the ,ortih Awinning score everytime for W7HITE CREPES $ 95 nanas . . . enyu nos them h e r e -for just $2.951 ,rE'* Hus HENRY C. LYTTiON &soNs Sherman and Chtorch. JVANSTON Open S4lurday Eveni ngs ionci. In., at Iuncnvoi' Iav. V'ie club is Ini its 15 cord the 1933 Fair Therelli be no restrmctionsplaced on cameras ette Century of Progres,openitg May 27th anwd you should b. prepared to tae advantage of exceptional oppor- tunitiesý for piclure making., Stop mn today at one of the Aimer Coe Stores for. an expert demonstration of the Iatest models ofo Stili and Movie Cameras and Equipment. LEICA * ZBISS *GRAFLEX - ROLLEIFLEX BELL & HOWELL - EASTMAN Complet. Developing. Prinling and - Eularging Sér pst . .. Ali work done in tour.owu laboratory. Aimer Coe &?Company 1645 Orrington Ave., EVANSTON les 1orth Wabash Ave. 78 Hast Jackson RBoul. 18 n 1 IC A e Solitb LasaIO St. wulmette Free Public liirary anu the entire proceeds over and above ex- penses, will be used in the purchase of new books. The Libraryr board. through J. R. Harper, bas expressed its appreciation of the players' ef- forts and its desire, t,hat this event receive the' wholehearted support of Wilmette people in order that the library may be better equipped to meet a growing demand and continue with funictions whiich are now seri- ously. threatened. -The Queen's Husbaind,". claracter- ized as one. of the cleverest comedie-. produced in rècent years, a really modern play and especially adaptedto the abilities of an amnateur group. Particular care lias, been used in the selection of the cast in. order to obtain a well balanced unit tit explained. The leading parts, King Eric VIII and Queen Martha, are played by. Uoy d On ion and Peggy Harris. Here is direct evidence of the fact that .ienpecked husbands are found araong rytyas well as amonig the bour- geoisie. Interesting indeed is a king who Drefers the thritling iexcitemient of a gamýeof checkiers, to state plot, and counterpiots. thé. guarding of state secrets, and other activities of royaIt%-. Butperbapa; Queen Mfartha, the tyran nical, overriding palace potentate is in somne measuire respon- sible for this, preference. Their daugliter. the Prince-ss- Ann, is a girl, of decided' spirit who in lovaIty to hier coiintrY is called upon to coni- tract a marriage advantag-eous to thec domain but distasteftal to her. Side- stepping this situation calls for ail the spirit and courage and determiniation of which aniv girl miigbt be possessed. Thie stage settings and properties. desigicd and, managed 1w Edward Rverson, will1 lend a rich atniosphiere and- colorful'hackground for. the pro- duction. Tickets for either performnance inav be: obtajned from. members of the group or fromn any WXilnette Boy Scout 1or lw phoniing MssElaitie Nelson. Wihnette 4315. as.,l as at the door.. the GYPSIES 3726 cetCiELII'in 13 eecnmont Park. 1e Rochelle. N. Y., after a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Wat- ,soli. --o-- M.and «Mrs. George Coale. 3'». Kenilworth avenue. Kenilworth. nmo- tored to Mihwauk,Çeoli Fridav. w