, 2l, with a performance of Brahnms' "Ger- man Requiem" by the University choir, chorus, and orchestra,. with *Claire Dux as soprano soloist. Fred- erick Marriott wilI play the, chape! organ. M >aria Mat yas, me:ezo-so/'rano, zî,l/ have the rote of Ha)îsci in t/e operetta, "Hakisel and Gretel" w/tic/r is coin fjto the New' Trier H!igh sehool auditoriu~m this Saturday imorniniy and aftiJreool* under the, auspicesr of the Keilworth and the iiinetka Leagues of WVoieu Voters. Theý operetta ha.ç five characters and ivl/i be accompanicd by the piano. The cast incIude., Bunice Steen, Gretel; Constance E~berhardt, the W'itch ; Olive Meminger, who wil/ havc thse rotes of t/he Mother, the Saindmýan, and the Dew > air y; C'harles 'Dobsonj, t/e Pallier; besides Miss Mat vas. WilIard Rhodes is director and piaiiist. The stage settings and costumes have been deigned especially for this comnpany by Paul Bachelor. T/te mor*ting. per- formance begins at 10 o'clock (nid thse èfternoon aone at 2. Former N. S. Girl Mme. SturkowRyder Given Scholarship to Discuss Mendeissohr, Elaine Angelbeck of Grand Rapids, This week's piano recital-by MadaMq formerly of Wilmette, won a scholar- ship at the North Central Musit Supervisors' conference rece.ntly held at the new- Civic auditorium in Grand Rapids. She played the harp in the North Central High school orchestra, which is made u1p of pickedt high- *1 e ýSturktow-Ryder will be held on:Friday, Iay. 12, ati 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ernau Akely, 615 Lake ave- nue, Wilmette, instead Of. May Il, the regular day. The prograni will: be on Mvendelssohn and in illustration of that composer's life -andt wurks. the ninis John Charles Thomas will sing six opera arias in his concert on Sunday afternoon, May 21, at the Auditoriumi theater, when he sings for the benefit of the Italian babies in Chicago, under the auspices of the Royal. Italian Coli- sulateý General,.. and the Italian Woi- an' s club.> "Invocation, to Orfeo "Eri Tii" from "«The Masked Bail"; "Vision Fugitive" f rom "Herodiade"; and ari .as f r o rn 1Leonca*allo's ."Zaza" and 641 Pagliacci," and from Strau ss' 'Salome," ill' be inc luded. There WHiI be also groups of many Italianl songs, to be sung by Thomas in Chi- cago for the first time. A number of niorth shore woînen are taking boxes for the recital, arnongY them Mrs. Fred W. Fairman,Mr. R. A. Wolcott, and Mrs. Frank A.- Baker, Jr., of Wininetka, and Mrs. V .P. Kirk of ýGlencoe. Thle popular Aniericani baritone dur- ing the last few, years bas. heen divici- ig bis tinte between concert and grand 0opera. Hfe bas been the leading ba-- toile of the Royal Opera at Brussels. His recitals ini the United States have gained him ýa. place among the great artists of the opera. Pupils of Local Teacher .Play in Contest Finals, The Society of American Musicians. recently gave the musical children of Chicago and vicinity an opportunity fo display their talent and ability in. a contest for pianists and violinists which was arranged in two sections- the Junior, for those under 1, and the Senior, for those over 13 but un- der 1,6. There were forty-four Coli- te stants, and the finals resùlted in the .election of -the following, winnters:, junior section-Leonid. Hambro, pi- ano,. a student of, Howard. Wells Of, Wiliiette;, Lewis Dvonch,' violin stu - dent, of Max. Fischel, and Charlotte Heitman, a student of Edwin. Gem- mer; thte. Senior- section--Vasili Charkovsky, piano.,student of How- ard Wells; Israel Baker, violin stu- dent of Adoif Pick, and Betty Hines. student of Glenn Dillard Gunni, nnes Brahms belonged to no mnusic, the double concer;to, and ail Piano pupils of identified himself with no the piano pieces'! In the few décades lùnd, whose studio1 cared nothing for cuits. He that have passed. since the death of street, will give a îuietly-no composer ever had Brahmns, ail the "romantic inflation" May 13, at 2:30 o'c e. uneventful life-and devoted of the ninetenth century bas worn of Mrs. George F. energy to creating music which away, but the gold of Brabms only est avenue. Miss of bis contemporaries. found shines more brightly with the passing charge of the Wil austere, and incomprehensible. 1ôf time. the Columbia Schoc at 627 Eleventh recital Saturday, GIVING RADIO PROGRÀM ck, at the home The Boys' Glee club and the Boys' Vrigbt, 1432 For- Octet of New, Trier Higb school will Cbinlund is- in give. a program over, the radio Sunday nette branch of afternoon at 1:30. Tbey wvill sitng over of Music. NBC from station WMAQ. ail his' many harsh,