Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 44

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The musical program at the scrvice will be as follows: Prelude, "On The Holy Mount," Dvorak; Anthem. Scene froin "Redetiiption," Gounod: a. 'eu Appearing to His Disciples"; b. 'Unfold Ye Portal"-The- Choir, Mrm. McCor- mick, Mr. Ru-st, Mr. Otis; Solo. "If God So Clothe :The Qrass," BI.Qcho)ff, .31r. Edward 0115, sololt; Postlude, "Cor- onation March," Svendsen. Bi-m rra Rounds is director. junior ehurch, under the direction of Mrs. Stanley Peterson, will care for the children during the wâ'rhip r- Our Sunday school nîets at 9 :30 o'clock, in ail the departnient and clams- es. Mr. - Ralph Rict k gitiral spr Intendent. The Meng Bible class is beginning a new series of studie, on thé general theme, "The Principles of Jesus." We invite the men. of the community toý meet with us. The hour is 9 :45 o'clock. The Christian Enideavor society %wili meet with Diek and EXllen Torrey, 1341 Elmwood avenue at 5 :30 Wock. Phiiip Osborn will fed thé meeting on the. topie -Right and Wrorng. Amnbitions." AIl the young people are .invited. Our mnidweek service le heid on Wed- nesday evenlng et 8 o'clock at the Woman's club rooms.. We have begun a new stries, of studies ln the, Letter to the Hebrews, wlth the geheral. theme, "The, Superiority of Christ." We . n- vite you to study with us. Mother'b Day Will be observedSun-I day, May 14-. We welcomie yoti 10 our * service. In spite ,of the storni. a large nurn- ber were present aI the service held In te aditoiumof our new churchi lest Sundey afternoonf. The service was the first step toward the partiatl completion of the~ building so that wor- ship services ma>' bc held tljere. Nearly bal! o! the funds' necessarY for this stage of, the building programn werxe *raised. Enthii.zusisnî k high for thé project. On this, Frlday evening, May 5, at 8 there- will be a church party and so-. ciel et the Woman~s club rooms, under the euÈpices of The Young. Wornen'-, Guild.. The main feature of the pro- grain will. be a home talent play. Al the members and friend,- of théechuirch are invited. - 'Owng to.. the rain-.stormn laè,4tSaiturýj at i t> Uio.e)t. AiKn ANotnP Iwe serving the luncheon, and tl Cirele wtil have charge of tl 1 on of he icwccau 1rr he ~sntrîng Uof<'ur .Christian experlences and Ideas. 'orne 1thie next week, Wednesdaày,. May 17., to hear the programNi hich -w%11I be .ure- "Ilted by our board tif trustees. Rach week for the pasgt four, some. organ- izatiôn within the church ha.m presented a survey of lts work for the past year wlth, a look ahead. into the future. Be sure to -corne to this -next1 meeting. the last fiefore thé Annualdinner.. MENPS PARTY Tomorrow. May 5. the 'men 'of the rhurch will ýenjoyr an evcnIng of fel- lowship together in a party gt the church at 8 o'clock. DIr. Hindley of the C'onzregational churchwilI giNe. a "pep-i talk" and additional, program and e- freshments are being,.Vlanned by the <'onnniittëeeln charge. Dr. Allison. Mr. Cuthridge, and Mr. E, Carlson. THE CHICAGO BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Very fine programs are plajined for the sessions of thcàt'hlcago Baptist as- sociation which are to-- be- heldnext Monday a.nd Tuesday, May R and_0, at the" Austin 11aptist churcb. Pine' and Ferdinand streets. On Monday evening dInner ivili, be served at 6 :15 p. m. and during the din- ner hour a programn wilI. be given in hoflor of Dean Shailer Matthews. with fi-ve-minute speeches by Dr. 'Charles Gilkey, Dr * Herbert Willett, and Dr.j H-a rold S. Stewart. At the evening ses-1 sion, begInnIne at 7:45 Dr. C. 0. John-1 son, president of the Northern Baptlst1 convention, .will be the speaker. Tuesd ay.. the WornenXs Mission union prograni wilI be held at 2 o'clockç in tht atternoon (no morning session). There will be an inspiration address by Miss' Elsie Kappen., field worker of the, Boardi of Misslonaryr Cooperation, to bc foi- lowed by. a social hour and reception to the graduates of the Baptist Mission- ary Training school.. Dinner Tuesday evening .will be at, 6i:30) p. m. and is ln charge of the B. Y. P. U. Tht Rev. Walter Wood will lend thé feliowshlp slnglng and three young peopl e will give four-minute ad- diresÈses on "Youth and tht Future of the Churchb." Thé evenlng session to follow wlll consider th business of thé &3 Y. P. U., Mr, Jensen: will lead the; devotional, service, and. a fittlng close! will be the presentation of the drema- "Ba Thane"-one of. the thrto. winnlnà Thit First division will have a Bak- ery sale nt the %Ntinanl 'P, Store o The regular week-day activities, for Central avenue, Saturday, May 13 boys and girls arie scheduled asà- foli- Iows: The Official bôard will meet Monday Tuesday-4 p. m.-Girl Scouts,' Camp evening, May S.' et 8 o'clock at the, Fire Girls.. chujreh. Tuesday-7 :30 p. M.-Troop No. 2, Boy: scouts. Thursday-_4 P. n'.-J.unior Choir re-ý English Lutheran: heara I.Seventh at Greenleaf Thursday-7 :15 ,P. M.-$enior Choir!,Wilrnette, rehearsal. Thursday-7:30 P. ni.-Troop No. I. "A 1lou," of Worship"' Boy Scouts. Friday-3 :15r p. m.-Brownies. ,<'.D avid R. Kabele, pso Fr!,4ay-7 :30 p. mi.-Set.ior Camp Fire. Girls. . %UNAY SERVICES Saturday-9 ):30 a. ni.-('ub Pack' No,.1 Sunday school...... ....... 9:45 a. m'. 63. I Morning worship ... ..........il1 a. nm. Saturday-10 :00 a. ut-Junior ehoi rehearsal (forths who cannot. corne thtlWopnîen's society will nieet at thf Thurmday à fteanoon). church this afternoon. (Thursday), at -- --2 o'clock. Mrs. Scott Sim-ith will pre- St u utiessent the topie, 'Missionary dvlo- Suntd.ty, M.y 7. wil he thé third Sun- day after Enster There wiil be. Holy The Senior Luther league will! meùt Commuion 58'à . n., ChrhSd iî t thre church' Ibis evening at 8 o'clock. and Bible classe:; et 9:45 and ioIy. Alil the younig people are i-rdi.lly itri- Comniulon with seriiçïn at 11 a. mn. Vited. Next Sunday, belng the first Sunday in the month, will be Corporate Com- munion Sunday for both the Boys and Girls Communion .Leagues. Next Sunday afternoon at 4 :30 delt- gaitions from the Church schools along the 'north shore willi hold a rally at St. l4ouke's pro-Cathedr-al, Evanston for the presentation by each schooI of their Lenten savings. St. Augustine's church gehiool choir will meet at the, Parish Fouse. at :, :45 to go) in a body to the 1rally. Frid1ay. May 12. wlll 'be. annuai Bish- op s DaY of tlhe diocesan pre-school dlepartnient. Alil mothers 1in the diocese are lnvlted, to dioëeqan headquarters, 65 E. Huron street, Chicago, et 2 :30 p. ni. where the bishop wil11 addrees them. *Metlzodist Church> The imninister's sermon, thème for thje Il o'clock worshlp serveice next Sunday inornfing will be "The Capacity for Re- ýTht. choir will sing "Fear' Not, 0 lsnl"by Splcker.ý AliL iembers and friends are u rged 10 attend the service which, Is held.each, j1unior Luther league %will i u*tt 'uu:- day evenlng at 5 :30 o'clock. Clerenàce Lineberger Will, present the topic. We: invite al the young people of higli school age who do not have a <'hurch, home to fellowship with us.. The regular imonthly m eeting of thé Chuuçh. council Will be held Tuesday ev'ening, May 9. at 8 o'clock. 'rhere wlll be a-RIally of the North Side Luther leagues et Holy Trinity church, , Addison and Maple square, Chicago, Monday evenlng, May 8, at 8 o'clock. Rev. David R. Kabele wil b the speaker. The ùmuîssociety has a"ît< invitation , from the Women's society of Tjnity ehtrrch, Chicago, t0 meet wiîli theni .Weýdneesday. aflernoon, May 10, a!: 2 o'clock. We will meet. here at the church at 1 o'clock and journey to-' gether. Attending the Service of Worýshiv on Sunday will mnake yurwekmore Joyous yu we St. John's Lutheran .Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmnette Herman' W.. Meyer, M. A., pastor 40A Prairie avenue Telephone 1316 Church telephone 5379. by a verled progrem. This meeting 1 1 having ruffimage tosedwi e B. Y. P. V. open to ail youpg people of coilege age phone one of the foiioswing:wMrs.pMe -Th B Y.P.U. meets on Sundey eve- in the congregation and conimunity.. the McVickers, Miss Leura Collen, M ning at P -30, in the Guild room. Tht H. 0. Crews, Mrs. Edward H~offn'u Service commission is in charge of th' Tht annual progressive Junceon of Mrs. W. E. Lindblad, or Mrs, Geor Devotionel Program and Dr. Alson the Cozy Corner Chrtle wlili be heid Ambuhi. nives his lest talk on thé history of Wednéeday. May '10, at 1 o'clock, stert-- B&ptste. We should ilke. te .have- a ing et tht horne of Ms.- Williatm IIyt,> An evtning party wlll be given asec Io> wMIILLU do ar- anld Instituions lm's kind weil for ,n, more. Men of rge tht changing tb areýthIngs whi te serve mankli te live upon this ALFA 5VL mat aUIot>11 .a of this wprid theré God has esabliphed "s long as men shall th. One et 'these la

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