Ining Produces JMgca Basebali Victory The .8R and 8A girls plae d base- bal on Wednesday; Aliril 26. -In the first three iîuxiîgs, Ille score as3 to 1 in favor of 8B.ý In the fourth inning, 8A worked very bard and got ten runs and, then vthe score was il to 3 ini favor of 8A. We, didn't plav any tmore innings,..... so SA iwon. The 8A plavers are as follow~s. jean Macdonald, Edna, Baughman, Louise Schiber. Alice Wagner, Dor- otby' Davis, Virginia Marsh, Mar- jorie Hill. Grace Centifahto and Bes- sie Bou cikas. - Bes si o chk s, b.... . .... Howa... ....rd 8A....... --j Marjorie Hill Is Best, Speller. in Howard 8A Several children in Hloward SA have be en doing very' goôd work ini spelling. Marjorie Hill bas the bigh- est grade- no words ni ssed tbrough the year. Next corne Paul Wipper- furtb, Virinia 'Marsh and Dorothy Davis, who have missed only one word, and Kennetb Smith, Jean Mac- donald and Louise Schreiber, who have missed two words. Tbese chil- dren bave made tbe best spelling grades in SA.-Virginia Marsh, How-' ard SA. 1 * wr sW(I "-e, L' i V(am' lias Glo omy Outlook Howard D-2 has played. its first basebail game of; the season-and it iooks pretty bad for us. We'playedf D-1., We startedoff by having onlyf seven players,. and later one had to go home. Doug Huck pitched a good game but there were too many errors by ýour'outfielders. D-2 -made t hree runs in theflirst inning onm three good bits but D-1-' came back with two tallies, and> in the second inning, D-1 counlted three runs making the score 5 to 3 in D-1's favor.James Ander- son, Howard 8A. Stolp Boys Get Weighed; Tryfor Team Positions Ail Stolp 'boys who have. a ny-ath- letic ability- were asked. on April 26 te have themselvès weiglied, in order' to find'out whether they were. heavy- weights, ightweights, or peewees. 'These tfrree teamg have' been weigbed, and the boys are ready for the test which will tell whether they wilI be on the team or not. Some ni the boys 'who missed out or did not m ake the team in. otiier sports wiIl have a chance ini this contésitet make their letters.- Fred Dreibus, Stolp 2C. Basebo The lI Boys Teamed Lccording to Weiýhts asebali season started Tues-, in Growing6 Used to Wilmette Home, 1 have a new, dog and it 'is an Irish * setter. Her naine is Red. I got ber froni some friends because theycould hot keep ber. 1. think she is. a very nice dog because she does hot run after ýcars, or bark at people on the street. When I first got ber. she did not. mind very well, and it w as very, strange to Red aro.unidWilmette. One, morning .I went -out to, cal her but> I could ixot fi nd, er' any- where - That norninig, after, I 'had. gone-to scho>ol, ýa woman1 brought her bomne fromn Winnetka. - Mary Know Your Arithmetic, Advie' to 7 th Graders ~grades were workîing bard during their forty-tninute. arithmetic periods- taking revieN tests in things-theyr need. You did flot,- have, to taket'hese tests unless you mtissed more than the standard. Some good advice to the Howardl seventb grades would, be to know your aritbmetic when yýou get to eighth grade, or you can sit thçre another year. _-Marjorie Hill. Howard 8A. 1-B 'at Stolp F iviasbi season fias' begun and the fifth graders are playing. We bad our first game on a recent afternoon against 513 and we won it too. Our captain is George Mayfield, pitcher. ' Howard Ringholm is short stop-, Charles McCandlish is rigbt field and 1 amn left field. I hope we have the good luck, to win most of our games. -Dick Cochran, Howard 5A. L.ittle Jo.hni&y Jouene wiIl perf rmt. feats of magac at the National College of Edycation Saturday' aftrnon My 6, j a program arrauged csPecially for childre» o the noàrth shore. Tise performnce begi>zs at 2 o'clock. and so on in tne AB l cass, C-1i and so forth 'in the C's. This wvas also carried out in the D's, E's and F's. On the opeiiing day, AB-1 defeated AB-2, 19 to 17. D-1' also trinxmed D-2, -,George Schwall, Hloward 8C, Stolp D.2 Defeats D1 in Extra-Inning Game The Stolp D-1 basebali team opened its season, Iosing a close. extra-inning, longest onies, aiffl1 arni sure our roorn is proud of It. The following naines appear on our lior rol: Jeanne O'Brien, H4eleni Pres cott, Lois'-n Roseai, Mariait Cox, Ruthm Ebeling, Julia. Booz, .Cassie EMpfield. jane> SRolàonon. Nancy. Pickard and Mary Frances Badger. Cassie, Erpfieldi Stolp 1B. AB-2 Starts Its Basebali Season by Nipping AB-1 The first basebal gante for the .ioware i i sriviug ior a go record i spelling in which we ha been fairly successful our fil semester. Many pluses were giv then, and we ail hope that will hap- Pehn agaîln this sémester.-Boýb Cocb- rau, Howard 7A. The en up p'according IWe hope for ing basebaîl. IHoward SA. i lcYv 5*Almejue umic ;tarted this year's base- ROOM IC PLANS GIFT CRAVES F REE'RIDE The teams are divided The Stolp assembly club's 'Amer- My big brother' and another boy to weight .and height. ican flag is broken. Our romp 1M, are making a canoe. The person who a good season, of play- has decided to have the flagý fixed as gets the, best name, for it gets a free -William Grahamn, a graduation present, to leave, to'the ride in. it. hope very miuch to get school. -jâne Solomon, Stolp. l.B. a free ride.-Bill Steen, Howard, 4A. 1 1