A smart, sophisticated comedy wbose central character is decidedly syni-. pathetic and (lelightfully du:nb is the description givenl John Barrymnore's new picture, "T1,opaze," shiowIug at the Wiliette theater, Suniday, Monday, an(l Tuesday, May 7,. 8 and 9. Barrymore appears in the title niue. Professer Auguste Tlopaze is a quaint and lovable character who siîicerel%-,Ihe lieves. and teaches that ilI-gol)teii. gains iever bring bappiness. Tlhrough a series of pro moti ons 1)3 sliarpers, lie l)ecomes unw illin" ly rich and( fainous anid, to lis aniazernt, happy. It's reverse Euiglish-ê>r French -for the action takes place in Paris. It takes Topaze. a ilvhile to accept 1the niew codle, but when lie does lie o ut- wits the chief consprator agàinst ~hin anîd steals bis miistress. Nivrna Lo%*. ullinuts exotic :nakeup and wveîrd c.ostutmes,, .)lavs opposite Barrymnore. Others ini the cast are Albert Conti, Luis AIlherni,. Reginald Mason. Johyna. Howlanld, Jackie Searl and Frank Reicher. Ronald Comn Start Roniald ôlmfaîî ïiv "Cynara" ýfilmcd 1wv Kiuîg Vidor froni the international stage sccsis. preseiitc(1 by Samniel *(;()ldw>'ii at the Wilmiette theater, WVed-. ulesdav and 'rhursIa, May 10 and .. P!ayitig opposite Mr. Colman are Kay. rnc S, asiseek and *finely groomed as eî'er. and Phivllis B3arr%", a;iw Collier, ini the dual feiinie roles, and ,Henrv Stephenson. in the part he created ]ili the New York stage pro- dutction. 111 selecting -Cynara". as a successor. t;Mr. Çolman's *'Arro%%suiiitbi" of last season, Gjd'i did so largelv otnt ofý a. sense of contrast , not ouly for Co!- nian, l)ut for King Vidor as well. For tlîis grini story ,of "fa.shionis 1,1 fidfelitV'. is, differeut f ruu auytbing Colînan bas (loue ni a longtimne. an(l it is \idor's first effort at:,utrbatiitr and sop)histication. "Cyniara" is, of :course, the story o t a mnan and a wvife, devoted, upright, faithful, and of how, when the ife ivent away, the husband, casually be- Fr iamy and- Satu rday knoWn character* players on the American or Euiglish stage', is the Buster Crabbe, very mnuch a mai to onlv member of the original stage look at, makes bis film debut ini "King cast that Samuel Goldwyn carried of the jungle", at the Varsitv theater, over to "Cynara," in which Ronald this -Friday and Saturday., Raised CoInai is starred. wîld among the lions, Crabbe and, his. Mr, Steph.enson, created the role pals are caught raàiding ,a. settier, are in the' Néw V ork stage version that sold to a circus;- then the "circus," co-featured himt. with Philip Meri- figuiatjvely a s well as literally,' be- v aIe, who p layed the role of War- gins. Buster'escapes, crashes Fran- lock., ces Dee's house-does'she taine him? Thrilling flickers include the cir- cus fire,. with Buster rescuing :îhisAI Jolson's W~ife Makes. friends, the-lions. Here's one fte H rD bta im Sa fiîiest of animal pictures. "Clear AI1.1 ires." one, of the se;î- Ruby, Keeler, the famous Broad-. son's headline films with Lee Tracy way musical comedy star,. and,Z ieg- as the star 'reporter, will thrill at the feld girl, makes ber bow in pictures Varsity thea ter, Sunday, Monday anîd as a member of the ail sta r cast of. Tuesday, Mav,7, 8 and 9. Tracy, it -42nd Street," a Warnelr Bros. pro- seemi is the kind of reporter who duction. It was i n this -same com - can make news 'when there is none pany that ber busbiand, AI' Jolson, otherwise. available. How he bain- mnade the 'first big talking picture l)oozles his employer and public-ah. hit a few years ago. with *'IlieSing- there's some real fun! Accompanied ing. Fool." * hi Una 11erkel, Timumy Gleason and __________ B3enita Hume, Tracy hits for Russia and gives the revolutionists a feNv HERE'S ABE LYMAN lessôns in stirrinz things up. An Abe Lvman act'will feature the On Wednesdav, Thurs.dav and Fni- short suhjects that add zest to the day, -Mav 10. Il 'and 12, the Varsitv programn which a nortb shore the- presents "Th e Kevhole," starring Kay ater is .presentinq. Francis and George B3rent. Monroe__________ Owslei'ý, Allen Jenkins andi Glenda Farrell also contribute work that YE OLDE MAULER lenids somne entertainniieut value to Jack Dempsev returns to the mov- this film. ies> in a short picture "Worid's Toni'ght (Thursdav., the Varsiti' Champ."' being shown this week at a. has a treat for AI Jolsoti fais - local theater. "Hilleliiih. l'ni a Bum." (Wilklettc Unit 46) Mrs. S', C. \Vardeni will be hostess to the executive board which will] uleet at her home 511 Tenth street, Thursday (tonight> at 8:15 p. mi. COOK Coulty counicil will mneet at the Great Northern hotel Friday. Mav 5, at 1 :30 p. ru. 'w THEATRIE ' - EVANSTON,-PHONE UNI. 89000 Thur&., May 4 (Last Day Today) AL JOLSON in "Halclujah I'm a Bu." .with Madge Evan&- On Thursday and Friday of this! .week, the Wilmette presents "42nd Street," zestful and tuneful -musical extravaganza, featuring fourteen stars and presenting 200 girls. This. film marks Rubyr Keeler's starring debut, and. she makes good in a big, way. generous once again! On the afternoon of Friday, May 12, the auxiliary will give a bridge party at the. home of Mrs. Lea J. Orir, 1002.Greenleaf avenue.,,Save the date! Details are to bie announced next week. with George1 Kay Fram "KCING 0F THE JUNGLEP EXTENDEDI TH1JRS.. FRI., MAY 4-5 "'42ind .STREET'. SATURDAY*ONLY MAY 6, "LUCKY DE VILSI" with Bill :Boyd-Rowoo Ates jack Dempsey in "World!-s C'iamp" New Opening- Hours Due to Dayll ihvt avlnglme sihow tRfrts 9ve. ut 7 p. m. Satt.-Sun.-MoIIdays frolu 2 p. n. ontinuous Box offie cloàes Eves. at * .-46 P. nM. Box ornle. loselq Sat. at lep.In. Sun.1 Mon.. T u.. .May 7-8-9 f-ag trii the Andy Clyde Comsdy Abe Lyman Act.a-Caroon-N.ws We.. Thurs., May 10-i I By Popuar Dem.nd COLMAN~ t I &