be proud of. They were coir in this opinion by the prograr lowing the dinner in which v talenitd nmenibers of the clul several guest artists partici Among thiese were' Mrs. C Campbell, soprano; Paula Kraft a tap damcer; MssMary Jani vev who gave a piano selectio a reading by Edna St. Vincemi lay;,' and Miss 'Mary Nicholsor riecited "Hoîlie WVork" b.v C Otis Skinner.. During 'tht course- of the cy Miss Marion (Ortseiftni, tht Ot president, intr.odtictd ler succ NMiss Dorothy Pettinger, %vh turn, introduced tht rest of thé elected officers. Tht next event towards whic girls are working is thte early mer fashion show, and bridgei is given at tht Winmette an's clubon MWednesda.v evtning, 17, at 8 o'ciock. Tht proceëds m used for philarIthropic puirpos.-e ALPHA PHIlRE-UI1ON On \May 13 tht Beta clialit Alpha Phi, alumnac and active have a lunicheon and a reuii Alpha Phi bouise at Northwc universitv. .Mrs. Herbert V. Mesick, 3311 road, Keniiworth tnttrtaintd a some at lunclheon and bridge mn nesday. W,,earaZ ifirmeil vcrs'bILy 0LIIUUL usic 11i I£7. m. ÂL ., given in the Ulege auditorium on tm fol- Van Deursen isalso a Nortbwestern Friday evening, May 12, at 8 o'clock. various alumnlae and -was head of the voice The first number, spring, brings a b and departmttit at Augustana coilege, group of dancers, their draperies ipated. Sioux Fails,, S. D., 1930-31. gol4en as the daffodils and their Charles Mr. Van Deursen was acting head bailoons shimmeri'ng ini the glancing thefer, of the Huron. College School. of sunbeams.. e Fl-i Music, for the bienniumn 1929-31., He "1Eat Your. Spinach" is the theme on, and has resigned fromth University of song of the, hilarious Health Ballet. t M*I- Xynigt ceta ponmn Rotund ripe tomatots, cocky cab- ine ' W1 as head of the voice dlepartment, at bages,. and other vegetables, bluster- Ar lbaAîionî college. He Is, the son. of .. ing milk bottles and a sprightly red Mr. and,,Mrs., Charles Van Deursen pepper jester appear in person in the ývening ýof S,40: Eider lane, Winnetka and the fantastically, funny court of the stgoing grandson of. Mrs. Matilda Van Deur- VeeabeKingdom. ýcssr sen, 1101 Forest avenue, Wilmette. The Wheel of Indust-ry symbolizes ho, in thetproblem of tht present (lay and. introdces astrongplea or thnd newy DUGHERBORN the possibilities of the morrw n ch the Arda2,ug htcAoîe, vas orn on aexaltation of the human over 'thù sumn- Arl223tthfvnso osiaiss Dorothv Brooks of 832, machine. whicl r.Phli .ia,11 Sheridan road is chairma.» of the i Last of ail, in the, silvery shimmer won-* Ashland avenue. The Mays have an-; ,lsutefahoe Ma, other daugliter, joanne, 4 years old. erysm rfaho show and, of the moon-lit garden, appear the at- ~iU be Mrs. May is returnizrg home tîîis 1bridge to be Uivn editesday ednso h Myqente h week-enid with the baby. it'Veinig. -ila il 17, at 8 o'clock,-at queni' herseif". The identity of the _____________!I:-c IViil mette Woman's club as a qucen, choseti by vote-of the students beéne fit for- the Juiniors. of the for the girl wvho most nearly embodies, Miss itc Drake, 1221 Ahad îI7»ai Catholic Cliub of Wfil- the spirit of National, is a carefullN ter of! aven~ue, rétturiid on Stmiday front alj ;î,tl. Proceeds will go for philan- giiarrlcd secret, unknôwn. to tht e, will trip) of four da-ys ta 1)etroit. Mch Iiroîpi- pîrposes. :qucen hierself until a few momen1ts ion 'at Slie stoIpüd a niglit at Sturgîs and before she goes on the stage, and ýesteru also ,at Ann A ;rbor. *lier appeàrance brings tô a 1tumultu- -o- Piano Pupils of Wilmett c;0a hewek f excitenient Niiss Theresa Newberger, sister ofI Receive Special Mention an4! suspe seg e udrth fou x r- s. Wda% tr atu k 5 re - Paio p pl i E ih R y Y u g rection of Miss ý Etta M. M ount fWer- vwood anue. Glpren t lte fOr- of Wilmiette were g' \en special men- assistctdby. the pageantry, class, 'with: Wed jvist nd s t pesnt t ht r.tion and coininendation in the an- mubic utder the direction. of Miss rington hotel. ilual spring recital of tht CurtiÉ Loiuisc St., John Westervelt.. The -Class Piano course lheld April 29 at Mýfi s ses I)arothy Whitcomnbe, Nll the Studebaker theater. Those- froin Mac-ciiani and MIrs. L. L. Kîmbali Wî\'liiette whio took p)art ini tht recital1 are ini charge of costumes and the( were Doloe Dressel, S,'ally Edwards. i stage, set tings are the creation ot Edwin Roberts, Raymnond Amibler,' Mrs. Marguerite. C. Taylor., alil metu- Janet 'Rogers, M'alla-ce Rogers, Pa- 'b1er.s of the college faculty. The Straucli, Olive Dahnicke, Nyhi1a Btth, Callege Building fund. r-il fYates, and WV. K. Y.ates. Trhe pupils weepraised frthieir position a h in Pupils Give le '. t h ets. piano, beautifl tant. and perfect ti ectann "imet semble. eia-i lfee About 900 chiîdren, betveen the The pupils a f Dorothy L. Pound * e efor Your Type ages of 4: and 15 participated in tht met Saturday afternioon, April 22, for recital. '1hev came from tht Public , aciass recitai, the following having One great advantage schools in Chicago, twentv shuhs Iarticipated-, Marjorie 'Amos, Bobs anld nearby toivns. Thloinas. -Marcia Burnidt, Aveline in beinri dressed by Bowinani, joan Sinsheirner, Marioric Hann' i tht yo ca SCVENGR PRTYWeil, Patricia Fisher, Charlotte Hann is1-bt yu cn i SCAENGR PRTYLangui, jean Everson, David Gep- N.A.HANNA 952, Spanish Court Phone.MWtImtt. 467 INC. ] Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Ogden, 1.337 IAsbury avenue, Winnetka 'have Mrs. IOgden's mother, Mrs. Jessie H. Han- mon, as their guest for a f ew wels. visited NI rs.-42iarke's son and daugli- ter-ini-law%%, Mr. and Mrs. Guernme Clarke, 0o- Mrs. Frank Brown entertained the members of, her Tuesciay, club at luncheon at 'Shawnee this week.