* On May Il and 12 the Lake Shore Players are presenting ini the audi- torium cf the Howard school a three- *act comedy enititled, -Thée Qteen's Husband." It s i nowayrightor expected that an aaergop or for that effrtprôiti' bthevery mistakes which they -have made. Sucl 'lias, been. the experience of the Lake Shore :Players and it is only ftting that theybe given the cnnbincd sup- port of the comfmunity ini ther eni- deavor. Arou.ed From Lethargy For a Iengthy 'period of time these enterprising: young actors. and actresS- es have been content to drift along. producing stereoiyped play. after, play,, and making no effort to mi- prove their acting or eveil concentret- * ng on a purpose in mind, for the ver-% reason that no one had ever takenl the trouble to tell themi how yen' badly they were doing and how futile their pretense at acting. 1 haven't been easy on these young Thespians. The 'remark wvas ev en made te the effect1 that 1 "had it ini for. themf. " On the contrary .I have been "al for-them" .because t *hev. are ouir group and the product of 0oiir comniunity. 1 hurt their feelings but gained my. point since it bas shaken them fromn their calm; it has created for them a purpose and given them an incentive for working toward that goal. Have. Cone Long Way This last off ering of'- their season bears witnes s to the very long %va), *they have come siuîce those earlier strivings. The selection of "The Queen's Husband" is couurnendable in itself. lt sa smart. sophisticated conîedy well adapted to their ca- pabilities and etèrtaining- to the nth * degree. . More consideration , an usual lias been given te the casting of' pars and at least tWo new faces will be seen ini major roles. Somie- thinig really praiseworthy miay be ex- pected in tlie setting, on which they have long been working. Lat unde For LUbrary Latbut flot least, the Lake Shbore It's. a far cry from Rosenberg's l)epartaîent Store în 1899. when. this view was taken', to the lîuge fivanston branch of the Wieboldt Deparltmnt Stores tlîis week oh-- serving the Golden an.niversar.y of the conîbinied businesses. Older residents of the riorth shore wil recall this store at the corner of Davis street and Benson avenue and Bailey's Opera House of an earlier era. The anniversary marks t.he establishment 50 years ago of the Wieboldt Stores, Inc.. and likewise the founding by Charles Rosenberg of the Evanston store. Xn elaborate program, featuring special sales eveuits, wiII punctuate the golden, jubilce year. These will include the opening of a sporting goodsdepartment, and the estab-ý lishment of a beauity parlor. The Rosenberg's Departmnent s tore which enjoyed, a phienomenal growth duriuig the past quarter of a éên iiij 'hàt brought the con- struction of a large modern build- ing just east of the site depicted above, was combined with Wie- boldt Stores, Inc., in 1924. Ex- pansion bas continued since that time until now the establishment holds a commanding position in the Davis street block between Benson avenue and Fountain Square. I ea wilI De served at 4 :30 o'clock,, Mrs. Charles H. Dennis of Evanston, being one of the hostesses. Wednesday of this week the club instituteda series ýof weekly Spanish classes, conducted- by :~ester Perez de King, a native Spaniard, graduate of the. University of Madrid. Classes are offered for beginners and for ad- vanfced pupils, and- there is. alsù a Sl.panish convýersation table. The ColIleg e club will. hold a card party for members and 'uests, Wed- nesday'afternoon, May 10. Plaý be- gins at 2:15 o'clock,' and tea will bc served at 4. At 8:15' that evening the Glee, club wrill give a spring musicale, assisted by Miss Julianna 'Holmies, pianist, and Miss'Harriet Brewer, soloist., I At' O.E. S. A very plea sant surprise was, plan-, iied for the evening of April 30, by the associaate mnatron of the \Vil- minette, chapter, Order of Vastürn Star, Miss Dorothy Kuelzow (of 611 Greenfleaf avenue.Alil the offi'(rs. and their husbands arrived aït 6 o'clock when a delicious supper "%as served, ivith a bridge party follc>wing. During the evening, Mr s. Carolirle Converse, -whose birthday wa> May 3, ivas presented witli a gift of gold from her officers. May 1 was Friends night. and the following nvrticivated in the ee ot Providence and vice-presi(lent of Lulu Q. Grimes.club,; patron, Mathcw Taylor, patronl of Prov'idenice asý0- iciate mntoMlrdWilmoth, s' ciate inatr-on of Pentaîphia; as>sociate patron, Georg eT. ,Nfulleii. pst. patron of Winnetka; secretary. Tcssie C. 1-huiit. past inatron and secrettarv of Litcoliiwood ; trea 'strer, Florcrexwe G. H-artyell, past niatroti and treas tirer of Liincolnwood: conductress. Etinice IBrackendorf, cîdu oes f Gjoldeni Rod; a.ssdciate coindutctrt-s. liorothy Flaningam, associate con- ductress of Lincolhiwood; chaplain, Alm S.oel, past mnatron anid chap'- with the- E. P. Fatcheý ngton avenue. mrs..J. D. ,M~Cue, nue, ente rtained, hem luncheon Mônday. Tfor a visit of 611 XVashý 626 F~orest ave- bridge* club at isnt ay st-u inany canugehm a'11 lmod avenue frou day* Mr. Converse *will serve as usnt ay st-u i ~n laguae.the. Evanston hospital. wbere he ut,- treasurer at Astrea, and on May 8. There is trouble>, on almost ever-Y derwent ani operatiofl. as patron at Winnetka and Myrtle ,hole." Par should be harder to make -- okn ilsrea soit cn thisyea, th exert say astheductress at Winnetka.. On May 3, course has been lengthened. Thirty- Mrs. P. F. DeTamble, 1232 Greeni- Dorotby L. Kuelzow served as Rt five yards have been adlded to the u~ ood ýavîenue, will entertaiuu her.bridgc at Rave-nswoÔod. and as Adah at- number two bole making the new club at. luncheon Monday.:TIneodoi nMy9