We offer y.. a ehoie of gÏfts from the Jeweled Creation bte einexpen- sive remembrne. vide vazly of sllverware, rlmgsbroche., mauy otimer Itm$ ouïtable as Gifte for Ua-61n-.- SMrs. Gaze!, who was criving north on Main street-, tmade a 'right turn to cross the tracks at Qakwood avenue. '\itnesses told the Wilmette police fthat the crossing gates were wed after Mrs. Cazel drove on >t he tracks. They were lifted again, according to the witnesses, but the engine of thé automobile had stopped, and Mrs. Gaze! did flot have time to start it.. After. lèaping to safety, Mrs. Gaze! fainted. She is thé: wife of Ernest C. Gazel, Wihuette druggist and for- imer Village trustee. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shipmnail and Miss, Elizabeth 'Shipman. 43-1 fWarwick road, Kenilworthooe on Wedniesday to Omaha, Neb.. to visit Airs. Shipman's. daughter. Mrs.. L. M. Branch.- A friend, Mrs. D'i Proctor of Evailsto.h. accom lpaiil thern. ORANGES, tor Juiee, extra large, dos. 89C PI.NEAPPLEMI froMil,19 extra large, Part > 19 ASPARAGUJS, homo grown.I5 à bunces 15 OGILEEN BEANS, stringlos,19 2 qts .. '........ 1 9 B. T. Chîrk, w/to has, resigned as sccr'tarv. of lihe 14'inuttc Cham- becr. of CoPmeurci', to becoulésUp- cr;nlcendent of the miii a-t the E. H. 'Jacobs comjPanyi., Datielson;, Conn., a concerta that manufactures part for mnachinery . used in the making of fabrics. Mr. Clark luis been secretary of the C/tam ber of Commerce for four years, during. 7which limte, the organzaion"s nMCP- bership has increased f rom Iess than sixty to aimost.. three hundred. IPeter Anderson Dies tt Home of Louis S. Becker' Peter Anderson, an uncle of Mrs. ,ouis. S, Becker, 105 Fiftlî street, ied last Sunday at the Becker. home. township assessor. In this connection Mr. Harbaugh, who has established officers at 1159 Wilmette avenue for the purpose of assistingý tax- payers in filing their schedules, is- sued the, following statemnent this week: "The.persocnal property tax qcheduleàs for, 1932*are In process of belng malied to taxpayers In New Trier' township, These schedules wlll corne in unsealed- enivelopes and will be marked "Personal Properýty..Schedules" on the face of the, en*.'elôpe so thero shouid bo no excuse for anyone' throwing same Ina the waste paper basket. believing it to be a cir- cu lar. mail within *10 Dajo "Everyone recelvlng a schedule- shouldý' read sanie carefuliy, MIl out the itemns which apiy, and should be sure to also use lino 4, and slgn and swear'to the schedule and returra same wlthin ton (10> days to 'the township assessor. "»Asail ochedules, whlch may ho flled with the countY- assessor, In Chicago, wiIl be referred, to the township asses- sor. it wili save tdîe and a great deal of work i f the schedules are returned' in the 'first instance to the township assessor. «'f the schedules are flot returned wlthin ten (10) days of their recelpt, the township assessor IS o bIIged-under the miles and regulationq, prornulgated by the county.,assessor and the .tate tax commissin-to. make an ëestimate ,l of the taxpayer'sproperty and* add 50 percent penalty thereto. "Do flot Inelude your property In your office in Chicago in the return You niake for property in New Trier township. Assistane WItlout Charge "Taxpayers are advised to make out their own schedules or to call at the office of the township assessor. 1159 Wllmette avenue, Wilmnette, Ill., be- tWeen the hours of 8 a. mn. and 5 P. ni. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE. WILMETTE 1061 1111 Ave, for Modaer today last Jaaîua'y. froni Rock Island, Ill., his home, because of illness. Mr. An- derson N'as borti in Sweden and had been in this country for more than sixty years. Besides Mrs. Becker, he is survived by another niece, Nfrs. D. H., Howe.ll of Chicago, and by a nephew, Louis Swanson, who lives in Iowa. Funeral services for 11r. Anderson were held Wednesday and burial took place at Riverside cene- tery, Molisîe, 111. fl *t8Wt4 I.n.a. 5 "Taxpayers. whô have been- in the habit of. havlng a notary prepare their schedules and. fix the arnount of their valuations, are advlsed to bring their sehedules. to the township assessor!s of- fice and there recelve advIce as torniak- lng out sane, wlthout expense.ý Instail Telophone "There wili be a telephonre connec- tion, at the. assessor's office and by caîl- ing the operator and asking for the .towns-ýhip assgesor. you' cari obtain In- formation on any points of which you may be In doubt, relative to the sched-' ule. "The. township assessor desires to EL~MOTHER'S -OAY PACKAGE $2 . 21b. Teacher and Pianist Stuadio~: 114 Thrd St. Phonme Wîlmette 1705 1 L-. -buya~ Lv- E 1 GETABL -1 ES a la if