1 We w iI11gladly Prices in EEect flaurs., Fr,. mmd-Sat.May 4.5-6 I acceut RELIEF I CERTIFICAfES I ULT jjKIi~IMEATV± .uH STEAK P-operly &Kage 27ý 1Tikof, Nrth Shore Juamb Squab. dre.d e. 3 5c Peaeoeik Hms Xnown as the' linest luafgaver, anfd the "to t.e,,la quallty and satlstactIon. Ail aimes 1MEAT PRIme BizEi Chuok ROAUT Tenider aund juiey, lb. 12e cu-red2 e U SA2GE 2 25c ' Genumue Fresi Calîvez' Sweet Breada 2 Milk Fed Shoulder Vea RtOASTED bCIK STUFFED. Roasted to a golden brown, serves, 4 nioely. Emeli............ FREE-I piut Vegetable Salad MlUSHROOM CHOP ýSUEY. The POTATO, SALAD, Creamed o ,tallc of,"ti,.North Shor.. PlRipp I iin. fluff iîcefre..e1cpat2 psJ Z9c ~ ~ i p-tg. WIVEGETABLE HEALTH SALAD. BAKED HAM. Or Rooseveit SaIa& p. DOMETICamiIPREDCES Oar Cheese »epartment. laone, er the Moest .banltary ou the North Shore. Our tremieudous vidume et sales guaramteem you f resh foodu atolal tlmnet. Week end speelalu en oheeme itemis are: Phladeiphia' 3pkgs.J3 New York Aged to a WISÇONSIN FULL CREAM BRICK. Fief sn w ihs...~U . L 7 State HERKIMER. AMe-ICAN CHEDDAR. Fine fe Rreitetc., 2 1 ibank. Genuine grade. 8 to 9 Ibo. average. Lb. each %pW tY PIES. freahsftrawberries, largé ge3x J . FANCY BREAD.. &bid mut, or whole toiast r Cuamon, date, ANGEL or DEVI!. FOOD CAKE. wheat mut._For* Chocolat, or Vanille icec. d 4% ....Ib. .... 1k tésted M o f Fe9C4 ....b... 2 C V ... .. .. 2. ..dom. ý 1