Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 42

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babv is to be nai Don't.Miss the Best Lawn- Plani USE tLJNCOLN pAR .Mixed Lawn, Grass Seed.. Donit delay PIanting your new lawP aniother day or yiou'il misa the spring ralias that mean 90 mnuch to a'rIèh. beautifltù lawn. Choose at once .a god eed-the Boulevard Brand con- tainlng Astoria Bent at 40c a pound -or the Lnon Park Brand at 25L, a pound. See your dealer today. Try Nuù-vimn, the new, fertilizer , positively *Il Bot burn lawns or plant ilfe. Lting Season! W,- Teli You How to Grow à Lawn Send for bookilet '"Six gteps ln Maklng- a Good> Lawn", Toue a. iu175M "Sprýi Tam.Froiss"Thur14ays ai MO30P. M., Pridaysat' 9:15 P. M., Sondays ai 6P.M JOLIVE19JOHINSON, 9im1 9*40 W. Mar.m &, CHICAO Pâme MOT*on 63"0 BEAUTIFY Your HOME H al LOW GOSI with Hl LL EVEROREENS It's the latest Idea.. beautitylng the home wfth Xvergreens. . . HILL Evergreens .-Conta are 'I 7-1 include. some ' f the new supposed wonders. In the first place many kinds of flowers are servicable for so short a- tim.e -that they should be omnitted from the limited borders. Secondly, unless therè is constant at- tention'to be given t0 the seed. beds,' daily- supervision, the. growing of ,plants frojm seeds.ghould be confined to the very dependable, sorts. Plants may be secured1 frorn the growers at s0 small a'cost, .iust wlien needed' and in the exact quant ifies required, that except for the funt of, growing1fhings from seeds, if is poor policy, more' of ten than' is generally nofed, fo grow the annuals f rom seeds, in the ordinary small -home gardeix. So«, if a color fuI generous, garden effect is to be expected to compare wif h other such gardens in the sum- mer iinonths, if is best to buy' the planhts- from te gowers, such . kinds as pefunias, zinnias, marigolds., age- rat um, snapdragons, cosmos and scabiosas:. Then stake them early. IPRESERVE BALANCE IN THIE GARDEN BORDERS And now while we are planning the annuals to be planted a little later. we must decide that we wvill crowd back the perennial plantirig which have pushed out of bounds. TItis wvill nof only Droviclt the necessarÙ the peculiar cnarm of variety in their upturned faces, n~o two alike and every one with a smile for the gar- clener who bas an eye to see. Thèse sturdy littie plants will stand the late frosts, and can be strung around the formfai beds ore borders,- planted in groups, or almoési anywhere that is as yet unoccupied. Then 'after they haVe done their Spring. song, they mayVbe discarded with thanks.' Almost'any wild flower. garden or' perennial space, can stili afford a. home for some of the mertensia an&. the, caitha, with their blue and yellow of- ferings, ju st now coming into, ful bloom, and later .to back gracefully out of the picture and make way for the later corners. A walk along anyý residential street wVill reveal possibilities for a more generous use of* the scillas, crocuses,. and now the tulips and, hyancinths.. . The tops of these dis-. appear and the bulbs tan rernain be- Iow the shallow surface cultivations, getting ready to d~o their bit again next year.. The shrub areas should, be gone over thoroughly after, they have bloomed, and by clipping or- pruning properly, keeping .them i iw their rightful places, much, space can be fotind for other gardening. TOUR FAIR GROUNDS Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 338 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, as lunch- eon hostess at the Ann Rutledge tav- dvr ay IncluaIng eu D. HILL. NURI DRIVE TO DUNDEE Drive t Dun- repald. Bprlng lot.. . open ay. Ry CO. r.ins, cuior IUILptiatiofls, succession of -bloom, quanfify balances and al tihe varied feafures need to be. main- tained, a nd they cannot bec.fully maintained if the thriffy perennials are allowed f0 run wild and at 'viii. This will cali, for junking corne. of our pet phlox, iris, hollyhock, and possibly a few, ther ros, but will in many cases resuit in better returns from those which are left. And while this house-cleaning is going on in the.,borders, it is a 2 god Nlrlam Shaffuck of Glencoe, .and ,Mrs. Harold McKecnzie of Winnetka. .Walter Shattuck, Jr., who. wif h bis, father, designed Old Heidelberg Inin, took the parfy around the, grounds., REFUSE PERMIT Thé Village board, at its regular meeting Tuesday it'ight, denied the application of Edward Lewis to erect a sales stand on the souf h side of- Lake avenue about one fhousand feet wesf of Hibbard road.. "Pen M ve 7 <Ila» F. D. CLAVEY RAY The Lake ai Ph.,,.D..rfiold 36 Com>I.i. iore'a Largeat Nurserie Laiedscape Survie. RIES, INC. De.rfielde II. IIIWiImettr's Iond.d I I I I TeI.graph Flogisis III - 'I 235, 'Ridge Road "'w" ~ZZ2I86 ýýji a

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