ROLLED RIB ROASTI Nobon., go Wast. Cuit front Corn!.F.d Beef. FRESH. DRESSED Juabo quabuj 1-lb. each PINEAI'PLESBAC13 5 GENUINE FLORIDAI I<ow-POTATOES 0eJUMBo camp at Briarcliff Manor, New York, which is restricted to second class Girl Scouts fromi 14 to 18 .years of age, will open on July 5 this year. The rates for this,,season bave been. reduced, according to an announce-, ment which bas just been. made at national Girl Scout headquarters in New York City. Camp Andree is a staff under the s.upervision of the national Girl Scout.program division, of which Mrs. Arthur 'Osgood' Choate. of New York, flrst 'vice-president of*tbe, na- tional organization, is chairman. Mrs. Curtis B.. Daîl, daughter of Presid ent and Mrs. Fran-klin Delano Roosevelt, is an active, member of this conimmit- tee. Miss Emedia Thoorsehi, *ertr of the.national Girl Scout camp ad- visory staff, will serve as camp chief for Camps Andree and Editb Macy, the adjoining national training s5chool for Girl Scout leaders, this year. Miss Gertrude Bogart will be camp director at Camp Andree. Miss Marion Galvin of the, national pro- gram staff will be business manager,1 and Miss Isa bella Ingrabam will ýbe ý Here's Menu of 15-Cent, Luneheon for First Ladyr The. follIM the menu for on at which 1 Between Showers Girl Scouts have started planning and taking hikes-in between M.\ay sbowers; for after six montbs of iii- side meetings, ail scouts y earn f0. to the road again. Troop 3, according to. Betty D)odds, scribe, took. up this big, problenm of a hike at their last meeting; plans were nmade to go to, the forest pre- serve; but unfortunately, the weather man did flot smite on the affair-at least be did flot prevent the rainso the. hike had to be postponed. Troop 7, writes Suzanne Lyon, had a 1 very e xciting base.bail game bie- tween the, patroîls, at their last meet- ing; and it was flot.until one team hadpiled up a score of-46 that the gamne was called. This troop bas, a new 'candidate for its ranks-Patricia Rogers.who began immnediately work- ing on bier. tenderfoot tests; she wvas much encouraged by witnessing the investiture of Nancy' Berbling who ~had successfully .passed -ler test-,, a n was given bier Girl Scout pin for thle first time. T.roop 9 isý stili, pegging away on the craftsmaü badge; duiritig the: las ,t meeting, the girls worked on ýtheir rallfia mats, with the 'gracious lhelp of Mrs. A., J. Coburn. When the mats are finiished, the girls will make book- endsm-and they mnust be real amateur craftsmen to do this, as theN, plan to inake them out of such things as wood, tin cans, and soap-a chance to sbow their ingenuityand_ ability. OUR PAMOUS Chcken SaIad Plat, 39o SKOOKUM SPECIAL A Whole Smoked Boneess 55 e SwtIsu Che"ee Faacy domemtic, 27 lb. ............ 1 cocktail with gr abam wa fers, broiled sKe'- aiL Iini LIIC urimerlC, buUt s ar,, beef on rounds of toast- garnis hed. plans for this are being kept "mum,. with parsley (grown by Girl Scouts Jane Ethel Newman, scribe ior- in their Little House vegetable gar- Troop 10, tells us that for her troop, den), creamed cabbage, -sponge cake Stella. Koenig, is,the official "game- witb crushed strawber ries, aid,,coff ee. farter." Wbien she is latie, there Is The> menu was plann ed. by the illuch maince amnong ber1 friends; at the last meeting she led the.girls Home Economics bureau of the De- i rsig h ea are nîd a partnent of Agriculture in connec- nubr of rg telasDAfelwr teg ns tion wit h Better Homes week which thistr ofp as diAused thegbie, Girl Scouts throughout the country hiciithe memeso arusedgongte take obsevedAprl 2329.-but again, as it later turned out, the rain was not verv coovertive.Ho -lu blaze whiçh resulted in) no damage, who wiIl act as hostesses. Fire Chief. Walter Zibble reports. After the program there wiIl be a The firemen made one other mun in court of awards at which badges will the the past week. That was last be awarded for work ýcompleted this Friday to assist a womnan who was, year. by the Girl Scouts,« Mis,.. accidentally locked out-of ber home. Macauley states., Ceam'ui..Spring lb/2