the treshinan speakers indicated to Debate *Coach Chester E;. M'acI.ean that prospects are excellent for a continuance nexct year of New Trier's outstanding record in the forensic field, Qnly one member of -the New Trier teanis that debated last Friday was an upperclassmený."Jn izead member of. the -VNarsity teain. sub- stituted for Elmer Stone,, a freshman, on the affirmative teain becatise of illness in the Stonie* famiIy. The other two members of thé affirmative team for New Trier Were Mary Neeves and Mary, Williams.., Coach MacLean, who hear-d the dehate between the New Trier :af- firmative andý the 'Maine negative, stated tbat Mary Neeves did partic- ularly effective, work in rebuttal and that the - constructive argument of jane Fitzgeral d was,, excellent. in general,1 the freshman tearns have worked bard, Mr. . Macean s aid. The negative team. w-hich' repre-i sented New Trier at Maine was coin- posed of Marjorie Wood, first speak- er, Frank Randall, second speaker, and Florence Hagenah, -last speaker. Roth debates wýere no-decision af- fairs. The question, disciissed was, - Resolved, that at Ieast, one-haif of! the revenue for state and local, pur-. poses should be derived froîi sources, Other than tangible property." Great Modern Drama to i Be Congregation Themel "Yoshe Kalb-A Masterpiece ofý *Modern Drama" wiIl be the siibjectý of the address bv Rabbi Charles E.ý Shulman at the North Shore Congre- gation Israel services Sunda.v morn-: ing. May î, at. 10:45 o'clock in the temple at Lincoln- and Vernon ave- nues. N41sic at the service wVil a Aon h'm . . . ... Fs NMichonoho . ...sul *Kedusha ..Stark-ShapIro [.et the Wordi (Traditional). Shapiro) Ântheni: "Gloria". A. Buzzl-Pecela So1n: 'T Wili Lift Up Mine Eyes. Unlto the HIls" .. .McDerruld struction to theC wickeO r and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquity?" (job 31:3).. Among the citations which coin- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing froin the Bible : "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole, matter: Fear9God. and keep bis command- ments: for this is the whole duty of man.. For God shal bring every work into j.udgment, with every' se- cret thing, -whether it be good or whether it be evil" (ci 12:13, 14). The lesson-sermon also included the f6llowing passages, from the Chri stian Science textbook, "Science and Health- with, Key to 'the Scrip- 1 §AT AND S PO RTS ISHOW AAiàVY Plan May thte litb nlsv Admission 40e, Chidren Sée. importont Items henry's 547 CHESTNUT ST.. for S( FACIALS' and Si SSPECIALIsTs N: Rewaving,«Ri4gl ~Leading Permanei &Martha's c'y SALON CIENTIF CÇALP TREATMETNT It and ail rnt Waves Ac- and sUnUb* cored: for mo'v., Our Fur Storage Voumi Art BONDID & STATE LICENSES, This is ais.. Fur Storage dîme. Call us for delailed ini- formation regording siomule and olher fur services. Mrs. W. H. Sinythe of 43 :Keiiil %vorth avenue, accomipanied by Mrs. WVilliamn A. Whittier of 51 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, are leav- ing today to motor to Bedford. Ind., where tbey wi11 visit the A. E. Dick- insons and will stop) in Louisville to. see the Derby. They will inchtde French Lick :Spriùgs on their way home. h WINN.ETKA 119 171C lh's House Cleaning Time. Our Naphiha Process Is Su.perior to Ail Others Nafphtha cleaned Furnishingo and cessories are absolutely sanitary possess restored life and heauty. Our prices are Iower than ever before and you'II find otur quality workmanship the most eemonomùical in thé long run. (OR7TH SIDE ciRANR41)YiRs ca