Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 43

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eago wnen a young mnan. He had, been ini business there for more thari forty years. At the time of his deati lie %vas bead' of Eastman Brothers, law printers, 542 S. Dearborn street, Chicago. M r. Eastmnan %vas a member of WiI. mette lodge No. 931', A. F: and A. M. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Daisy G. Eastmnan, and by otiedaugh.- ter, Miss Clementine Eastman,. Rebecca Sown Osborn, 91, Claimed by Death Mrs. Rebecca I3owen Osborn, rnoth- er of Guy S.* Osborn, 339 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, died early Iast Fri- day morning at lier son's home. Shc was- 91 years old and was a pioncer of the covered wagon i-ays. Five weeks before her death Mr,,. *Osborn fell and suff ered a leg frac- ture. The shock of the fali hastened ber death.. She had been in excellent health ail of her life. For mai13' years following the death of lier hus- band she nmade lier borne %ith ber ion, Guy S. Osborn, who has been a resident of Keiiilworth twventyý-inet- years. Funeral services for. Mrs. Osborn were held. Monday. mornin 1g at becr late residence, with the Rev. fIer- bert L. Willett of the Ieni4lworth, Union churcli officiating. Burial %va-; at Mferorial Park cemnetery. 1[rs. Oshorn was a ruember of the Christ- iari churcli at B urlington Kaiuý., %vhere she spent mnost of lier inarricdl *Beryl Tolen, daugliter of MIr. anid Mr.George R. Tôleýn, 1 Crescent .place, entertaineid. bler cousinl, Jane Tooker, and a fiend, Phyllis Todd, both ,of Beverly His, over the week- end. xMrS. Albert, Webb> of letroit w:is the guest -of Mrs, Herbert, V, ~ ick, 3311 lES'sex road, eiwrl ii flaist week-end. The L. E. Schwabs, forînerly of 431 Oakdale avenue, have moved into their home at 627 Warwick road, Knilworth. -o- NIr. -and Mrs. Husrh Foresnaii. 515 Complote Landscape Veneklasen was assisted by the Rev. *Francis J. Martin of the Granville Avenue Presbyterian church, Chica- go, where Mrs. Brown formerly at- tended. The remains were. taken to *Beaver, Pa., for, burial. Mrs.,Brown, who. was 71 years old and thç widow of the Iast Charles W. Brown, is. sùr- vived by ber daughter, two grand- chidren,; one great grandchild, and a brother, Edward E. Graebing. AGNES L, SCULLY DIES 1* Agnes.'L. Scully died iast Satur- day. in. San. Mateo, Calif,, at the bomeé of ber niece, Mrs., H., J. 1%ewton, a *former resident of, Wilmette, accord- ing to *Word, reaching here tbis week. The remains- are being brouùght to Chicago for, burial, and, services wilI1 be,. held- at the grave in Rosehili1 cemetery, Friday afternoon at 2:30 BENEFIT DANCE On the evening of May 5, the Young People's club of St. Josepli's church wilI give a benefit dance-.at the Kenilworth club f rom 8:30 to 1. Mel Borchardt auid bis orchestra will play for -dancing. Giles W.- Harr ington, 929 Central avenue, went to Toledo, Ohio last week on business and pleasure. He spent several days renewmng ac- quaintances in bis former home. Mrs. John.t Law Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilwortb, entertained the Tlhursdav club at luncheon and bridg'e l'he Roy i)odsons . of 1337 Green- wood avenue, XVilmette, bave moved. to the U1rey lhome at. 226 Essex road., Keilworti.. Carolinie Roberts, 3M8 Warwick road,- Keiil"ortli, pe t the week- enxd visitIng ini Ann Arbor and De- troit, Mich. Mrs. H. Nt c1,eiizie, 1447 Edg(I,,e- Service - To Al. North Shore -and Evanston OilOMaicOwnàers You will be interested, we believe, in know,- ing that.the'Wil1iamsOil-O-Mati Haing ýCorporation b.as opened a direct factory branch at 520 Qavis Street in Evanston. The. operling Of this store is prompted by Our desire to'serve .you better. Many of you have told us of the real.JOY and satisfaction which Oil-O-Matic heating bas -brought you. A large niumber'of your homes have enjoyed t he eomfort of Oit-O- Matic heating for ten to twelve years. With pro-per care these burners ,should continue giving you that same degree ofstsaton for:as many more years. We sincerely to give your they deserve. hope, that you" will permit us, Oil-O-,Matics that care which, Those. who have more. recently pu.rchased Oit-O-Matics,ý we are sure will find in the establishment of this factory branch an assurance of a. happy èxperience in the comffort and economy of Oit-O-Matie heat. Wewill maintain a faetory-rtrained service department, available for any emiergencies that rnay arise, night or day; and a com- petent engineering staff to assist Oit-O-Matie owners and customers in solving their home and bot water heating problems. Gardening PRtICES. REASONABLE W[NNETKA 914 * L............. CHIICAGO BRANCH OPPICS x85 North Michigan Ave. Phone STATE 8057 EVANSTON BRANCH 0 PFICI 52o Davis Street Gftnlaf 2300-WaDette 2321 v.

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