FACIALS and SPECIALISTS IN: Rewaing, Ringlets, and aifl Leadingf Permsanent Waves - FET MAN &CURME'S Sensatina STAPzFRTS TOMORROW $5, Quality 0 Trhe Greatest array of smart styles.we have ever shown arnd at the irst cookie sales day last Wediiesday. Ail of the Wrilmette troops are working hard to see whicl- one cati sell the most cookies . during the first four Wednesdays iii ay because a party is to be given to the two troops having- the largest. total c)f gales. T roop 7 of the Congregational churcli sold the highes.t numiber iast week, 224 dozen cookies, and Troop 6 of St. Augustitie's Episcopal church came nii second hy selling 197 dozen. .Thre cookies are made f rom a honte recipe-aIl of uniiform size and, shaped like the Girl Scout trefoil. The Girl Scouts are selling the cookies iii ant effort to realize enoughi money to carry oi- the Girl, Scout \wo(rk during thé year withotit having to resort to) a drive for fttnds. EVANSTON 56 E. Madisoo Si. 134 N. Sitt4st. Ojen Evenin gs, Sandrpys and Holidays u AAA-C FOUR LOOP STORES 238 S. Stt. Si. 39 W. V.. 8Baron Si. TEL. GREENLBAF 4622