Xilmette womnen, manv of whoi i are prominent ini various civic or- ganizations in the village, are ar- ranging a meeting to be held at the Village hall Tuesday evening. May 16, at 7:30 o'clock at whicb an or- ganization to.be, known as the Wom-' en's Judiciary. League of ý Wilmette Às to be ô«rganized anda definite pro- gramn of.activity in support of, Mr. Kinne's candidacy will be. inaugu- rated. Mr. Kinne, -who is a' nieriiber of the. Wilmette Village, board, is 0one .of three country towns candidates. the others being Craig I-ood of .Chi- cago Heights, and Frank Maypatiiek1 of Cicero. It is planned to extend the opera-. tions of the leaigue to include wornen voters in* KenilWorth, Winnetka, Geceand other forth shore and northwest ,coanunities following Monday's, meetidig. Mr. Kinne, Who lives at 1234 Elnx wood avenue, Wilmette, is engaged in the practice oft iaw at 160 N. La- Salle street, Chicago. He lias beeni active in local affairs. for many years1 and, enjoys a wide acquaintance in the north shore area. He is alsô pro- fessor of law at DePaul university. teaching subjects . in which he spe- cializes, including real estate law alndj: probate matters. i .Mr. Kinne's naine is l3th on the Republican ballot and a feature of; the campaign which his friends. are conducting in his behalf bas been. t the establishment of a uinique politi- cal club bearing the designation, "13 Club," the members of which have each pledged themselves to secure: 13, votes for their candidate. N. S. -Artists WiIl Give Program ü t .0 . 0S. Hom'e A program for' the Eastern Star home at Rockford is being given by Mrs. Albert- Hillinger, -and Mrs. George Mullen of Giencoe, and Mrs. F. M. Anderson of Winnetka, Sun-* day, May 21 , at 2 o'clock at the home. ibune, a IretnaAAJ, 15 dJ1UUn .tItJSC I ceiving honors for ber. scholastic wvork during ber first year. On Sun- day. May 14, the Delta Gaminas ivill entertain their mathers at a tea. The visitors will return to Kenilworth Moilday. this ad was gigto pes... an eight, yea came m- and taightway rang the pliceal in ýtwomnts asudcarý four POlicemen, teeth-faced a .1 armed to wî.de-eyed J littie boy. Latera young lady,'of mine summers, brought her Airedale dog in with her. She decided to go exploring' so she tied the dog to a table dis- playing neckwear. Just then an aristocratic Chow, ap THJNGS began wasn't long before table and flyomg n ahnost wish the. e îak that there as nothig slow about EDGAR A. STE VENS.. . not a duil, shoppin~g momuent. 0f