WE ARE NOW IN OURI GROUND floor location, 421 Fourtli St., Wil- mette, opposite "L" station, Fourth and Linden. Patiline's . Emp). Agency M'ilnwýt tt- 2171 Winnetka. 26vk2 73LTN52-lté '15 COUPLES WANTED Must be, experienced I>alin's '4111. Agency 421 vourth St., Willett e 71"52-î te 4(>PL¶ -EX'E: rt flNERAL hout*uî'. Mlist have't-gu'odrefs. l'h. Wilinette 297. .7"N52lte WANTED 2 EXPERJENCED. COLOR- ed couples, mnust have -references wherc- worked together. PAULINE'S EMP. AGCY. 421 ICoui tiiSt., Wîlinette WNiliimette 2171 --Wxtnetke 26-;,2 7-iTn5i.-ite 771, FOR SALE--ýAUTOS PIERCE-RR , 31 5 PASSENGEiR sedan. deluxe' eiuiprnent, bowling green finhsh, 6 wood wheels, trunk rack, ILadv, heatr, .Duflîl esaft glass al arounid. Owner drivvxî. Gone 11,000 mills. In perfeet condition. Cost $3,300. si-l for less than haîf. 1i. B. Crose. 214 (;rand Bird,, Park Rlidge. 1'hwre Park Ridge 171-R. ________77LTI'N52-1t, tioned Our used, cars LOOK good and ARE gc>od Cone and ýsie foir yourself. NWIiRST1':I> MOTOR COMPANY 562 Lincoln Avenue 77LTN52-ltp AUBURN CONVETIBE 'BRO let, runible seat, almiost tie%, 10w * ( - ge. Cn finance to reliable Ïparty. Node.(lers. Uni%,ersitýv 3256. for ap- poitm&nt.77LTN>.-2-ltp lent vondition, cost $2,150 new, wili seti foi $400 cash. Cali Glencoe 1080o. 77L52-It 1) si AUTO BERVICE DOES~ YOUR CAR USETOMC oul? Weuarantee perfect compres- F --ion u;nd oUi control. Low cost; guar-'. anteed results. Work dope in youi own garage if desired. Ph., Winnet- ka 1731. 81L52-ltiîî ait FOR REmT-RQOMS4 FOR RN~ER- ROOM IN EAST side homne, ni-ar. ail tranisportaýtioni, and within .wlking distance. of lake. Light housekeeping privileges. 731 enhstreet, Wilnîiette, 111. ___________82LTN51 -tfjî LARG, AIY ROM W TTWI7N b)eds, private bath and entrance. 1 block froIi transi). on Tower; Roail. Double, $5:-, ingle, $4. Wýiineutka 2S-18. ZER 86 EOARD AND RtOON WILL ROOM AND BOARD SEVERAL girls- 6 to '8 years now and surnmer nîionthLs. P>h. Wlnnietka 2939. 86LTN5?-ltip LARGE RO OM W-ITH FIREPLÂCE, euitable for 2, gentlemen. preferred. Excellent board. .910 Elrn St., Win- netka.. Phone Wlnnhetka,2336. __________________________86L52-l) se WANTED-SoARD -AND Roomu WANTED-HOIE AND, COMPANIO-N for elderly lady. $60 per month. Ph. Whanetka 3471. 88LT'N52-1 1j ex ,FOR RE*NT-A^PARTrmENTS a> RMS., LIGHT, MODERN, FRIGID-7 aire. tile bath, Yard, garage, hot ,water heat furnished. Price reason- able. Ph. Wilmnette 1793., 92LTýN,52-ilp 4 RM. FLAT WITH- BATH, GARA<I-E. Recently redecorated. No eilidren. $30 per month. Ph. Wilmette 5004. 92LTN52-1 tp J RM.* KITCHTER A~rr PT., 2 B rms. Frigidaire. Humphrey building Wlnnetka 98 or 3329. 32LTN29-tfe .in-a-door bed. Tile baths,' showvers, E. E. £TULTS 469, Winnetka Ave.. ring rm. and fire- tlarge bedrrn., and elec. refrigera tors. REALTY CO. Wl.nnetka 1800 LINDEN MÂNOR APARTMENTS Cor . Merrili & LiAnden Avenues. iubb;ardWoodoi, illinois ý 3f, 4, and 5 room unYurûlshed apart- mente in modem building., Refrig- *ration. Convenent tratieportationý and ideal. home location. Attractive rent- ,aie. Seo Joseph Cia yton on promises or phone Wlnnetka 3435. 2 ROOM APARTMEPNTF IN LIRDEN Crest. Large living room with In-a.-dor bed; kitchenette, dînette; tii. bath; fre. retrigeration. Rean. renti. Wil- mette 600. 9SLTN5O-3tp 5 RM. APARTMENT, GARAGE ATT., water'heat, eée. refrig., furu, $35, unfurn., $30. Aise 4 rm. unfuma., $25, heatedl, garage1 space., Wilmette, 4263. 92LTN52-ltip FOR RENT-1- 2. AND 6 RM. .&PAeT- iùêni,ý 1 block trom iake. Spanish Court Properties, 930 Spanish Court. They 're COMIlNG! are you1 ready for those WORLD'S FAIR pilgrims when they arrive? It's tine to hâve that papering, painting, decorating and repuir- ing donc. Cet your Iawn into shape. ýMaybeco edadtoa pieces of furniture for both indoors' and outdoors. 0f course, World's Fair guests wiII meni added expernse and with these other things it wiII put a "crimp" ini your bank-roII. You eaku Save znoney by using WILMBTTE LIFE Want Ads te find those addi- water heat, 2nd. floor. 1826 Elmwood. Avle., Wilmette. 92LTN52-2tlp 93 FOtR REN"-URNISH An FOR RENT - REDUC - ~1EON attractivelY furnished 4 rm. da1a imn. apartments, Converdnietly 1oj t ed Ph.* Wimte2399 or Wilmette $427. 9,4 WANTRO TO RENT-APAIeTtaNuS WAXTED:- OR, 4 RM. APARTMENT ov er garage for emaîl rentai, or ln exehange for Work by either husba nd or wife. Ref. Winnetka 2356. es NousES TO UHARE YOUTNG MARRIED 'COUPLE wAii;r suite of -reoms or ýportion ef- house including kitchen. Must be reason- able, Write Roth, 431 S. Dearborn 97 FOR RENT-HOUSms 10 ri. 3 baths, oil. 2-c. g., ea-st ..8126 8 vis. 3 bathâs, 011, 1 c. g., 4 pchs. 110 8 mnis., 2 baths, oil, 1 v. g., s u n 'pch. 85 à mnis., 2 baths, H . A. H., 2. v. g. . 75 8, rni., 2 baths, H. W. H., ea.t ..0 6 ~s,2 baths, FI. W. H., 2 c. g. 5.) j ns,2 bathx, 1H. W. H., 1 c. g. 45à à rnis., 1 bath, H. W. H-., no gar.. 40 FURNISHED 8 rnis., 3 baths, oil, 1 c. g., wNell furn, ....*.$5 .10 ris., 2 baths, oi, i 1 c. g., .mo4. 12â 7 rmns., 2 baths, H. W. H., e x. t. and I. mod . ........ 100 7 ns,2 badies, H: W, H., 1 c. g. t00 Srms., 1 bath, H. W. H., 2 c. g. S5 5 rnis., 2 baths, slp. pch., 2 c. g... '.0 Sz-.*'I14lmette fl4YUiia. Ofice opcn M~.în. te -) p.ini. daily and Sunda-.%- B3. H. BARN ETT 516 Center St. -Ph. Wlnnetka 965 97LTN52-1 Lj 2FOR RENT, 7 rns., 2 baths, 2-carý garage. oeil porch, $50. rnS, ,2 baths, oit heat, garage; facing lkke Country Club,$85 Srnms, 9- baths, oh ea, arge un a nd sleeping porcheïs, $100. McGUIRE .& ORR 316 PARK AVE. QIFNCOE 13 - 97LTN52-ite OPEN V)AIL. y- LAGPLEA25 rate home. 'A] mette 4254. NEW LISTINGS--BRI Ceolas, f6-7-8 rms. $150.. See Agent, 8Ï Winnetka 1689. 7 RMS., 3 BATHS, SUI garage, centrally lbe 'Wnetka 58, 6L. Iflofle . 1 i