Next door to WlIlinttc rheater Tailors and.Furrters Stoire >'our Furs la Our ultra mîodern frlgld ranit FREE insurfince charges onfly Breon Building Lobby 1159 Wil;mctte Avé. Wil. 18 r- ART FURNfTURE CO*. Ufhltoritg.Rofalringt 9. CHON-4 Ter. EÈperIeumee iVe Specialize 7 CHJAIR RELF-CANlIqG 330 LINDEN Ph.ý WiL.4453 3 ELECTRIC PLACE Phone WiL.277 J.A.WAIRD FlJRRIER AND TA IL OR STORAGE of Fur Garments $3 FREE-ivith' remode.bng or repafritng. 1122 Central Ave.. IILMETTE 3303 wnrarnrrflrws g Buy. Your PansiesN.ot! Ml varieties of Perenn"ais F.Iow.r' aid Grass Seedie, and 'FeHIizes Hubert Ho!! marna Florist ý5 FOURTH STREET Phsone WILMETTB 636 Good Shoe Repâring 1185 Wilmette Avenue wu.54W3 I LADIES en'o the coolc- fotbeaccoanmodationa > and gOod foodr et PANTRY Enjoy ýDuck Pin Bowlinf Now BROWVN ALDG. SHA WNEE TMELORS FURRIERS RIELINING AND ALTERA- TIOJ4S DONE BY EXPERTS 521 4TH STREET PHONE WIL. EUoT Long Distance Movins Agent Grerhoman4Vans lue. WERNER TRAN 81ER FIREPROQF STORAG3E 605 MAIN ST. Pho ne, WnL.mHT9 Bu 182 COMMUNJTT AUTO SERVICE FREE Motor Tune-Up witl, every greasing JD WILSON OTIS .BECK 25 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 5348 Observance this week of natioônal Baby Week, which was originated in Chicago by the Infant Welfare society in 1914, serves to again emphasize the farýreaching services rendered each year hy the Wilmette center of the so- ciety. Týhrough the efforts of the. Wilmette center, this village has supported this work for needy babies for 19 years in three ways-by raising money for Alice H. Wood Infant Welfare sta- tion, by making garments for Infant W\elfare bâbies. and by sending volun- teers to help ini the station conferences. Make 1,557 Garments Last year the women of Wilmi'ette made 1557 garments for Alice H. Wood babies and sent volunteer workers 99 percent of the bi-weekly station.con- ferences. Wilmette luring 1932 made a contribution of $4,512 through Wil1- mette Infant Welfare center to the Alice H. Wood station which hielped to ptovide meclical supervision ini the station and home nursing service for inay becoie determining factors ini the course of the nation. ComÏPlet. Health Progrm Not content with merely saving the lives of its babies, the society çarries out a coniplete c)ild health program. The child who bas six years of In- fant Welfare's medical supervision and home -nursing care, supplemented by mental hygiene service in early train- ing and habit formation, enters the public schools with a sound boidy phys.- ically and well equipped to face the social situations that await him. Wilmette's Baby Week cornmittec, headed by Mrs. C. T. Frykman, pres- ident of thé Wilmette Center,.calîs at- tention to the fact that the minimum needs' of thousands of babies are unmet and. their, chance -almost their .Qnlyv chanice--of normal healthy: life lies l the intensive care which they receive from the Infant Welfare society. It is hoped that oui, of I3aby Week -wilI' tome a renewed interest. which will bring about more intelligent care of by the Scotch Weolen Mill$i ait R. C. A. Auto Radio $34.95. j $17.5. RePalring.Altt#ring.IWJM TE ADOS F 1117 GOrpeeleaf Ave-Pli. Wil. 1914 1177Wlimette Ave. Wllmette 8006 *only to sharp excesses of various dis-- eases within the immecliate future but REPORT CONTAGION to serious healtb probl 'ens which One new case of pneumonia %va,; will continue throughout the life of reported in Wilmet'te for the wecek the generation affected. Because, of ending April 29, the Health dep art- the influence on mental capacity, they nient 'records show. 1~ i. I r7