Air racing is constantly causing airpiane manufacturers ,to ,incor- porate mnany improvements in their planes te keep pace with. the desires of the public, Maj. R. W. Schroeder, director of events at the American Air races, which will be held at the Chicago Municipal airport JuIy 1 to 4, said in an interview recently. Major Schroeder, who ýuntil recent- Iy.was manager of Sky Harbor 'air- port, lias as* colôrful a'bac kgrounid as any flyer in the world *and he is credited with so mnany achievernents It is difficuit to' enumerate them. Hlis nost spectacular feat was the setting iDf à 38,180-foot altitude record in- 1920. He began has career in ada- tween the two chies is slightly more than five hours. Tin addition to the material reduc- tlin in fllying time effected by the new, schedules, Lester D. Seymour, president of American Airways, sttsthat the service marks the opening of 'a new, scenic "Valley Route" between the, two Iargest citie .s of the United, States.: Connectin g Detroit. and Buffalo, tlirougbi the prov ince of Ontario, the new line serves :industrial areas witb a coin- bined' population, of >mnore. than 26,000,000., Prom. Chicago, enroute eastwàrd, the new line goes direct to Detroit, across Ontario to' Buffalo, thenice, following the Susquehanna river val- ey-down through the Delaware. nv- er gap to Newark, covering a terri- tory that is rich ini scenic beautv and histôrîcàl interest and devoid of high mountaiti rangesý New Curtîss Condor biplanes, carrying fifteén passengers, two pi- lots, a stewardess and 650 pounds of mail, baggage and express, at a top speed of 175 mi les an bour, are being used in the new service, Mr. Seymour said. These planes are powered withi two 700-liorsepower Wright Cyclone engines and can maintain fliglit at an altitude of 3,000 feet with only one motor in operation. Meals are served enroute and there is. two-way radio téléphone service. Clabaugh Gives Talk on Air Trips Aeross Mexico *Clarence Clabaugh, manager of the North Shore airways with heaçlquar- ters at Curtiss airport, gave a talk recëently before a. Hi-Y grqup at the. Evanston- Y. -M. C. A. Thlegroup was composed of boysunder .16.years of age.., Mr. Clabaugh talked on "Flying in Mexico." He spent a year flying out of Mexico. City for the Firestone Tire and Rubber conpany. South of ounta a prie« la MeNet Thuya IIiL KfAlITY MEA:V±TS.' --liii BLUERRO ARMOUR'S STARDE AE Seuil from Smthfiead s onsidered by &Ul meut lovers., tlh VERY BEST. Sumithfield méants are scientiSically aged and .coobled-that'& whir their umeats ame -» testy, tender and deliçious aud never tailit. aatisfy ev e de ot. dascrnninatingr buyer. Sale tlis week oly. STAR PRIME F. Yen bhest-te i..MIIIJOAS i * enuine ety ln*at for your spring to5- Lb. 7c M--ROAST. Fresh .cuL rlittie ,loin*. ronit. A de- ýUine PRIME BEEF AMU' CHUCK STAR SH OR T ROAST RIRBEEF. Tn AR M O U RSder -a delicious STAR - very 1 ieat treat. Prime liest - tne quality. a n d dehicious, far better than- the average. lbA Lb.1 5 1 ARMOUR'S STAR PRIME RIB, rROAST BEEF. First cuts.dsa à POCKET VEAL ROAST. Youll *a- joy this freali Veal. Fine g for *te wing Lb., I O LEG OF VEAL. Milk fed--excefleàt. iliced cold. Short lah&", I Sc 5 to 7-lb. avg.....Lb. 100% PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT. Made fresh daily fronu select tender leau, pork. ig 1 L11C ly iiicreased." The American Air races at the Chi- cago Municipal airport next J.uly have been pianned te brinig out the best in the types of airpianes most èenerally used, as well as the newest developments on the drawing boa.rds and in the laboratôries of the iri try, according to Major Schroc Nothing is being overl,k-ed to. vide an air spectacle of the magnitude, lie sàid. jFor Mi