Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 45

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Twoclfo()l arembuies rny :cnooiu year. i ney wililbe awarded Pleople's organization (of St. John's en-ý witliin the next- two or tbree weeks. tered the Waltherl lea1gue actiîvit-le.s côn- A soli, John Radcliffel3wing, wvas L. Raymus MNurphy,, Highcrest prin- test which wvas held in order to foster- born Ap)ril 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Sain- cipal., states. cultural activities aniong the young people of the Lutheran churvii. Both of e Ew ing in Los Angeles. MNrs. our contestants camle ont with flying Ewing is the former Mary* Rickseti Mrs te'nry J. Brandt, - 1530 Wash- colrs.Hovar Bese tok wofirst of 1006 Michigan avenue, Mrs. Rick- ington. avenue, and Mrs. Richard. T. plaes on i th oatoicl cntst the! sen expects to go to Calfo n i Hosking 818 Park aeunooe other in the.. exteniporaneous CSl)eakingavnue contst. Mar.-haIl Petessecoka .- jJn eselernwgade. to Florida last week. Thev vllb ond. place in -the young -rnen*.,s ,(oocon - I nth ot1oramnh tet. ('ngaultjfl~Sallv Clark., 418 Ninth street. xvho - o- attended the Princeton lieuse parties,, M.adMs elvL riu 3 011sunay itiriion'andevening i.ad'\Is e e L rw,23 next St.. Johns will have a-, is wee toppônedte Mdofntheair. - t tre, etrtie the North 8hore zone of the 'Walther %ee.She oppdff at. iut tir ouples at, a bridge part>v at their League of Lutheran Young Peoîple, an K . J., for a visit %vith her uncle and home last Fridav e inîg <rganization now flumibering fiftvy thou-ýan.N1r n r. asyP tàd ithert.iiyoung people, tal bona anM.a( r. -asvPudn o lid c m m u ic nt e m ers l th ~ U i -' * -D o ro th y J a nie O rr. 2 2 5 X o o d b i nie ted( States and ('anada U, e e eentl-v agteja Vr ate vne the (,rgantizati<,n ,lias ,had a tr;tlpii'gËoIvt1i .nuu eJa XTr atw.aeu.~as hostess at luncheon and. in South Amierica, especlalin rgn yalir n Arl 5 aJheEa)s hidge last Saturday. There wvere tine eind in usrai ts ;t1inis are the 1 ton hospital to Mr. and Mrs. joseph two tables ini play. foutering of a-1l thinge ti,knit ;t closer, Ward Hartke, 319 Central avenue. bond. of fellow.ship betwfeen tilt, oung; TheI rke' peoplIe of the church. Iî was*hk ,or-ie atkshve threc other daugh* Th ganization whieh sevérai >years' ago es- lters, oved Boyne H. Plati famnl3'have1 tablished the Wheatridge Lutheran $an_,,i-o-..... 114 igan15avnu itarium near I)enver.,- olo., wihich Was * eto 152rCentral aewe.T ek-oed. erecteil t:ad ost <of several hündred M r. and Ms Loar aia 72t-e1ls thoiu4and dlas The League bas been !Cunniniiigs avenue, KenilWorth, enter- raising about $100,000.00 ainualJy for i thiclbMs charfty vcasesiîn this, institution. it has tned thi ridge cu at dinner Ms Kenneth Curtis. 245 Linden~ ai.o tried tr establish in civ-of Friday. avenue, Winnetka, entertained ber n3 izel this country a hospice, in j-0 lba ucenan rdeo pi which Vyoung people ofthe ichurrh, tr'iv lb tlnhonadbigeo pi elling, o)r seeklng work 01- an -N 1 t;~ rs. D. ýW. Humn of CieaLk,28 luasrag 'iymyfind :(on'enia lIova, arrived Sundav on a visit with Surrundlgsas well asq food and lodg- teC olnSih f12 ih ing ' t a very nioderate price. 'Por theteC.RlhiS h benefit (,f Lutheran- young *people .who j land avenlue. are, travelling it miaintainse a traàvel s,ýerv- -- ice bureau, one of whose objeüts s The Arnoldi A. Zimmlnermans inoved ileet young peopfle at the train..,, and to the first of the week from '1224 Isa- mee thein safeiv to their deshatio bella street to 930 Oak street, XWin- ere(ramer, presidlelit of th.- netka. Ntorth short, zone an(] a st.b aitSt ...h',, il., i., na r u ngtu vone meeting. The 'afteýýrnoon *111 be gi 4novet'rge to a dsuso.of league afis atciai the Luh- eran exhibit at the od' Fair 'vhicb býas the suppor't of thu leaguie.. Supper % viiil] e serve-d àai ( lite. Lde~Aid i T'he 1I-1(di tes' aid a îid M isÉ i o na s- vîietv. k meeting on Thur.sday at. 2. Pré- ceding tIhe m neeting 't-here will be ýa ltmchecn for ýal the niemnberie and their fiendsý>-. At 3 oj'cloek a moving picture fislowing> the wvork of the United 'harities <ibf OekagoviIli be shown.- Al, inenîbers and friends are invlted ltri bls o <f oui- a t the senv SiTARTER and NOW for Sumser divlng Mr. and Mrs. Rex Elton Fair, 510 Fifth street, entertained the Discus- sion club of Evanston, Tuesday, in their studio at Finchley House, 23 East Jackson boulevard, Chicago. WE SPECIALIZE IN Complete Autiomobile Maintenance Body amd FeUdar. Ford Parts & Service Oùi and Grese $ Ray 9car . .. . . . Smral cars ........7 CompanY 725 '1.1. St. Wlmtt. 3W New » WLL Main St. at Lin mn Ave. Phone Wilunett. 3334I 74» Tv.lfth Shtri Phcmo Wil. .e-M 1,"i.

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