5 JEWELRY.I LEATHER GOODS Riecipe books.... loose leaf style;, green, red or blue. Diarles. or yellow. for the kîtchen; green, FPirst Floor Jewelry ...real rock crystal jewelry for Mother's Day: 30-incli *neekiace, $2.95, new baguette cu t,. 18 incbes, $2.50; 36 inches, $5; earrings to match, pair, $1 to $1 .50 Shopping ..g....genuine lea tlber; silk ined with a large pocýket; zip- per fastening; pigskin or soft grain bet ers. BLOUSES> SiIlks, coltons . a delightful assortment. of snart -new cotton or silk blouses for Mioteér'sý Day. 1to * Fourtb*.Floor GARDEN. FLOWERS FOR, MOTHER'S ,DAY Garden Eowers. a gand array of artificial gardei flowers that Mtotiier wil I like. doz. l. Fourth FI..., PRACTICAL, HELPFUL. GIFTS CoMfee unakers. .. oinuplete Coffee Vac, w-iiib upper aiid lower bowls, eleetrie bieating untit axnd cliromiuni platedtray; complele with'cord, $4.95 Cream whippers ... electric whipper. with bowl; useful and efficient. Vases... new Italjan pottery vases with Venetian decoration; various sizes and shapes; special. $1.25 STORE MARS A.LL. FI z/ Y ? [J