Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 26

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Final Voting on. Tri-Ship Award The final voting for the Tri-Ship award took place, on Tuesday, May: 2, in aIl the boys' adviser roois -cf New Trier. Each boy indicated a. first, sec- ond, and third choice on the, mimeo- .grapbed ballot distributed by the Tri- Sbip club. for that purpose. In the tabulation cf the votes, eachfirst count- ed'tbree. points; a second, two, anda third, one. On Friday, April 28, the':iicinu..tee cf juniors appointed for tbis purpose by the Tri-Ship club fromn the junior, representatives, announcèed the -naines whicb bhad been chosen for the final ballot. Fri the results cf the.prFe- liminary balloting cf the adviser roorns, the followifig nine. boys were chosen: John Ballenger, Vic Hanson, Bill Heyn, Bill Nerdburg,ý Bob Seiler, Dick Steen, Cecil Williahs, Stan Schuman and AI Rossinan. To Withliold Amouncenent. The winner of this award will net be anneunced publicly until the last scbeci assembly late in May. Until that turne only the chairman cf the, comniittee and F. D. Frisbie wili know the results of the election. The Tri-Ship award is unique in that it is the only honorary scheol award given without any faculty con- trol. This award, bestowed this year for the fi fth time, is won by the New ion, but that is net a requirement. The winine r cf this award, besides hbaving tbe satisfaction cf baving cb- tained the highest honor New Trier cari give a boy,, bas bis naine added. te the plaque hangitng in the Tri-Ship rom and is given. a Silver cup en- graved with a suitable inscription.' List Four Former Winners When tbis time relis around each year it is interesting to recail tbe f or- Scheduled for June 5 Latest dispatches f rom the Echoes office reveal that the, an- nual, if present plans mnature, will be distributed on june 5.- The, snapshot pages, prepared by Clyde Murphy, promise to be the bigh ,;Pot of the books. Thepîctur *es -are aIl good and. the tities are most amusing and provocative' of tbought, it is announced. Another unusual feature will be I çtn-a1 crvtne by Dick Oppenheinm, Bob Green- halgh and Jim Donovan. Dwight Green, business man- ager, and Allen Rossman, ci rcula- tion'manager, will start collecting the other paymnent (second dollar) on May 22,. No books will be issuedto those who have flot made their second' payment. Forty Boys Organize Class in Gymnastics A group cf forty boys, mainly seniors, recently organized a class in gymnastics under the direction cf, D. H. Showley and J. R. Smith. A spe- cial room in the gym, equipped with mest cf the apparatus needed in this type cf work, has been set aside soiely for this purpose for the re- mainder cf the year. F,,niIîmenft1 andI aAdra,,~u-l *t,,r nd 1nar2 the improper use of this equipment, it is necessary te unmit the use of the room to those definitely irterested in tbe sport and intending te stay witb it,ý the 'leaders explain. Anyone in- terested may sign.up with.Mn. Sbow-. ley in, the I-M' sports' office. Lens Club and Guests Learn of Lithographv' Juniors Go> Two Jnterclass Reiays The finals cf the interclass track relays were run off last week iii the fieldhouse. The usual bet in inter- ciaas sports, the1 seniors,. triumphed in onlly one cf. the four.events. The, winner cf this event was Condcn's adviser rocin, a group which' reg- uiarly gets more. than -its share cf. awards., In winning, the team comù- .Walpolée, Morris, Norris, and Hicks knocked, three-tenths. cf a second from the old scbeol record cf .25.8 estabiisbed by Reiley's former adviser rccm. Waters and W. S. Brown were the winners for theý junior class, the former .'rocin winning, the three-lap event, and the. latteri- the onie-lap. 'Waters",team, composeci cf Wood, Bridges, Bucklin aind Boehmer, ccv- ered the distance .in 4:40. Minor, Cullen, Young anid Harrison were the runners on the winning one-lap team. Their time was 1:17.4, a few tenths cf a second* off the school record. In this race Delaporte's sophomores forced Brown's juniors te extend themselves te the limit te win by less than a foot. These saie sophomores were the victors ini the two-lap race, the team cf Kurtz, Bettcber, Klienhoffen and Kaspar winning ini 2:54.2. Now that the. New Trier Stamp club's >nnual exhibit is over, plans are being fermulated to take some cf the best exhibits te seve rai libraries 'cf the township, as' bas been done in other- years. There were five, classes inte wbich exhibits were enter«l: general, single foreign counitry, air mail, United States, and special (covers, cancellations, etc ), the two best exhibits cf eacb class being awarded ribbons. G1 Are Assernbly The Girls' Athletic association held an :asseibly for thé. presentatien c mnerais and awards on Friday, April 2.The assenibly'was openedWith .a song led by Mrs. Marian, Cotton. Jane Waidner,. the, presidenit, introduiced the speakers, the first of whom was Miss, May. P. Fogg Who spoke .on "4Activ'- ities."1 The, following heads of. sports then gave brief1 repor ts o n what was to bappeti during their spring season: Lois Tucker, golf; Barbara Wilder. swiniming; Elsa Carlen, arcbery - jean McConniell, tennis, and Jeanne 'Stout. basebaîl. Matthew P. Gaffney, principal of New Trier Ifigh school, gave 'a briei talk and presentecl the awards. The nurnerals were given te girls wbo hacl made first. teais and, who had- net ai- ready won thein. Giveai Athletic Awards The foiiowing girls received 300- point N. T. G. A. A. awards. seniors- Elizabeth Casseils, Marjerie Felsen-,* thal, Geneviýve Johnson and Helen Maistrovitch iuniors-Treu4 Chris- and Kathlyn Holway; sophomores - Thalia Banning, Betty Barr, Dorotby Helway, Betty Hardling, June Sten- son, Cynthia Walsb, May Weiiier and Dorotby Richards. The following girls received. 500-' point "ýN",s: seniors - Eiieen Burke, Jesephine Dahm, Ameni Ediniger, Bar- bara :Anne Munn, Virginia Smith,, Jeanne Stout, Dorotby Voilman and Barbara Wilder; juniors -. Elizabeth Barden. a $ZbU scuoL for the year Ail three s recognitionm e ability ini sc teliectual'l'ça originahity.ý 34. ships were given in POSTPONE DANCE PROGRAM ual and outstanding Due te, unavoidable developinents, the hip, social and in- Diana Huebert dance prograin sched- p, adaptabiity and uied for Friday, May 5, bas been ini- definitely postponed. air mail covers, arid collections cf sfamps. Members cf the stamp club and visitors, some frein the neighboring granniar schools which were notified. in advance, saw mnany unusual and in- tenestirig 'exhibits. Murin, Mary jane JEJder, jean Has- kins, Florence, Carey, Nancy Fisher and Virginia Smith., The play, "The Youngest," wiii be given on Jutne 2 and 3-- e 'i- ', - _'. * 1 , à - .. ' wurK - - 1

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