BOOKS Chlldrenos books. 38e Little Orplan Annie series, and the Children of A1l Lands Stories. Globes. 75e Table' globes 6 i. in dia- mineterz fine coloring, clear. surface, full brass mieridiani and time dial attached; set. inwood base. First Floor INFANTS) APPAREL Beys, scîts, $1.45 Fine h.IroadelIoth. linen or sýilk pongee; assorted colors; sizes 2, 3 and -1. .For lit de girls; lawn ordotted Swiss;, daiimtily trirmeéd ini lae and fine ettibroiderv;- 1, 2 and 3years. Coveralis, $1 Checked ginEiîam, witil Men's shorts, 35e Fancy woven mnaterial or, plain white. Athietie shirts. 35c Mlercerized Swiss, ribbed shirts. Foulard ties, 85c Iland-made; fancy patterns. Handlierchlets, 8 for S1 Pure linen; fui! rize for inen. Gol hose, pair, 65e Aill-wool; plain, fancy colors.. IWen's liose, pair, 22e. Rayon and rayon and. lisie mh xtures. First Floor Plaid trousers, 84.95 Glenn plaids in fine all-wool fabries; pleated slack, stye Sweaters, 83.50 Fine aipaca wool. Flannel coats, 88.50 Blue flannel for spQrts or dress; single or Souble- breasted. Second Floor CURTAINS Triple flounce;, 34 in . x 21/4,yds., Gauze curtains, pair, Sic' T7ailored cotton gauze; 33 ins. x 21/4 yds. cottage sets, each, 8si Attractive Sunimer curtains for the kitchen. Sash cartaîns, pair, $1 Checked pattern in voile. Fifth, Floor GIRLS' APPAREL, hume red or navy fluomîel jackets, double breasted, with zuetal buttons. Wasla dresses, 81.95, $2.95 A new and interesting idea in wash dresses; ail sizes. Palamas, $1.95 Pongee lounging pajamas with bright colored coat; 8 to 16. Second Floow SOAPB AND TOILET GOODS Castile soap, dozen, 75e Field's Olive Ou lcastile. Fild's loups, 2 doz.. si. Conbination specia1 Of l. dozen Field's Seciltolet soap ammid 1 dozen Field's ilard and Soft water soap. Fontaine soap, bar, S1 Frenchi cas tie. HOUSE- FURNISHINGS Folding; sturdily construct. ed; medium size; specia. Chromium plated; 6-lb, size;9 without cord. Heating pads, si Good quaiity; light brownù covering; limited quantity. Wax paper, 5rli,8 For wrapping foods. Lower Floor HOUSEHOLD LINENS Sheets, each. sec Fine quality muelin; flrunly woven, smnootb and long wearing; 81 x 99 inches or 72 x 108 inches.~. Poliowcases, encla. 13e Fine quality muslin; 4S.x 36 inches. Diaukets, $1 Indian type; pfart wool; choice of several1 colors; 66«. 80 ins. Luncheon sets, $2 AII-linen iW 4 colors;, S5.4 z 70 ins. with 6 napkins. Bath tovels, each, Sec Extra size a.nd absorbent; white with colored border. DIsh toweis, 6 for 75e Part linen; borders ini green or blue. CHURCH AND H -R MAN LýD C.OM P A.NY j