Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 1

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VILLAGE YEAR New~ Board 'Members Take Oath TÉuesday; Department Heads Reappointed Village President C. P. Duhl>s and t ie village trustees who were elected on lAp)ril 18 formally tookover ,the duties of office Tuesday night.. wheni the new Village board held its, first Meeting. Thé. oatbs of office ;Werc adiinistered by Village Clerk NiCh1.- olas P. Miller.' Walter C. Farrar and Clinton B. Cochran. are 'the two new, menihers of the Village board. Arthur Lee was.,reelected a trustee. .The, hold- over trustees are: H1arrv C; Kinne. Joseph Heinzen and S. N., Tidernan. Harry 'W. Miller, W.was ree.lect- ed Village, treasurer, was tinable to be -present at' the, board mneeting Tuesdav to takeJ bis oath of office becaluse of illness* N.*ice Reappointed Oni recommnendation of V'illage 1resident -I)ubhs the Villagelboardl rcapl)oiitted Wlls1). Nanice village. letor. " i, -. .Kervillage col-, ..Dr. NlartiiIl. S cifert, health Coni- nîîl"s onr.(ief. or P(olice fentry Bralutigalli. ire Cliief \Valter ZjbbJie, I 111uilling Ciuiso B. H-. Platt alid (l Sperlinteitîdenit of Public Work, C. C. Schultz werc reappoiiited by the. board ()il reconîmiend(atio o \'ilia.ge Ntaiager C. MI. Oshorul.Al uftîtese appoinftees %Vithi the excep- tioni of D)r. Seifert, whlo w.as not pres- (:lt at the mneeitng. took thecir oatits C. Mt. Osboru colanties as, ,Illagc2 iianIlager. The appo)(intinenit of the manager is donc iil accort.ance ,itk a ,V7illagV riaic.The utanager serves in(lchfititelN,. Namnes Committees A ppoilntment of staîidinlg Commit- teces of the Village board 'Was ail- itutellv Village Presidenit C. P. *I)ubhs Tiiesdav nighit and was Con- euirred inIi lv the board. The coin- ines' are as follows: MAY le uiic F NORTHRIDGE MEETING MYl New Ti The regular May meeting of the Public.[ Nort bridge Wornan's club will hé lield at the home of Mrs. William Hughes. Recreati 197Greenwood avenue, on Monday SOCiety evemng, May 'l0. Next Thursday Night 'l'lie fortieth anniversary of the founiding of Ye Olde Toviie Folkes, an organization coniposed of XVilpîectte residents Who have- ved in the Village twentv--f1ive years, or mo re, will be: celebrated Thursday nigbt, May Il. Ye Olde Towîîe Foikes wvill hold their an- * îiual meeting anîd dinner that nighit in the. auditorium of thè \Vilîniette 1iasonic temple. Dinner wilI be sc rved at (j:30,o'cloék and will be followed by- entertalumnent and a S ocial hou r, it is aànnounlcedl. The organiizat ionl lias a meinhier- ship of two hundred. Other res 1i- densoffh Village who have be corne eligible for memb ership iin the past year by virtue of having- lived in - Wilmette t-,wenty-five, years :have, been, extended an in- vitation to get in touch with MiSs Georgia Watson, secretary of the organ iza-tion, \%Wihuette 2067, or with Eàrl E. Orner, president. XVil1- mette 4. The dinner, and meeting will be entirely -informiai, it is announced. Reservations for the din ner should be made:çwitii George R. Har- haugb h. treasurer of the orgamiza- tion. 1-119 Forest avenue. Seed Park Property; Curtail Play Space Welfare Board 1[P T A. SP AKER th n~vfor Relief W T.A. SEAKE Aievorganizaiion to be nw r rn,ýAdltet. ie teKenitvorth Welfare board is be-,D.FakAdeot oGv f mdt han dle Welfare and r- Addre sBt' New Trier; lief wrkii Kenilworth. This work; P.. A. to lElect Oflicers fornîetèrly ivas aken care of by the i philanthropic committee of the Keni-' Dr. Frank Aydelotte. president of ilwvortlh Neighbors, but i t lias grown Siwarthm ore c ollege,, who is to be the tosucb an extent, dueý to, econoiec speaker a the general meeting of conditions, that it was, feit a. 'ré.p the -New Trier Parent-Teacher asso- representing ail orgaiiizations i the' ciati!on Montday, May 8.lbas an educa- village should handie it. tional. career extending over, a period Last Sunday, afternoont a meeting of more.than thirty years. of citizens wvas held in thé' Kenýilworth. Since. 1921 Dr. Aydelotte lias. beeni [Assemblye hall for the purpose of president of Swarthmore and. prior to discussing "the, orgka1ization of the that lie taught Eniglisb in several ýil%- pernmanent %velfare board. Presi- other colleges and universities, in- (lentsof the Village -board, the school cluding the University of Indiana,' board. the Park board and the of- froin which lie was graduiat.ed in ficiais of, the Kenilworth. Union 19W0, and the Massachusetts Institute Chiurch, thie Church of the Holy Coin- of Tecbnology for 20 %vears. Dr. forter, t!e Kenilworth club and the Avdeiotte received his Master of Arts Kenlilworth eli ighbors were request- degree f rom Harvard, il, 1903,. and ed to selct acitizen fromi the coin- silice then lhas been given a number il, ut v-at -large to serve as general of lhonorary degrees. , He was a cliairitii of the welfare board. The Rhodes scholar froin Indiana to Ox- comnittee also will select an « ad- ford iiniversity froin 1905 to 1907. iniistrator of relief, who will take Leader in Education care of the detail, work sncb. as in.- v-estigatliotn of cases. He-leias heen a leadîing figure ini ed- Th lnis to havea comimittee ucatioiial circles over a long period iinmbering about flfteen?. Presidents o'eal ine125b adsobee of the various boards in the village chairn.an of the educationalaior %vilI serve on the committee togetherl board of the John Simion Guggen- heim Memorial foundation. For ý%itli Other, representative citizens. eleven years lie hias been a member of the division of educational rela- ruperty ofthte JKenîiworth Park UI"Oid u.pCfl ouse at district between Cuminor road and. the> Avoca Scho.'oI Friday Chicago, North Shore and Milwvau- 'lleAoaslo, ctdon sh kee railroad 'rîglt-of-wva\ across the c i vc col oae nAh stretfron he ospliSers cholland aventue west of Locust road, bsee on heitsehi gras seeoandwill hold ail openl bouse for parents wil so be awi vaibe fraschool pîay-dFriday. afternoon of this week, Mrs.' ground work for the remainder "of GehCinbll hepinialhs1n the preserit séhool yer it1ited. Froi1, to 3 o'clock classes. Josep Seas puils re cnflnng bc'e field -as usual. Brief talks: by the plarund activiaies tôfipith eve seventbh and eigbth grade, scbool grounds. Thethepupils will be given froin 3 to 3:30* .scoo gruns. he 'boys i the, o'clock. The talks will be followed tliree gymnasiin classés who liad by a spelling match in which the been playing !basebali on the Park -flftb and sixthi grade pupils will take dlistrict property are now plaviîtg in-M lnbl i atclr. çloor hall on the school ground(s part 1 ~' ag............. rier News..... 26-27 Forum ...........8 tion Page....8 Page .........34 i ta appa, of the 1rnerican Acad- emy f Poitial ad SoialScience, of thje Association of Americant Col- leges and of various otber educational groups. . I 1925 be was president of the Association of American Colleges. Author àmd Editor Dr. Aydelotte also is an author and editor of note. He wrote Eliza- bethan Rogues and Vagabonds (1913), College English (1913) and The Ox- ford Stamp (1917). He was editr of National bank in Chicago as deposi- larger salaries.- Employees tories for 'Village funds during the smaller salaries were "écut coming year. This action was taken salary reduction effective on recommendation of Trustee Harry in addition to an averagex C. Kinne, cliairman of the judiciarv about 10 percent for all committee. emnployes a year ago.

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