wnere an ad ehatged at v "s ~' 14 obitu- wiU be IGrade Sepasationi Will Sv Life Le's Hatten the Dagi He would be an unusual soliwbo needed to be reminded of bis.niother. lEven if she bad. Ieft this woôrld niany.years1 ago her nory Nwoutld for the re- Mothèes niainder of bis life continue Day fresh and vivid.- Up to the. Day last day of bis own life every detail of ber unselfisb interestin bis pleas- lires and sorrows would stand out. sharp and clear above the' ordinayhpeig of life. ayhpeig But nevertbeless Motber's Day is to biîxî an important day, for on that day be delib- erately devotes more of the day than usual to recail what she did for bum. H-e re- members bow wben he ivas a littie boy he, ran to ber with bis eýcbildisb sorrows and she cornforted bum. Whien bis judgmnent was unsound on some particular point, she set bim rigbt witbout shaining biiim. There is some danger that we may too easily take for grauted certain blessings that corne to us daily. If niother is stili alive we forget wbat she mneans to us. Doubtless this is due to the fact that she. bas for ail our life been.,niore continuously witb. us than any other personi She seetnis ike the very air we breathe, so necessary. bas she become. But this néarness to tis sbould make us 'ail tbe, more niindf-ul: of ber value to us. On Motbier's Day, espe- cially, we sbould see ber as she really is. Some material token of our apprecia- tion of whzit thiis dear mie means to us- wnat 1be wil encounter upon entrance into Necw Trier, and that ail this is accomi- pli sbed montbs, before t *he opening of school witbout the confusion and attend- ant bewilderment that must necessarily accomp.any the general rush o openling day. Personal contact witb deans and adviser, chaimentests as part of. tbe require- ments for entrance to bigh scbool, in f act. al theprelimninariy details are dispensed witb at- this'season, witb tbe resuit tbat tbe prospective student "knoltlw iàht it's ail about" wbenthe cali to. classes is sounded in Septemlber. The bigb scbool and granimar school authorities are to, be conratulated upon this splendid, cooperative. plan, which. smobs h abfrthe prospective: freshmanl. So general bas becoine the spread of the poison ivy weed in Glencoe that citizens, particularly parents. of, snall children, Kilhave voiced a, plea tbat KilOff immffediate action be poison Ivyf. taken to eradicate the obnoxious plant. The plea bas been beard and tbe Glencoe Ro- tary club, in conjunction witb park offi- ciaIs, bas set out upon a systemati'c cami- paigni to rid the village of the poisonous weed. A careful survey encompassing the entire townsbip sbould be instituted at once and steps, taken promnptly to get rid of poison ivy. Tbe cost of leradication, by- spraying Ioul on, tbe weeds, is extreniely smiall., Officiais and bousebolders shouk? join in stamiping out tbis nuisance. that every new pleasures of ihe. Un.M o~nua.y, vvednesda.y a nd rirîay My riches are increased By discussions with f riends At the Conservatory. My ride home on the Ele'vated Affords me a surprisingly slight payment. of hap- piness, 'But this, slight 'amount is some .wbat enlarged B), a perusal of the news. Dinner in, comfortable lodgingýs with friends and wife Brings -no' inconsiderable addition To' mv sizable, income. Then evenings of study and conversation Compete my daily income, Unless extra fees. comei, Like a radio recital by Van Horne, ,Or a walk in the -late evening, With my life's companion, A glimpse of t .he moon, new.,or f ull-, Spring leaves, flowers,,birds,, especially a cat-ýbird, Pleasant sales-people, well-behaved chiîdreén, A.motor tour, a student full of zeal, Nice-looking ladies, happy faces- Ail these,ý and more, make up my non-taxable in- corne. -Philip Mann Itapeasquite certain now that President Roose-, vel "t wvilJnclude the famous Skokie Valley re gion among the areas in this great land of ours that will he reforest. A friend the other day bemoaned the possibility that tbis project 'nigbt serve merely to rob the Valley of its natural charmn by destroying the rare luxuriance of its natural plant life, but il scerns that notbing of the sort is contemplated. The Valley will1 be retained as is, except that it will be bordered prof usely with trees and drained by use of natural.reservoirs entitled lago-otn. At that thé lagoons. should corne in handy when the autumn Skokie ire season rolis aroulnd.. And should you have'.been traveling along. Hib- bard road or Skokie. boul evard. in- recent days,'you too would beconie a reforestation enthusiast. MUSINGS 0F THE NICHT EDITOR The tennis players will bave à bard tinie of it in the Metropolitan area, what witb this drive on rack- eteers-2n' everything. That isn't what we would callI World's Fair play. traught iw;ti1 msgîvings,, for tnese boy-s and girls are gradually nioving out of the spbere of strict and constant supervision and by'gradual degrees being placed upon their own initiative wbere the quality of, self-reliance is be ing developed to properly ago we listeneci to a piano playîng of a Pastorale witb Va riations by Mozart. Not really played by Mozart, but we doubt wbether be could bave improved on wbat webeard. andcil 1men Washington. coal % ilu Slnelley, wnere art tholu Now we know what those, f ellows menby the raiMy seagon. Ii the tr9pics -MIQUE.