Finest quality red Chinook. Columbia 2 29-b. River .......... cns MAYONNAISE Old Monk.. Our biggest seller. Purest ingredients. qt.55c SUGAR Pure cane granulated in white cloth sacks. 10 lbs. 49C iSARDINES Smnll smoked pure olive ou ........ ., Norwginin 3%-lb- 25c ANCHOVY Olives Small green Spanish queens anchovy 2-z. tue.d 2........2ts25c MARMALADE Club Huse pure sweet orange. Guaranteed quality. 16-oz. glass H . COMB HONEY Pure whitecloverhony, 8C pound combs, each ..... l~îCHELIgU 'No finer fruits are packed 29a Large No. 2!/2 Can 0' - ~ ~aft~y~A~ PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM MA Y 1 TO 6 LARD .... ... ..mlc WILSON'SLAUREL WHITE FISH. Lake LAKE TROUT. Fresh HALIBUT STEAK. Strictly fresh............. lb. 28c POT ROAST. Finest native 19c CPLD MEATS. Assorted sliced sausages. loafs and ham. Cooked, readv to serve.. ..........L. 25c LEG OF LAMB. Wilson s Certified 21c RIB ROAST 0F BEEF. & 22c BEEFSTEAKS This is the highest quality of corn-fed beef, properly seasoned and trinmmed with care. SIRLOIN PORTER SHORT ROUND RICE FLAKES Heinz delicious cold cereal The 14c carton. ea. 10c CHEESE Weil aged Herkimor County. Rich and snappy. lb. 35c PRUNES Richelieu sweet Santa Claras. Medium 40-50 ixe. 3 lbs. 29e APPLESAUCE Baby Stuart. Made -of --best select No. 2 apples .........3 cans CORN Fancy Country Ge n t 1 e m a n. Clean No. 2 pack .............cans KIDNEY BEANS Richelieu select red for vege. table or No. 2 sald ....... eans FLOOR WAX Johnson's solid floor wax. AI- wmva the O - %% CE AZ AND& .w..TU. . . W L %m' ...... s.... ...... . ...... "P 'g I