Rates--" dents a ie. AdverUse3ents run ln &al three pape"s. te thie ine. No black face type uned. »0% diseonat on ail cash adverts-' ments when brought te our oiDce at 1282 Central Ave.,Wilmette, or 661 lineoin Ave., Wlnnetka. 16% dlseemut on ail advert<sements ru» four conscutive Issues. Classlfied advertisementa will b. &c- Deadlïnecepe up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILUMErrE IFE or. ail three papers . Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNTICATALK and, Thuisday 5 P., M. for -GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones:.Wlmette 4300. Wlnnetka 2600, Greenleaf 4,100 or Sheidrake 568?. à LOB AND" POUND LOST- MANS WRIST W A T C 11, Leather strap, Tuesday p. m., Apt-il 25, on Sheridan Rd., Greenwood Ave., irrlngton Ave, or Davis St.- Reward. Wilmette 3830. 3LTN52-ltp LOST-PLATINUM BAR PIN-SET IN diamonds at Shawnee Country Club Monte Carlo. party April 29th. Re- ward offered. Kenilworth 2948. 3LTN52-lte, 85 REWARD FOR INFORMATION leadlng to retur» of 2 Ranger: bicycles, aIso bilack fur- robe taken from 910 Oakwood. April 28th. Cali WII. 2326. 3LTZN52-itp LOST- SUNDAY,; APRIL 23, NEAR straight wlre-halred terrier, brown head, 3 black spots. Phone WIl, 1934.. 3LTN52-ltce LOST-A POLICE DOG WITH SAN, Mateo license. Answers to "Schnapps.",. Call Edmond McGibbon, WiI, 4100. 3LTN452-I te LOST - OCTAGON GOLD WRIST watch in Kenilworth about April 22. Rewa.rd. Ph. I<enilworth 617. 3LTN52-Ite LOST - A CHILD'S. WRIST WATCH on Isabella street, Tuesday morning, near "L." Reward. Ph. Wil. 2031. 3LTN52-Itc LOST-CHILDREN'PINING FOR DOU "FRITZ." BLACK." LEFT HINf) I.EG LAME. WILMETTE 5190. , 3LTN52-Ite LOST - LADY'S ELGIN W R I S T watch wlth bracelet, valued as keep- -atke. Reward. Wilmette 2615. 3LTN52-Itp LOST - WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER called '"Tim,' has just been cllpped. Reward. Glencôe 248. 3LTN52-ltc le nUaINESU SERVICE DAVENPORTS-CHAIRS REWEBBED« rÉasonable, furniture repaired and up-. holstered, bouse screens miade-repaîr- ed; cabinet work; cane, rush, hickory-, .pecialists. TheéF'urnlture Studio C. E.,,Palmner, Wilniette 1302. 0 NOTICE, WE. ARE NOW IN OUR (>UoIND- ftloor location, 421 Fourth- St., M'il- mette, opposite. ""stiiti on,. Fourtli and Linden. Pauline's Emp1. ,Agenqr Wllmette 2171 Winnetka 2662 27LTN52-I t, WILMETTE GARDENER I. still have good rich black dirt. no weeds, lumps or Skokle dlrt, al In big. piles. Also do any kind orf la wn work. Now la the time. to have your lawn flxed. Flower beds, bushes and 9pa(i ing doné. tPh. Wflmette 2170. 27LTiN51-4tp MOR SALE - GOOD RICH B.ACK dirt, no weeds, lumps or Skokle dlrt, 3 yards $5; rotten maure, 4 yard@ 17.50. Any kl.nd of movlng or truck- Ing. WINNUYrKA 2108 27LTN50-ttp GARDENERS We place only those with flrat clans North Shore references. Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wllmette . Wilntte 2171 Winnetka 2662 ______ - 27LTN52-tfe, SWISS GARDENMR; WITH .1YEA7RS OF exPerleiîee, married, desires steady 1-sition or several. sniI places. Wili doý any work.1 Moderate wvages. A\-t refs. Phonie Northbrook 200-RI. 27LTN52-11p PROFIDSS10NAL LAWN BUILIDINtG;, repairing; fertilizing; and other mias- cellaneous la.wn work. Fred Boey3,, Northbrook, 111. Ph. Northbrook 68. 27LT52ltp guarar E 1,PUP, lTHOROUGJ'#- Private owner. Wil- 44LTN'52-ltip 10 TUNINO __ ýO TUNING, $3. UP- id; aljso repair, work i r.Stelnway, N. Y. Parvk Ridge 699-R. IMPOUTANT SEWING MACHINE IREPAIR SHOI> Entabllshed more,than ilfty years, ago in: Evanston, ien n1ow' located at 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wiflmette. Klso-'re- paring of ail Electrca.1home appli- ancosï. Tel. Uni. 2200 or WiI. 438. IL.E.Blunt. S3LTN40-tfe WANTED-PART'Y TO FINANCE THE manufacture of a new defrosting ap- î,Iiance. indispensable to ail vehicle wind.shields, store Windows, and street cars, Write.A-120, Box 40, Wiirnette. 61LTN52-Itp US LOANSa Conildentl*1 srvie, logeA rate& MOTIOR LOAN CO. Btate Bank Bldg., Evanaton or*. SON NLTN3U-tte TRAJNED HELP No Charg, toE mppoyer EIfld.mt Service for North Shore Houmes We laveagate Reference. SPUCIAL NURSE DWPT. Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wilmette Wllmette 2171 Winnetka 2662 6SLTN52-tfc EXP. A.ND RmIalAÂBLE WHITE WOM- anl wlsles day work, of any kdnd. Laundry or cleaning, $3 a 4sy. Aleo catering, 40e an lhbur. Rets. furn. If deslred. Cali Wilmette 2719. ÇLTN46-ttp SITUATION WANTED - BY ACTIVE middle-aged woman, as housekeeper for employed or elderly couple, excel1- lent refs. Ph.. Miss Gorge, Lake View 3359. 68LTN52-11p WISH TO PLcECLORED MAID. With Wlnnetka, famnily six years. Gýood general, absolutely reliable, used to children. Responsible. Luce, Uni - versity. 1478. 68LTNý52-ltp EXPER. CAPABLE HUEEPI and good cooký for small fainily. Ref. 1318 Wilson Ave. Cail Edgewatter 79-4. 68LTN52-l tip Wllm'ette 2171- Wintietka 264j2 COOK<, MAID, A-1, COLOIIED, THOU- oughly extperlenced. best North Shore refs. Ph. Kenwood 340". r68L52-ltp) 09 S.IITUATION WANTED-MALMb EXPERIENCED WHITE MAN wants ho;usework, window cleaAlng, gardenlng, kitchens washed or any odd Job.4. Ph. Wllmette 3254. (;ARDEiýN OR H(>USEWOÔRK. ('AN drive ca . 2 or 2 days wveek or - teady positionf. Refs. Frank (aneIllo 0 .I(lcDanieIs Ave.. Highland Park 241:1. __________69LTN 52-ltp YOUN(w MARRIe~D MAN - 0001 driver. housemnan and yardmnan, wants job in prlivate family. Ph. Davie. 1334. 691,TN5)2- Iti 70, UIT. WTrD.-MAILE &ANO FEMALo NOT1ICE WE ARE, NOW IN OURFt G-ROUNJ>) floor location, 421 Fourth. St., Wil- Mette, opposite "1," tonF>urth and, Linden. Pauline'.s Eî.Agencv Wrlnjette 2171 Winnetka'2662 FREE SERVICE TO EIMPLOYERS HkIGH GRADE HEL.P, AI natoualitlen References IOSITIVJILY Invemtlgated ASIC YQUR NUIGHflORS IME E MPWOYMENT AGENCY, WINNETKA 131 DAVIS 8114 1631 ENSON AVE., EVANSTON 70LTN47-tio COUPLE-YOUNG SWEYDISH COUPLE -Man chauffeur, butler, yardmnan; wlfe, cook. general housework. Exp. A-1 refs. Write A-124, Box 40, WiI- mette, 1ý1 , 7OLTN52-1tp *COUPLESý CALL US FOR TRAINED COUPLES. We place ezperibnced only. Pauline's Emnp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wilmrette Wilmette 2171 Wlinetka 2662 70LTN52-1t(c WANTED-EXPER. WHITE COUPLE. Man housernan. gardener and somoe driviitg; wife A-i cook. Good home and saiary., Ph. Wilmette 1675., 70LTN52-lto. GERMAIN COUPLE WITH À-1 N. S. ref. wish. permanent position. wife good cook; husband exper. all-around ,man, gardening. chauffeur, etc. Phone Wllmette 4814. 70LTN52-tp 71 HELP WANTED-FUM^nA CLAIRE MODISTE. Winnetka. 147 22LTN61-4tp DRESSMAICING - NEW WORK AND rernodeiing. In your home or wil caUl for. Low rates. Mrs. Glannois, phone Wlnnetka 2669. 22LTN52-ltp DRESSMAKING, Rh-MODELING AND "i eing by the day or. at home, EXPERIENCED LADY, BY THE DAY, -WANTED - ZXPER. GÉ 10 year'North Shore referenceis. $2.80 Swedsh woman, must, b per day and carfare. Ph. WiI. 5099. no Iaundry, 2 aduits, sta3 O8LTNbO-4tu week. Wilmette 1995. RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN WISH-- WtE IL RGENEP, e day. work of any klnd . Room 26. , work.ý Refs. required.1 Wllmette, 5381. Ï8LTNSO-4tp netka 792. rili j ýed. Ci .- '1'