amusement andi mystification. In these tricks lie uses rabbits, birds and ducks which he bas trained to a high degree ýof intelligence. Elljoyment of the program is flot linmited to chUl- dren, however. Mr. Jones will pre- sëetfor- their approval magical mas- terpzeccs. hoýrderilig.onthe weird and senisational. This matinee, perform- ance, at. 2 o'clock 'Saturday. after- noon, is, giv en under the auspicesý of the' '"" club of theé college for. the purpo se of raising f unds for its tennis court. Famous Woman>Engineer to Address Baha'i Group .'The Baha'i Literature" is the sub- ject of a.lecture to he givecn bY 'Miss Beatrice Il-Win of LQSý Angeles, Caiif., at Foundation hall. Baha) flouse of Vworship. I.iinden ia enluc and Sieri- dan roaài ilXtc.Snav Iay 7, at.3 :30 o'clock. 'IMiss lIrwin is anil-_ Iurninatingk engineer and color special- ist in ighit. She fias rercntly been in the Hftôlv, La,îd whiere she iristalled the flood-light svstein in the Baha'i Shriincs on Nit. C;ariel, and sh e was i0so ini charge of the lighiting at the Barcelonla exp)osition., She is the ali- throf two books, "IThe Gates of Tighit" and "T'he New. Science 01 Color." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES ".Adam and Fallen Man"' will be S mile for Bernie ,BETTER PICTURES, Three Speeial flufi Etehiugs Mary Jatte Falvey, 1015 Ashland avenue, plays t/e rolie of the so- cial buttcrfly. ù, the comedy,, "Nothing But tue'ruth," to be presesited by the Vouiger S' et 4t the 1-Vorn4n.;'s chlUb ay 10 akid 11. Miss Fa!vey is a junior at New Trier IHigh se/zoo? wihere s/w Is activ,,e in& the flramatic club. Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette Sunday mnorning, May 7, held in the edifice at. 1003 Central avenue. Sundày school convenes at 9:45 $ Tise la thi e rtstValue Ever Offered in Fine Pliotography RERIESTUDIO, 1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON A' S LOWEST PR ,-ýSTORA4 'Larqest and Suf est y No rth Sh ore 's Grea tes t CleaingBargain GARMENTS FOR $ 60% M ,76%~ I Dr gay en" ,r.pomd tsa E"i IBRING PURS and GARMENTS to a STERLING STORE .r DIRECT t. VAULT at 616 SOUJTH MICHIGAN AVE. Cash &Carry-Plus las. I565 SHERMAN AV. FOIJNTAIN SQUARBE .SOUTIR OP DAVIS L Phone Grnleaf 8812 or 9795 702 M AIN STREET 2 f0018 WIEST OP M"ý STATION foi. . . s e R UNI. 8998