lune f o!! he 7 . -Woodia, 7 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, 3 F( fionth. June 1 to Oct. Rd. Phone Winnetka 9SL62-ltp *0 WANTrED TO IRENT-HOUUES, WANTEID TO RENT-SMALL HOUSE., 5 or 6 roonis, good neighborhood, with option to purchase. 1933 price. Phi. Winnetkà 1431 after 5 :30 p. nM. 100 wxANTgp -To SHARxE-HousS SMALL HOME - 3 >BEDRMS. OR 2 bedrms. and sleeping porch, good nelghborhood. Excellentcare of prop- ertyr. Rent assured. Not over $35. Winnetka 2994. i0OLTN52-ltp loiWAN-r o miENT-FURN. HouisES WE I$AVE DESIRABLE ýCLIENTS who are looking for furnished houses for the summer. List your p)roperty wlth -us., QUJNLAN & TYSON, Ime. 1571 Sherm an Ave. Uni. 2 600 FOR JUNE ONLY Well-situated bouse with fiower garden, 5 me*ter and 2 n*aIds' roommi. Pro.. Pared to pay substantial rent and give best of care. Cal] Air. Everitt, Win- netka 3473. . 10ILTN52-ltp SMALL HO0M E FOIt S JM MEB *months. Must be reasomia blé. 3 in famuily. Write A-M2, Bo-x 40, Wil- mette, Ill.. stating locatiqon kni priýe. 101 LTN52-ltp WANTÈLD TO lÏE-NT - A'RCII furnished home, 3 niaster bdn~,for summer month>i. Glencoe preferréd Write A-il8, Box 40, Wilmnette. * 10LTN52-Itpý 102 FOR RENT-GARAGpS UARA<CE FORLRENi' NEAR, THE VILLA(1TE VERY REASONAIJLE .WINNE'?KA 2379ý -~ 102L'IN52-4,I> 104 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFiCES ATTRACTIVES STORE- St-AcE At; Indian Hill. Ideal location for miens tallor shop. cleaners, or antique shop. Call Wlnnetka 1800. 104LTN52-ltt< 111 FOR UALB-HOUSES SÈVERAL HOUSES IlN'EAçST KIï,NIL,- worth are now offered at veiry low prices indeed. To Illustrate: bous-. containing 5 bedins,.. 4 baths, librariv miuat W Worth 4' TheRLIN(TC.RiD F OR SALE OR, RENT' BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH STYLE WiN- netka home, 7 rnis., sun rÉm., slp. pch., 4 bedrms., '2' baths, H. W. ou1 heat., Reduced from $25,000 to $16,000.. M r. Newhall, BAIRD &, WARNER, 101 Skokle Ridge Drive, Glencoe. 1554. 11ILTN5Ë-lte 113 WANTED TrO BUT-HOUSES WE HAVE A. CLIENT WHO. 1S IN- teetdin purchasing a modern 7 rut. Coona home. 2 baths, oilt heat, pre- f er a 65- or 75-ft.,lot. Brick or framel. Wîll pay up to .$20,000 for a real bar- gain.. QUINLAN & TYSON , me. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 $15,000 CASH New Trier district-8 or 9 rnis. Modern. Must be bargain.* Only private party. -U9,Bo ~113LTN52-itp ils WANTflD TO BUY-VACANT PRIVýATE P'ARTY WILL PAY CASH for wooded Hubbard Wu',ods vacant- East Section preferred. Alust be. priced exceptlonally low. State >h, location and size. A-121, Box 40, %Vil- mette, 111. 115LTN52-Ilp 1143 OUMMER CAMF43 BEYU AND BEYE PRIVATE! SCHOO-L and camp, Marcellus, Michigan. Boy., 'giris--3-15. IU. S. Nutrition schedule. AUl year. $1 day. $25 mo. Phone Wlnn. 428. 118LTN50-4tp 124 ACREAGE AND ESTATES /TEN-ACRE ESTATE Here is toùr opportunity to pur- chase a wooded ten-acre site foi- *a fine country home flot toc far away from the shore towns. Convenient to fast transportation. Close to splendid permanent improvements. Take advantage, of present lower lan~d value and reasonable building costs . to create a, future lnveÊtmpent as well, as ýa delightfli home for~ yýour famlly.-- QUI NLAN & et 1%YSON, Ill. 1571 Shermanl Ave. Uni. 2600 BUY ACREA(;E NOW FOR SAL,-.ItL~S BICYCLE, MAR- shall Field Special,, bra.nd new. wlth bell, tool -box -anfd tai! light. . $15. Ph. Rogers Park 2956. 131LTiN52-ltp, FOR'SALE * ENGLISH BABY.CAR- jrage. Good condition. ,Reasonabie. Phone Mrs. Belding, Glencoe 541.. 131L52-ltp 'FOR SALE,-BAB Y CARRIAGE- IN good condition. Reasona.ble. Call Glencoe 699. 131L52-litp 139 vWTD. 10 UUY-MI99CELL.ANELOUS WANTED - TWIN BABY BUGGY IN good, condition. Tel. Winnetka 2258.1 ORINANCkE NO..1742 AN OILINANCE. DESIGNATING CERTAIN MMEL OF TIuE BOAUD OF TRUSTEKES OF iTHE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTÉ 'ILLl. NOUS, A-S 31E .1BE RS OF THÉ BOAIi > 0OF LOCAL IPOEM SF(>it SAlID VILLAGEF 13E 1'T'ORD)AINED BN y'c'I-EiRE- n)E'r fAN?) BOAttU r(Wmî OF THE VILLAGE.O"WLMTI' SECTION 1: That the said Village! having no such olti-er-s as Public En-' gineer anld Superintendeit. of Streets, Clinton B. (lochran, *Walter C. Varrar, Joseph Helnzen, Hariy C(..Kinne, Selirn N. Tlidemnan andl Arthur Lee, menibers of the Board of Trustees of said VUl- lage, aru hereby dIesignated as mnembers .' div of dutLocal irnprovemnlts, %%ho shi(al, uitil otheirwise provicd >Y >t'd flali., . jýti iute the nmenibers of sà,4 ",l oclIinprovernents, otiier thim the irsdqtof' the Village. ~U~(YIoN21: 'l'î., said ('linton 1;« 'oufhran. %vValter C . larrar. Joseph 11ii ln.tarry tC. Kiiiiie, Solin N. Tiiuenmilaii sdA rthur LLue, ttgethler vvith 1 Carbolji P. Iubbs, trsdn of s.aid1 Vhiage, shil cons(itute the said Board of Loual 1Imprivenients of alid toi thie4 Vilage of Wiirnette, andshall have al poîwer and authority. in the premais,, under the statutes of~ thu State of Ilii- noili, as miade and provided, until uthu-r- Ws proVided by urdinatnce. Se~"rN.; :. AIl ordînances, parts qf orin.aesand resolutions, ini conilivÈ.t fierem itî, are bereioy repealed. S'E( Tt. 4 hiîs ,;îIaac hall be ini fulil orce and, etleettirom . and atter 1 ASSED b)y thé President andIBoard, oif T1rustes ut. the Village il Wilnîctte,' uit the ziff day "tf May, A. D 1. 1433.1 and deposite4 and tiled lun the office éf thu. Viiiage Cierk of saidj Villatge. this '141 uay of. AMay. A. 1). 1933. Mathew Francis Photo .I. C. "'B.d" Pearson, Jr., of lihé I>earson Mlarket oit Ridge road :la,£: beecs inetalIed :as président of t/he IViliielle Optimisi club. Wr. Pearsoi!lbas.,beepi active j» titis service dluli since ils inlception iteii ieûrs ayo. SPEAICS IN KENILWORTH The Righit Rev. George Craig Sc wart, Bishop of Chicàgo. gave ait imupressang talk last Mionday ýaftirý- nooti at the residence of M*%rs. 'Mel. vin M. Hawley, 515.'Warwick road, Kenilworthl The bisliop sitoke par- ticularly of the mission %vork in Chi- cago and Cook coutnty and of the in- creasiaîg iiiterest nii the mnissionis through the cotunties of southern Il]- mois. The lie mebers of tfie five guilds of the Church of -the HoIy Coniforter were guests. *Barratt Spach, 228,.Leicester road, Kenilworth, left last Friday to attend. the Cinîcinnati Musical Festival. He will- go in New York to visit lîi friend, Hugli Porter, -the proininent organist of that citv, and, will. aiso visit Prof. Tiliman Merritt of H-ar- vard university. -o- Mr. and M\rs. Johnm Nuveen. 1Jr.. ,520 Wanvick road.- Keii.worth Iwas 1nloiflg to J.J a Dl.5. Ureleaiir ti1OU. 1I LTN52-I te WINNETKA-ATTRAC. COLONIAL 6rms., sun n-., 2 tule baths, lav., H-. W. ht. Gar. Near lake, schools, transp. $12500.* Or ent easQnable. 426 Maple Ave. 111L52-ltp ý-- M4rs. George P. Nichois, 519 War- 'wick road, Kenilworth was hostess at her Tuesday bridge club this week,. Mrs' Harry A. Th1ompson, 918 Lin- den aÏ'enue, Winnetka, wil entertain ber 'bridge :club 'on Friday. -DINING tain n-abinet,