The bundredtli anniversary of the, birtb of Brabms (May 7) will be cele-' brated in a festival of lus music ta be given by tbe University of Chicage Music society' on May 25, 26 and 27. This, series is-made possible by the existence of tbe University of Chicago* orcbestra. It.. was founded onlv ini 101. But tbrougb the energy of. its coniductor,'Carl Bricken, it is already winniing a significant place tiot oilly in tbe, university, but also iniiï,musical Chicago at large. With the orchetra will be associated. Mack. Evans'. uni- vërsity. cboir and the University of Chicago chorus. The later. <onducte<l by Cecil Smitb, will, malc.e its first important appearance at 'the f orth- ,coming festival. Festival Prograuns The first two festival prograinis il! j~ be given in .Mandel hall. On the evening of May 25 tbe "Tafellied(." J,î the "lLove Song Waltzés," the rhaî>- , Sody an d the "'Song of Fate" wiii be sung. On tbe following evening Egon Petri ivill play tbe B flat piano con- certo and Mr. Bricken w'ill conduet the "Variations on a TIec ~ Haydn" and the first sympbony. Claire Dux and a baritone tiot yet engaged will sing in Brabms' "A Ger- man Requiem" on Saturday nlighlt at the University of Chicago chapel. This will be a private performiaice t-o wbicb will be invited subcriber> to the fit-st two . concerts and other guests. Other Brahmsm Performances By a curious coincidence the sanie year in whicb occurs the Brahinis centenary witnesses also tbe fiftieth anniversary of the death of Wigner. During tbeir lifetime,, Vienna hiad made ~these twço great figures antag- 1 onists, of conflicting musical- debate. and.while Brahms and-Wagner Nwere never intimates, there %,as of, course no personal animosity between thern., * frahms, indeed, even selected Xag- nerian passages, (the "VenusL>erg' music in bis second symphony and 7Thé- moS1 cxciting >,n1-i .iC ews this sprinq is the' a/peara,,ce of Laîvrepie Tibbett in ý"The E»î-r Pero;' Jones," at the ,Ii.dil.briiiie fheater on Fridày c.zeitiing,3Ma.y S. Uir. Tibb.,tt zvill sing the titie role. 1 IliS Opera will be coupled with a performance of "Pagliacci," in which Mr. Tibbett will play T1onio and Maria Chamlee wilI sing the role of . Canio.. Others in the cast of "Pagliacci" are Marionv Claire as Nadda, Giuseppe Cavadori as Beppe, and Mario Fiorella as Silvia. Botb operas are'being conducted by Isaac Van Groveý As a play, "The Emperor Jones," written by Eugene O'Neill, was pop- ular enougb but wben Louis Gruen- berg set it te music -it, became in New York-, one of the most sensa- tional operatic events of several sea- sons, and Mr. Tibbett made the hit of bis life. Sidney 'Silber of Wilmette, teacher Luncheon Mav 8, and concert pianist, vtill appear in a musicale on Sunday afternoon in The annual spring luncheon of the Curtiss bal. tentb floor of the Fine Lake View Musical society wilI be Arts building.:,1He wilI be assisted by held on May 8 at tlhe Drake hotel. It Mme. Else Hartban Arendt, soprano, is to be joint meeting with the Musi- and Mme. Luélla Canterbury- dra. clans Club of Womenp. A splendid pro- niatic interpreter. The audience wî grm bs been arranged'and a large be invited 'to meet.'the artists at a attendance is expected. reception and tea'immediately after On Monday afternoon, April .24, the the prograrn. A smfaIl admission will active niembers and guests of theLake be charged to defray incidentai ex'- View Musiical society were entertained penises. A inited number of ;tickets at the. borne of Mrs.,Jutian Clay Risk, may be bad at Mr. Silber's residence, 787 Foxdale avenue, WVinnetka. The 606* WVashington, avenue, Wilnette. program was given by Vesta Murray Sunday's psrogram is as follows: Watkins, Lurena H. Winston, go- Sarabande ........ Ranieau-MacDowell pranos; Lucile Turner, violinist; Mar- Larghetto, from "Coronaion Concerto" ......... MozartFrma an. Knoblaùch and Charlotte1 Holenia, Rhapsody, 1 G minofr.. ....Brahm-4 pianists.. These young artists, al mem- Mr. SUiber bers of the society, are especially gifted Aria, "Dieh itheure palle- rron "annauer". age and gave their numbers most :effec- Matiie. Ar1dttively. The Nightingale atnd the Ito-e Wilde. Later Mrs. Wallace F. Grosvenor of (Mu1sk(-aj setting by Pauil Blisî4) Cicgan r.V..Weoltf mrs. Canterbury CiaoadMs .A iblto ÀVr., Suber at the piano Kenilwortb presided over the tea table "Aielua"from "Sc antata".. Bach wvich looked very attractive with its Mme. Arendt Nocturne, P-sharp Chopin peachi colored cloth, 61d silver and Col- Waitz, A-flat, Op. 64,No.' Chopi onai .glass. flowers in shades Maizurka,. A minor, Op. 67, 1 1 of peach, rose, and lavendar added iNo. 4 Chopin their charni to the occasion. About Sc(herzo. nminor Coi Mr. Sulber sixty-eight members attended the mueet-_ ing. Mrs. Herbert Alden Seymour, preqident, addressed' the: group, and NX U. Concert Band 1j Miss Grace F. Seiherling announced in Program Wednesday*lteiîmes 1A prograîn of concert band music j lv the Nortbwestern universitv band ý harles Baker in Debut Iwill lie given Wednesday e'nnf R ctlN x usa May 10, at 8:15 in the Patten gv-inna- 1Y sium. It will include numbers bv the. Charles Baker, pianist, of Evanston, .105 piece concert baud, an instru- I ob rsue i eu eia mental ensemble, and a nien's choruis. IWtb Ludlow Wbite, baritone, at Kimi- Te prograni, which will be coudullczed . bail hall MNav Il. liv Glenn Cliffe Bainurni is aý, follom-s:- Mr. Baker is a graduate of tlie L. 'Knlghts of the Kinig"-'t-eonial! Xorthwestern Uniiversity- School o)t Grand March.......Ketéibey Msi havingseiaie1 hee i 2. Overtuire-"Mermaîids of the Modau" orgic, churchgand chal music, Il, (new)........RozkoSny oglcuciadcoa nsc 3.: Syniphony ZNo. 4 in D :.linor ... studi.ed organ wYith Horace White-, ....Schuna nn house, composition with. Arne, Old- a. Romanza .Iberg, and.her with Dean Beecher. ýb. Fluale. her 4. (a) "The Girl with> the Flaxen Ha ir', During. his. senior year, ie was initi- .....b.. ssy ated into Pi Kappa Lamda atoa (b) 'eGolli wogs Cake Walk- hIol r music fraternity. .Debussy oo -r 5. I4ýArieienne"-siuite No. Bizet He is' studing piano with Agne-; ai. Pastorale Hope Pillsbury, and is a former ptllàil b. inter-mezzo ,o amrHrm oho hcgo c. Farandole O Dgna-Hreib -hofChcao and in i.inj am gi JULIe dUof ÇJfm ric a î st o the outstanding cellists in Chi- B ertha O tt, R osaliinda Morini fa- andin ttedane.Churches are of the League fAei Pen cago, and bis artistry and talent are mous colaratura soprano, who re- asked ta lay particular eniphasis oti Women at the New Willard botel. respected and admired b h r-f,-cie e uia riigi mrc their music for Sunday. the seventit. April 22, Harlan Randal, baritone. sioti. w1w the prfa evdb r uscltaMissn luAric a Mrs. H. B. Vauzwoll and Elaine De singing it. Mr. and Mrs. Randaîl and Mr.. Saidenber- fbas recentIv l)een born and: educated in this cotintrv Sellem 'are co-chairmien for Nationial Miss Fergus were guests of honor seen as conductor of a chaniber or- and after, receiving l'er: musical Music Week. M Margaret Lester is: and seated at, the table with Mrs. chestra composedl of mnembers. of the tVing wnttaTtlé hr u chairman of the district.. Franklin D. Roosevelt.ChagSypon. .sagithledgoprbue. 'j <'I 4 t'