diSdtlek NEVE BEFRE hve yu ben a to buy Firestone Extra Qualy Tirs a tesetie wr"prices.Yon wili p.robabl4y neyer have, the chance to do. 80, again, since raw material priées are rapidly. increasing. .Advanced tire prices mustfllw IFIMETONE OIDPIEI,*TMP Superr a QuueIty and Comut.,u.uI.te fi3wt lino, specIaI brand tir.., ofa.sed f., sale by depaumnt torte., 1 où mmpmaus, ad mail oriler catalog houa.. lThis l. 16The TTise TBMTght Tlsa4t t. Ml ims.!" 4.75-19 5.5 il525-18 $6.U I Otiter Sixes Proffersioamaitel aw mlai tirel and 'an BSucgD uneW, apWeffl nand for ima. by mai) order boumes 4-50-21 *.9 5.00-19 I*.8 4.7~5-19 5.10 525-18 $.17 jOtherSixes Pro.rt'onaieILowe IILIV.MEMBERI - your braki yuasr tires must $top 705W C'ITl es can ye-i. Wine bu 721 Main St. Wilm*tt Prompt Service Phone Wahmtte 4.S@4S 1 - 1