Wr-s TO SVEMONEV THIISYEAR e e e evey ou byer sol rend this IMPORTANT A-NNOUNCEMIENT. FOR, PRICES and furiker Buy'your coal now! Buy it for cash i Here is some good advice which may save-thousands of:dollars for the Wise coal-users of this community. Mayprices on ail grades of coal are now in effect. Prices have been, substantially reduced. This means a worthwhile saving for the man wbo buvs next winter's fuel NOW. But, that is flot ail. In addition to the price reduc- tion, we offer a discount of 5o, cents per.ton on icash on delivery orders for ail domestic, grades of coal and coke (Pocahontas Mine Run and Steam coals take a 2%' cash discount). This is a real opportunity-one which do'esn't rý pe % dV [à and Material Co. and Coal Co. MA * WJOICr t U~ * E. T. Stokes E. C. Weîssenberg Wihuette Coal and Material Yard Wirnetka CoaI-Luznber'Co.