a*4uc hewas el UvIU VYI LUthe ..riminaij court. \Vaguer got a total of $125 iii cash aiîd about $1,100 worth of jewelry fronm the following homes which ac- cording to the WVilmette police, he, aittdthat he burglarized: Arthur H. .Watson, 2116 Chestnut avenue; .Walter, W. Stegma. 2135 Keiiijlworth avenue; ýW. H. 'Effen-. berger,.2121 Beechwood avenue.: Dr. H. E., Pine,, 2143 Beechwood avenue; * Javid E. Johnson, ý 1221 .Clevelanid street. and K. C. Long, 1931 (,reeni- ~v<davenue. *l (\i f the jewelry' wàs recovered. btut not the cash. One, watclî was recovered, from -Arthur Schwall and Jo'seph Steffens, both of 2423, Birch- W.ood lane, who were booked for re-, ceiving stolen property, the -police re- port. The remainder of:the jewelry wasiound in a cari hiddentunder a stump in a vacant lot at the north- west corner of Locust road andAs- land avenue. Three children,1 Bob and joan. Becker, 2743 Ashland avenue. and Tom Carnev, 1155 Mohawk road,, fouhd an automatie pistot under this 1 stump several days ago and took it across the street to the Buis Realtv comPany office. This incident was re- l)orted. to the police and an investiga- tion by, Chief Henryý Brautigam and Oficer Louis jPopple revealed_ the jevelry hidden in the can. .The. largest amount of iewè'lery, $950 worth, was taken from the ýSteg- mari home. A nnounce'Schedule Dr. Fra"k Aydelotte, president> of Szcarthmore collège, u«*1 be the sp ake the general mneeftng of- the Neu, Trier Parent-Teacher as- sociation.1 Monda y evening, May 8, at the high school. aiditaru4M. A1 nofed educator,'atithor and edi- for,- Dr. Aydelotte *ot Iwrn à frad- iîng figure in umvzersity circles for Imany years. WANT DADS TO HIKE Fathers of boys who are members of the Kenilworth Cub pack are be- ing urged to accompany their sons (on the Cubs' third big hike of the yea r Friday. May 12. The boys wilj stay out over night and return Sat- urdav 'Pbpu tln ta Lyorta i Lfil, will be enougli to carry on the Girl Scout work without having to resort to a -drive for funds. Persons desiring more information *about the cookie sale are requested to caîl Mrs. George Wright, Wilmette 1419, or Mrs. Ralph Moulding, Wil- mette 216. ASK PARENTS TO MEETING The annual meeting -of the Logan- Howar PreSchoo grop ile held in, the auditorium of the: How-_ ard -school Tuesday, May 9, at & o'- clock in. the evening. Dr. Loui..,e. Farwell, director of research of the National College of Education in Ev- anston, wi.l1 speak on "Habit Forma- tion". The meeting is an open one to wh ich al m;others.anidfathers-.iii- terested in, the s tud y of the,>Pre- ichool, child are cordially invited. HEARING ON9 GÂTES Village Attorney, Willis D. Nance reported at the mneeting of the Vill- age board Tuesday night that a hear- ing wilI he held before. the Illinois Commerce commission within a short time on the application of the Clhi- cago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad for permission to substitute automnatic gates for the manually opj- erated gates at the Wilniette, Central and Lake avenue crossings of the railroad in Wilmette. - ever takes any.chances with maths. She neyer faits ta take the simple preçautioris which wiII prevent moths from dam- aging anything in ber home furnishngs, rugs1 carpets or pacced aWay cloFhing and: be.dding. Motk B a I1 s, Fake S. Sprays Comph Or, 0b Tir 8Bagsand Pà pMr i-ýAIL FRESH- ai Money-Saig Prkces: We have a comfiplete line of inexpensive Math Prevenives. uÙpon any, of which 'you ca h safely rely for fullt'Protection. Corne in eand let, us check this importaint; matter over> with you- NOW, and supply> what is needed ta. keep -mths out of everything in your house. Central-WiIunette Av«eu. Phoum. WiL 2&»5 j ertW. 'rownley, director of for utging iïijj')hp3sical education at the joseph Postinaster Douglas S. Crooks lias S 'ears school, states that at least ainiounced that a new schiedule forl-twelve of,.the. fathers, and possibiy Outgoing mail f romn Kenilworth went more, to go on the hike. Sixtv-five, lntoeffct ay . Te shedle 1 boys -went on the last Cul) hike, Mr. as follo)%s1. and Postmnaster Crooksi Towfley say5. h as suggested that Wiî.-,IEm Î~LiF readers whoô live-iii Ke,îilworthli cuTISWE' fie itemn for future reference:THSWEK' Souithbound train No. 370,. mail I__ closes at the postoffice at .8:15. a. ni.. S P E C IA L train leaves at 8:.41 a. ni; north- bouind train No. 339, mail closes t (1t tJeL postoffice at 10:15 a. ni, train leaves at 10:31 a. m, northhound Butter, Hollandl Roll, 2 lb$. fore9 E-ggs, large, 2 fo 3 5c M o n a r c h m - ~ M i c k elberry'm 014 Farni Sliced flacon, Choice c e ni e r Jices with right pro- portion of leanm and fat. Wrap- ped in sanuitai-y cellophane pack- Extra Special!1 M i c k elberrym OId Faru, San.. sage, Made of Pure Pork, Jelu- caously geasoned with that Mick- ka or' M i c k siberry's B UT TS,,No B o a e --No Waste - A I I ýMeat -Ce.. phan. Wrap- MARIED.I Mrs. George Nosbaum, .6031 N. Lin- colni avenue, Chicago, announces the marriage of her daughter, Margaret, to Joseph J. Schiidgen, son of Mfr. and Mrs. Joseph Schildgen of Wil- mette, on, April, 29, atStHnr' church in'Chicago. -. WiImtte q I - £O& ,WHEN IT COMES FROM PEA4RSON'SIT'S -r