J'f r. 'WelsIey F. Bradburet (Ade- laide'Jones) is to give the prograsp for the -animal Progressive lutncht- o fthe Cozy Cornier circle 0f MoCon gregational' chia-ch [Ved- Presday ' May M, at 1 o'clock. in Colonial costume sh/w will give 'llusical Notes iiin erc -With her,"..the.circle remarks, '*YoU will enjoy the songs, dance songs, and / iîntrumental compositions that have becn given to America sitîce the Col- offial lady first made ber appearance here." Mrs. Bi-adburn will play and *Ning and speak. Within the past year Ale fias appeared before rnany well ki(Nuwn clubs in and about Chicago, in- cludiîig the Englewood Woman's club, XVatkegan, Lockport, and many others. -N Mrs. G. E. WaIk of 1240 Lake avenue is in charge of tickets.: Trans- portation will be furnished Mien de- Mfrs. WVilliam Il. Hayt of 1310 Maple aVenue wiIl have the first course, and MNrs. Antuwn E. Klunder, 909 Chestniit. IVeIlue, the second. The third course * vulI he served at the home of0rs Gale M. Brooks,,835 Fifteenthý stret, .anid MIrs. Lionel Bush, 1200 1-lmwood' avenue, will be the dessert hostess. r nat composers lite and works, the piaîist will play "Songs Witliout WýNords,» the Scherzo froin *"A Iid- s uinnier Nightts Dreani," and the Sonata in A MNinor. T'le two other late «.,ai, progranis ivili be given on, the ùsual Thursdays , May 18 and 25-, on Chopin and L.iszt.. respectivelv. To Entertain Mrs. Fred Sargent of. Evafiston will * he .hostess at tea on Wednesday, May C~, to the 'North WVestern Rail- road Wonian's club, Mrs.. Charles Broad of Wil1mette will give a read- ing.'. Mrs. J. A. Peabody, general president, will be assisting hostess. lias Dinner Meeting Thïrty-three memnbers of the For- ty club met last Saturday,.eveniing for dinner at Weeks' dining roorn and then Iretuirned. for cards to 'the home of, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MNlCliinton, 1612'Highland avenue. Spring, Luncheons Mrg. George Ortseifen of 337 Es- sex. .road, Kenilworth, is giving 1a series of buffet spring luncheons. On April 26, she entertained tivelve. friends. at her borne. On May 17, she w4.1 have,, another group ofges. mnures Ih e of a. 100% of., his prop- ail prospects hlm cia. of wat Ch nexiF week for REASON NO. 7 Or writes phone or oeil> for Our 8pecial boo&Iet "10 Reasons Whyl" for Properfy Owners R.B. WIIITAKER COMPANY 041 Elm St.., Ph. Wimm. 3250 iOPEN WEEK DAY3 NINE TO NiNg wea r a t the by the 1Eîghteenth Century Singers; liglht, grace-ful, beautifully liarrmonized songs f rom France and England, sung with such ease and finish that they left, a happy memory of a happy year 4 EdgarA. THE WHITAKER PLAN T e Phofoé-toûr of. Homes owner i showing erty .to home. F.I.R.ART SHOP CEIIbIf~OuTAT S:ELL,ýl*NGIOUTCOSTI FRAMED AND UNFRAMED ETCH 1H05 MÉTAL AND LEATHER FRAMES, NO VELTI ES 1642 OnringtoU Ave., EvaustoU UNI, 0170 Corne joi* the ever-increasing whlo aéres'ho0p pi Corne rtydessed women Lo.er Price Rock. prices 694 RRINOTON AVENukà mc 1- ý