d«.. M Alton. tender MUSH wLuiE TI LETm Choce arg, ý2 beha. 25c ROOM.S. Extra fancy buttons. I-lb, box 27c T UCE . Crispyj NEW- P01tA TOESt.: 2 forL5e Red lus 29C Coipfire c., & H. Pure ca. Quinhin Packed 6 in tin. Cim ......... 6 : BIO: THREE, B: DAY DLLARSAE MONAIRCH CANNED' 1'OODS MONARVH #OIUC & BEAN14. 16 cans $1 MONARCH PREPARED SPAGHETTI. Il2 aa$1I IMONARCH CATSUP.I MONARC«H VINER FOODS lNDEpN B, ure a 'Whale ot a Lot' ADCES Probably nover again in our I luiewila Dolr goso far intepurcha8e off Finer Foods ik-f kt - a dùingour 3-Day Dollar MONARCH l'PRESER VES. Large Ass't Wie They Lut COFEE& TF-A. 3-bp. Mouarch Coffe. 1/'-lb. eau' iPeko ea ot o. s Fli MONARCII JELLIES. 10-os. $ vors 7 tumblers TOMATO SOUP, Mooarch" l6cais for $1i uow at the bottoîne. now is the time to buy . . .to fihlpan- try shelves, and to stock uap the storeroouu. Yoü'li be 8urprised at what a "whale off a lot" of Fluer Foode your Dollar will buy. 6No /p aRn S Skiluand Boneles.. 6l"ge$1 mresh Ground Deet (B3y R.quest> iTHURSDAY, FRIDAY and SAT- URDAY oniy. No phone ordors or ------------------ THME mu, .IAEDOR£ SFor THURSDAY, _______URDAY ouly. Ni -.1_----------- FItIDAY and SAT- Io phoneonodes.,or.' rM'e. "p et C"SECA Galvanized pail filed with follow- 31 Bars Camnay Soap 1 Large package Chipso 1 Bar medium leor.y Soap 3 Bars P. & G. White Napbtha Ail for U7