Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 3

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h o u rs ~ ~~ ~ ~ o n S a tIrd a y a n <nd e g s r r i o a n i re s hm e n e nlte - thsva nMy2,i a' nal an iej and by a large Chicago packing hor nyg New Trier Highi school next fali nouned h Mr. GergeB~sser, hai- bose.the banking bours on Mondays frmthirmar schools of New 1f The 8aoln a.d oi. topre 6a.n.todco Trier township will be held Tbursday niai] of the Poppy coinmittee of XVil- fl h aoieado opne n modate customers :who are away and Friday, May Il and 12. Pupils mete ni N. 6, nirianLe ithe packing bouse have been giving, from the village. over week-ends front the Wilmette and Kenilworth metteiarnit No 6 neIci .g* the coupon books in exchange for tax during the summer period. pbi col n rmte'aoha 'rheuni isrnaingex-antciptio Warans isue tothe This change was d'efinitely dle- schools of the township will register' tenlsive preparations for the, o'servance tecesi atpyeto hi a- cided upon by the bank followî,ng-. on May Il at 3 ô'clock in the after- of hedayan isboîngfo di fllaries. For the' past year 1the New suggestion for sucb a revision of- no inhe ihcooautrim coopeationof ai WilretteTrier teachers have been accepting a fered by many of the banik's A h'sm oro a 2pp :>gnia considerable portion of their salaries customers and in line with other frm te Wntaad tnsadidiias.ilà tax warrants.. north shore baniks w~hich, adopted S*c hools will register. \.emorial îopiet li wor in Residents of the -four coinmu.nities' these banking 'hours. sorte time Ti h>îo o te ord ar(la(, vil )etrcni wbich.the high scoldraws Most ago. Thsweek Meetings are beîng. beld of its 'students-Wimitette, Kerulwortb,. iin the public schools of Wîlm*ette, n.,a(le avaîlable t(> everyone in the vil-ý i innetka and Glencoe _~- have heen Kenilworth and Glencoe. The fresb- lage by volupteer workers irorn the.1 asked 1.IL hlte acrbpu1cli-men adviser chairmen, the deans, Auxiliary units.. Organization of theiil ohepte*ecer yprhs Mrs. H r etLeach. Frederick A.* Kahleran MisEz- 1igthe coupon, books. A committee anduer MisEl -trers is going f urward rapidlyI v eddb lne .Bce,59 i- C ar a.o Board uetn Packer, and the directoro e der Mrs. Bassler's direction anîd th' den avne'imte s tepiC ar a' tBor search, .L Bon are gvng the unit exl)ects to have its ý.p9pp)- girls" -d aveue lreme is ateptigt Nlrs,. Herbertj.. Leach, 630 Wash- eigbtb grade pupils instructions and iii al ,parts of -the village througbiout f thoe.o ta lrenme ohh ok ington avenue,. was elected chairman information relative to their g .th da. .l'ie lowrsforthesae "li. ackng'iose oup .lismaybeof the Wilmette. Playground and .Re.c- scbool registration. A similar meet-I dueday Th fl~vrs rhel)akin buseCouonsmaybereation board. at a special meeting ing will be beld at the 'Skokie scbool, war veterans. sncf asho eoard, Tursday evening at teWinnetka, Mody.atron Ma merchandise, uha groceries, nMeat Recreation office, 914 Central ave- 8, at 3 :30 o'clock. Pupy ay s he ayf<> lCrS>iLland drugs, and the 6il compauîy cou- 1ue. She s ucceeds R. '.\. jolit!ton Ge eriesoTet tribute. to the men! wlo Iost their hives poils are good for gasoline, oà and w' elndt ) a(ilt o il- the country's service,' Mrs. Bassler, other service station facilities, as wellr-eeto.Aligtgadpulsi hep- emiphasizes. "It is a* day wbeni aIl can as for fuel. oil. hepbLah'a enanene flc schools of tbe township have been bo htthey still remeniber 'and ;Persons uesiring to hepthe teachers ýjj kecreatioin boArd silice Septen- "'e eiso tssa ato honor the sacrifices made hy those \%hio 1by purchasing coupon, books have been 'ber 10, 1930, %%hei slIe %vas appointed' the requirements fretac oig deiededArnric durng he rea,%vr - ske tocal Mr.Becer t ý'ijscbool. For other children who do dcfended~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arei. uigtegetwrakdt alM.Bce t\îMette by Earl E. Orner, then Village presi- crîsîs, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i an httiyaecryrg0131iiteeeig or during te day ident, and ber appointment confirnied t.atn h ulcscbools and. for Ameréica ini time of, peace.. Theý btis office inteWtWbs 07 or.%ho plantt ne Nw Trier .nx . p<>PPYi a .patrio tic symhol whicb tiitecthWhs 07 by the:Village boad Before )oiniixg alasilmeingis'tgé nieltd . sthe board>she hiad been identiidwt pca etn st ehl nueans~~ ~~ honord fo tede aîdsrvc niens iotor or he eadandsericerecreation work as chira oth,:at the higb school Thursday- after- for the living." Ch mi Poto e pca casoî omfe sfooni, May 4, at 3:20 o'clock in room No lrice- w'ill 1be asked for the iîame Postp i n 'n a member of other committees for' 205A to give these children tests and Amierican- legioni Auxiliary pO.I)l)piS. nS <' a special activities coniducted by tie t inr t bem W L rondcri of rer- >1 The Auxiliary wvants everyone to \wear Thbe '%ilmette Chamber of Com- 1board. jtoW .Bon ietro e * a poppy and to contribute fortj)e, flow- 'merce decided at its May 'meetiil Mr.ohso basevdscar search at New Trier, bias annotinced Ail mn o t boad forved ast car- that all pupils flot regularly enrolled er accordîng to bis means. COAllto- Monday of this week to discontinue ma of one ooar toe ptbli ors parocia trihttioj)is will be used for relief work its regulat- monthly meetings until' succeeding Henry Fowler %%,o resi ig n- sçone of the tnpulicol pattenda amotig tire disabled veteraîts and their -September. This is in accordance Ied after a two-yearý terni of service, tismeng families. witb a practice that bias beén follow; -___________ Reitrtin o hseppl. il ed by the Chamber for several years., CATCHERtio ON JOs uilýilb DO TheHE speke atB tuelte meetiinetng on -T DO c Th speeke - ltdat the meeting on Thurs- Womfen to Distribute Chamiber Monday was O. N. McCool. Chiief. of, Police Henrv Brautiganu i day afternoon, May 11, with the pu- dirctor o moeri saesnansipai issued a warning to W\ilinette resi- psfrn lietadKniwth FoodPromn Play Fund Laal Ëxeso university.. H e dents .this weeký that the (log catcher' Mr. Brown states. \fr>s, Harry E. Smoot, 731 Park discussedl the subject, "How: to, Make will pick, up. ail dogs 1,founid ruinn, av enu e, Mr. Ray Warren, 932 F~orest: the Most:of Vourý Selling Opportuni- fat large unmuzzled. Thlis is in *ac- OfiiiFamily Enjoy avenue, and Mrs. Patrick J. Joyce, ties." codac hwt aVlaeodnne D .~ r 423 T'enth street, are. miembers. of a On- neW meimber ivas aditted to. which requires -th «t dogs nuust be 1 arty at Vista del Lago ýconmittee that. w.ilI distribuite to the Chamber, the Fireside Games cor- muzzled from May- 1 to Novemiber 1. Village President C. P. Dubbs and. nee(Iy familîes in WVilmette food atnd,'poration, 139 Prairie avenue, S. W. _________________*Mrs. Dubbs gave a dinner dance at clothing purchased %vitb the proc.eeds 1LHopkins. owner. , The *corporation!' the Vista del Lago Monday nigbt for of the plav, "Nothiuug Bû,t tîhe T'ruth," mnakes jig-saw puzles. members of the- official boards of the to be presented by the Younger Set .Village. About one hundredlguests of Wilmefte at the Woniaî's club on -attended. The 'Orgarrizations repre- *Wednlesday a.nd Thursdlay, Niay 10: AID SETTLEMENT ' , sented included the Vlaebad and 11. Parti Fieberg of Evanlston. Mrs. Frank Ketchani hias been con- h .e Village administrative officers, the *wbc> directed -Your LJncle Dudlev,"' ductitig a needle-womian's badge . oning commission, the Boardi of Ap- preentd rethee eas ao.iS course for Kenilworthi scrhool girls. The .(pecals, the Policeruen's and firemen S the dramiatic coachu for, -Nothlu Bt il av enmaking gonsf pension boards, the PIaygroud and. the Truthi." the babies at thbe Northwvestern Uni- Rerd tion board th ulc ir versîty settlement in C hicago. T:he' ,bad th Çitizens' raffic anid afety- MuncipL ssoiaionprjee Ws, coxnpleted recetitly, Miss C1flh1SSOQn, the Public health board, Wancpa Asoito P'<ec m' iC th~11~ boar of *edu1ietion and the Park The Amnerican Municipal associa. Joseph Sears -scliool,- -reports. the Village board mreetings with ~j~m~gpraver a.nd whohave been designated tion bas., r'equested the Village o)f M o orn -y-- - - ~ ~ ar lage, boa~hp~f.s ee Wiret fo ovo its iiew code. -' -- - - A Ietter froin the association, read1 at ECOOM SHO RË INER SPIGIE and the l5t$ tire r eglar:j meig-lof thir ae Siice the ariv4t of- 'pleasat of th open roï are c i1a.+ ' T . k bor Tedy iltsaedtt î~ weather the Ecolnory Shop lias -i ImteP.T A ru' boardshesd owever , tte dicia li cou hat styra higbs car, atrolte lg Theo m n snsatio ba-of oth ititcofrne Parent-Teache asdcatois ltû ,far -itte o.f té Vilag borHar okr tbe nue bap bede the gai nmcatial-.- icrrcl ttdb: XMTI torney~Z Willi the Naceaentitral-My ebae hm Mr.A.L ping o this code an Ille cotve- Grnnp c 0imn snwa d prft'yt. o h itrc ovnio aern aîuythe sugetin that may- come tn thetAs n WL TE th Lo Qan-Howard Pa 1igreteahe themvo fr Wihetcoe citis beforealh snotie ?cnom hpis conlduOucte LIFE.fe associahe ti. Francis wil Le rosereths thoe Wis D Nally arted, M r. My tie hoan'e thlub rs of W L . mttedcas. Slc or it errr.l27 thtte invitation vnl seid at:the board meeting. Tuesday. roedaedrctdtcart.fail ivas a cqmbined. ont.

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