year's activities of the juniors oft the Woman's Catholic Club of .Wil- mette. The event will be a pr fectly arranged early surnmer Fash- ion show and bridge at the Wilmette. Woman's club. The fiashion, review will be presented; by J. E. Worthen of Wilmette. -He bas-,sent to New York for more than sixty gowns espe-. cially for this sbowing_ The manine- quins ,will promenade through a lovely spring gai-den to the deligbtful strains. of a. string trio. c The showing will begin at 8'o C with several members of the Junio rs modeling. They willb heMses Mary Virginia Draper, jane' New- ton, Mary Alice Shautghnessy., Mar- geret and Florence Mason, 1)orothy,% MarhalJane Norman, -Elizabeth Ronan. and Marion Ortseifen. 1%em- bers of the senior club. who will model- frocks will be Mrs.: George Beaudin and Mrs..Chariles.Barton. Bridge will immediately f ollow the fashion review and there will' be, a .prize for each table donated 4v Mes- dames Myles Phillips, Charles Barton, John Janette, joseph Joyce, E. D). Brooks, James Burns, S. H. Moore. Charlec Adams, N. Wegener, George Ortseu fen, Herbert Morin, Hlis Gleason, John Boylston, A rthur 11o3'l- ston, Warren Clobisy, H. G. Dalton. Edward Cunmmhkey, John Tracey. Harry Barker, George McCarthY. Frank Thale, George Beaudin, Marie Bettinghaus, Williain Genner, Henry Schmidt, John Falvey, and thue Misses Gertrude Stock, Virginia Salerno, and Dorothy Brooks. Ànnual May Garden Market Held May 13 'l'le green at the Vilmette Ave- nue station of the Northi Shore hue will present a. sceie of springlike beauty ani activity on! Saturday.. May 13, when the Annual Garden Market is hield. *Ail kinds of plants for the, perennial border, annuals for -the %vitdow'boxes and to'fuil i for late summiner blooni, rock plants and gr9uind covers, Nvill bc on sale at at- tractive prices. The numerons niumbers, piano ni recitations, and a Otiier cbildreii mj Il include tai) Vs, a flute solo, recordling -secretary,. Mrs. Raymnonc Koch of Winnetka as registrar, an( Mrs., Harry B, Godfrey of. Chicago historian. Mrs. Frank Wright of Chi. cago will be the new vice-regent George L. Cragg, Chicago, cor responding 'secretary, and Mrs. Marit Louise Bosse of Chicago, treasurer. Cotmittee chairmen are: Miss Florence Sargent of Chicago,. mem- bership;. Mrs. C. WinsIowý Henkie ol Chicago,. social;' Mrs. Frank Wrighl of Chicago,. program; Mrs. Williani Sparrow of Evanston, preservation ôl historic spots;'Mrs. Alexander Hoýd- gart of, Chicago, national defense; Mrs. James V. 'Sili of Wilmette Antericanism and app:roved, schools; Miss Priscilla Kellogg. of Chicago stuüdent boan; Miss Margaret -Cabeli of Chicago, better films; Miss, Mary Harts of Chicago, magazine; MNrs;. Allan M4 Clemern of Chicago, puib- licity; Mrs. Frederick Thomas of Winnetka auditor. The assisting hostesses for the l1uncheon will be: Miss Margaret Buchanan of Highland Park, Mrs. David W. Kimball of Winnetka, and Mrs. Marshall Holmes, 'Mrs. John G. .jordan, and Mrs. Samuel Lewis -of Chicago. I Plans Benelit Eldredgeý, and 1Elaine Vatnght of 'Nil- miette, and Elise ýDoepel and June Doris Stake of Winnetka. Mrs. C. Ross Littig is chairman of the children's party, assisted by Mrs. 1E*.mil A. Stake of W'itinetka anud Mrs. Hf.: A. Finney of, Wilmette. President's Birt 1The members of celebrated the eighty 'eI <1full) Winnetka at ber marriage to Paul S. -Brown of Minette. From the cap *fell a hip-line tulle veil. In lieu of a ýs bouquet, the bride carried a muif of dwhite gardeniasin the center of- whc ade n leoci.Bu * lac was setorne bhe r ridesmBiue Maciss Marret Mcer rttof Ci-, ca o.s h a e to, ca rried a f Crhm i- bcagol Set w iharism anfrowes. The. bre id e s o th aMsmC anr Élrt' Sof 1.87 Ridge avenue, was_ in beige *_ l ace anidwore talisman, roses.,,. f Dr. Preston Bradley read tbe wed- Iding service at 8:30 Wednesdav eve- SningW in thé Kenilwortb Union church.. 4 Mr.,Browti, the son of Mr. and Mrs., Harry A. Brown of 819 Asbland ave- nue. Minmette, had Harry Fraser of Kenilworth for his best, man.> Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz held. a re- ception for the two 'families: ai their Ibouse after the ceremony. White roses and sweet'peas clecorated, the long dining table, and tali candelalra f eesta ihredMr. and Mrs. Brown are driving through Canada to, New York. and. -will sail from there to, spend theirý thoneymoon in Bermuda, N;assaii .atid Cuha. Thev will, return hvy wav o the southern states. and, will have an fapartrnent at 821 Chestnlut. court- \Vinnetka. for the sunimer. Ti e prenuptial enter.tainling in1- cluded the bridge tea given 1)v Mrs. L. ~ Stevens of XVheaton, the 110.- iery shover for 'the bride bvis Margaret McDernmott of Chicago anîd M\iss Marjorie Kelly of NB es Ccn- ter: the luncheon, bridge and luis- cellaneouis shower at whicli 11rs. Frank 'D. Fulton of Winnjjetka j ýtas lhostess and the initer Mrs. N er-, ril Redfern. of Chiicaga gee. -A trousseau opeo house tea: ý\as. lldi( Stindav front 4 o'cokou the lunide's inother. Evening Garden Club Entertains on May 9, The Evening Garden club of Wil- Meeting jin Deedield One of the Wilmette Readitng cir- des wiIl meet next Monday with Mrs. H. K. Snider of Deerfield.' A dessert luncheon at 1:30 o'ciock will, be fol- lowed, by the, reading. of "The iotuse cf Exilé."à Trhe Central Avenue circle of the Cnngregationai church is having an ail-day meeting and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Monroe Venables, 908 Greenleaf avenue, Friday. May 5. Assistinig hostesses are Mrs.; May Saville, Miss Traggart, and Mrs. Irvin 1.Adkins. *JrF. vW. J. Fituzpatrick, Mrs. B5. J. Kavanagh, Mrs. P. J. Klappericli, Mrs. E. Jw Schager, Mrs. F. J., Koza, Mrs. B. W. Lynch, Mrs, R. T. Markham, Mrs.' H. A.. Marten. Mrs. S. H. Moore, Mrs. C. P. Walkeri and Mrs. N.P. Zech. Garden Tea May 22 Mrs. Charles D. Ewer of 1111 Aslu- land avenue, is opening bier home aii'd garden for a, quilt 'and garde.n. tea May 22. The event is'spo nsored luy the- Nortb End circle ofý the iCoîîgreý- gCatiotial church. Mathew Francis Photo Roseniary Joncs, talcntedc daugh- .ici of Mr. and .Mrs. C. Seymnour Joues of 622 Greenicaf avcenue, Wilmctc, wilI do a solo toc dance ai the '"Shawne Children's Own Show," on& Satutrday, afternopit., May 6, ai "2:30 o'clock. .