st FRIDAY NOTION Cbests. 65C For storage; large iz Motb proofclothes cabinets. Cedar bags, 3 fer. 68e Milo .edar bags, 58 ins. long. Rotez, Ki-eenex, BBc Combination of 4 Kotex and 2KleneL, First Fleer ACCZSSORIES, STATIONERY Chiffo n bos, pair, 48e Excellent wearilg qualities; in thle popular colors for Spring. Fabrie gioves, pair, 65e New, interestin g novelty gloves in white, eggshell and beige. Pattieian hosiery, 81.45 Special .selling; SI-gauge; ringrain; also in extra lengtli and clocked chiffon.ý For children; iiassorted patternls. Ilauuubausï $1.95 A selection of leather and SATURDAY INGERIE FOUNDATION: Sllk Slips, $1.65 *Bias eut costume slips with shadow panel,; Alencon pat- tern lace trim and tailored. Pantie slips. 81.95 Tearose or white silk; lace trimmed. 51kPalamas, 82.95 Floral designs with contrasi - ing fagofing'at neckline; 2- piece style; wide trousers. Tub #rocks, 81.95 Pique, voile,, linen, dotted S wiss88And prints; short eleeves or sleeveless; selec. tion of styles and colore; sizes 14 to 46. Sutumer corsettes, $2 AIIiipone of Sumnmer mesli *fabrie;. firimly boned inforced; lace bust. SHOESg White shees, $3.95 A grand assortment of white ii mesh pumps, ties and straps, with high, miedium. ,or Iow. beels; also in beige. Sandais, 82 to 82.75 Barefoot sandals for cbil- dren; white and brown or brown and natural elk; 5î Il1j2 to 3, $2.75 Firit Fi... YARD GOODS Dress linen, yE., 38e Non-crushab 'le; large *selce. tionof colors; wide. Batiste uIgmity, yd.. 22e Printed in new spring colors and designs, Crepe, yd.. 58e AlI1-silk and pri nted; 40 ins. widei ThiIrd Floor CANDIES DELICACIES Saited nuts. lb., 50e Assorted. Nut Iudge, lb.. 35' Cboeolateso'3 Ibo., Sic Or genecral.assortmenit of' ChIcken, 3 tins. $1 Lynden's roast chicken. Chieken a la king, 2 for 55e Derby brand. Berries, 3 2-1b. tins, 60e Red raSpberries, strawber- ries, or black raspberries. CoEtee, 3,lbs.. 80c 3-Ib. ,tin, of Marshall Field Special.or Chase &Sanborn Green Briar coffee. BOYS' APPAREL S TON STO IARSHý.A LL IE ( I a I ~rJ 'I s a 'j T E H v