)orotlîv jaineMelit Mrs. D. W. Humn of Clear Lake. or trip recently to Iowa, is the bouse guest this weekvl drove through Hthe of Mrs. C. Roilin Smith, 1728 Iiilh- rv laavne SH-OP .JUSI ACROSS FROM THE DRAKE CLOTHES RACK 936 NORTH MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO THE, BE ST IN INEX- PENSIVE CLOTHES'... RANGING IN PRICE FROM 14.95 TO 24.95 ..TENNIS DRESSES AND COTIONS FROM 5.95 . .. COATS.. HATS. . . BATHING SUITS . . . HOSIERY Under the sarn. direction as THE SPORTS SIIOP, WE HOPE THAT YOU WILL'COME IN FOR A LOOK ýAT OUR NEW. 'SHOP WHEN YOU ARE.IN.TOWN. AND WEWOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL IF YOU WILL TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. Ai iir!n .lIrs. J. Il-. s'mithlof *1437 I l<te(tf4Capinouince the CIi/lqlï M l.elof. twir dauightcr. R~uthz. to -raik HIrifb y, sffiiof Mr. and IVs.. T!'. Hrub of Cieecro, Ill. *Miss Sut itis atfrnided' the lf,'ilipette, Grammor scitool and graditatedi from th e Aalfisickrodt Hlhh eool for Girls. rhe zwcddipiq is to fake. p /lace June 10. The *vou>uJ JColiple, 7cilI reside in Br-7,yi after a brie f lwmemoon. Wilmctte Youths, Win .-irinana i i.ryke, z4t waleigh roaci, Keilw,ýorth. The ceremony wili be performed, in the drawing room and attended oniy by~ the iiinmediate famiiiy and attend- ants* of the bride and bridegroom., Mfiss MclKeinney has seiected her cousin, Miss Jane -Peyckeof Kenil- Worthi toc be ber maid of honor, ain d Mrs. Alfred L. Stockebrand of ýEv- anston to be ber matron of honor. Albert Fens.ke of Chicago wviil serve as best inan. The Rev.. Leiand. H. Danforth of the Church of theý Holy Comforter in Keiiworth ivili read tbe service at 4 :30 o'clock, which W'iIl be foliowed by . the reception for more than a huhdred guests,. The honeym1oon destination of the. couple. has flot been revealed. JEntertaining in honor'of Miss Mc- Kenney.and Mr. Gates includes the linen shoiver. Miss Jane Peycke is giving in Keniiworth Saturday for the bride-to-be; the lingerie sbower at which Mrs. Alfred Stockebrand was 1iostess at her home in Evanston on TuesdaY, and the tea Aubert Moritz gave iast Sunday at his borne ni Keniiworth for the bride'and bride- groom elect. -The.bridai dinner ili be_ given in the Percke borne the evening preceding the wvedding. *Awards From College 1 Cordeli-Groif Wedding Two Walther leaguers of St. John's1 St rikes Spring Motif' Lutiieran cbuirch, WiInette, carred Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cordeil,1 923 off pri7es in an 'activities contest Greenleaf avenue, announce the mar- sponsored at Valparaiso university, riage of their daughter, Virginia, to ïValaraso, nd. bythe TalherRoger (zroff,. son of Nir. and Mrs. league. a Lutheran young people's Fri fBrmgoo Vd The 1zatonet'il. l sciensa nesday, April 19, in the Wilmette Th cots mld1 nb it sCongregational church. Rev.-John orations, debates, extemnporaneous 1G. Hindiev offciated, and Madame speaking, instrumentai and vocal \Iarie Bitter o hcg a h solos, choruses and quartets, ffiaysi, soloist. essays, an~d dramnatic reading.. Th e bride wore. a very attractive Howad Beser 145 cet 7a av- wîite lace dress ofprincess style'andi nue, was awarded first place ini ora- a. eilof wbite embroidered tulle tory and ais-o first place in extem-fsee ihoag isos h poraneous speaking. Eacboftheedres of ber attendants carried out honors includes a scboiarship to Výal- the spring motif, tbe maidt of honor, paraiso .university. is dt ca o Evno-. Marshal Peterson. 1334 X'an.'1pEit calofEas ýecond honons iii est. He is à junlior wearing pink organdy with cartwhéel sleeves and a h i..ae, -A - 976 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods i)eraii( Uap an Danel B- citeraine ni ~xa, aa LanlI Bone trait. bridge club Mond'ay of Iast week at They ail visited Berea college.. lunicheon at the Old Heidelberg Inn -0- at A Century of Progress. Mrs. A. A,. Roberts of Duluthb, 0 Minn., arrived Sunday on an in- Pierre Bontecou and famiiy of Day- de 'finite visit with ber 'sister, Mrs. J. ton', Objo,.,former residents of Wii- A.,' Haidermnan of 1015 Greenwood mette, have taken a bouse at 836 avenue.' Chestn.utavenue. uckv. Grass THE -NEW